AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I think you need to wait for the admin to approve? I don't know how long this takes. But here your post is visible so you can tell here haha
Hey everyone, Dean here. I am a long time user but brand new model on CB. I have picked up a ton of helpful advice and tips from here that I plan to try and implement in my streams. The community seems to be super supportive and interesting, so I figured I would sign up. TIA
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hi im dickboy a chaturbate cam model who s chaturbate account has been banned without a reason while my tokens are there... hope i will find a solution from members here
Hey, gaveedra on CB. I've been broadcasting for a while, but I've started devoting more time to it lately, and answers to some questions I've found in this forum have been super helpful. Thought I'd create an account so I could interact and learn more from people with more experience.
Hello SEXYWORKERS!! I'm Jillian and I stream on Chaturbate, MFC and Stripchat. My name is different on all of them because I'm an IDIOT. I'm Working on that though. I have a sexy milf/innocent girl next door vibe. Word of advice (from the new girl, I know); ALWAYS GOOGLE A SCREEN NAME BEFORE PRESSING SUBMIT! On Stripchat, my handle is KnottyNeighbor. I thought I was so clever and witty, using my love of bondage in my name. Knots...rope...bondage...
All shift, dudes come in and ask if i fuck pooches. AAHHHHHHHHH. I had no clue that even had a freaking term for it!! Yuck... actually I'm not going to kink sham--FUCK THAT! YES, I WILL. NO ANIMALS!!
Xo!!! Jillie
KinkyLilKumSlut --CB
Sinnypurfuct-- MFC
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Hey.. just some loony slowly climbing his way out of the trash folder. :clown:.
Ex-cam model on Chaturbate. Had a couple of accounts there over the years.

Looking to get back on Chaturbate as a broadcaster after some time away, and having some problems in doing so..
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I have been heart broken and scammed by a CB model. I want to report her to CB, not for a refund but just to warn them that she might scam others.
I have been heart broken and scammed by a CB model. I want to report her to CB, not for a refund but just to warn them that she might scam others.
sorry to hear that.. I am not sure what you mean by heart break or how far it goes but you gotta realise women do this all the time online... social media alone.. so the premise that someone would play with you who is a cam model doesnt suprise me.. but if you have been tipping and paying her you gotta wise up and realise its just business... would you fall in love with an escort?.. or a prostitute?... not saying thats what we are but you gotta see it for what it is... entertainment, stimulation, a quick wank... if she knows shes got you where she wants you tipping then why would she let up?... i dont agree with leading people into a false delusion and this is why its important to set boundaries, something I always made sure to do as a cam model myself over the years in the past.. people get addicted to this shit.. whether as a viewer or broadcaster, you gotta occupy the mind with other things.

Focus on a complaint and seeing if you can get some money back. Anything else, only you can control. If you wanna name and shame thats up to you, but depending on whats really gone on you could jsut be making yourslef look crazy or wasting your precious energy and time. Life is short. Talk to a new hot model, use the same liens of conversation and just use em for a quick wank a couple times a week... no harm done. You wont find love in a cam model mate... unless you watch me ;).. cus I think im great :h:.. (just kidding)

Just my two cents. Fuckin off out now clear my own head, need chocolate.
Hi all Alex and Anna here from gomayhem in CB!
I just made this account, because of the btc payment that didnt go trough :)
Anyway we are a couple that is in the adult industry:)
We just like having fun and entertaining our watchers :)
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Hello everyone,
I'm John (close enough to real name :) ). I started to watch and meet (virtually) model on cam4, and then discover chaturbate.
Love it since day 1! Had plenty of fun (and ofc, pleasure time) for 6years now.
When i'm not jerking off there, I'm between work, drinks with friends and video games.
Maybe I'll see you on cb :) Have fun, take care all!

I'm not a model, just a CB user.

Long time lurker who has found ACF interesting (and even pointed it out to a couple of models on CB).

Finally got round to registering
Hi, I am Bambi. I'm trans and looking at starting camming and want to spend the time to do it right. Looking at CB right now, but I know multi-streaming is where it is at. I have some ideas for being creative with my streams and I have a lot to learn 0_o
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Hello @punker barbie...please help cam model in website account have banned today...admin not warning or send message mail for me Ticket is :(20338042)...sorry my english is not good...Please help me...Thank you @punker barbie and website Chaturbate very much.
Hi All I finally found a HOME!!! Thanks for That!!! I Knight/Mod for a model on StripC and CB. I have been on StripC for 4 months and CB for a week. I'm here because Camgirlsproblem reddit forum bounced me out because they don't particularly like models support staff unless it's a spouse. Not cool, but I hope this is a better fit anyway as there is a Mod/Knight area. Thanks again! John
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Hi All I finally found a HOME!!! Thanks for That!!! I Knight/Mod for a model on StripC and CB. I have been on StripC for 4 months and CB for a week. I'm here because Camgirlsproblem reddit forum bounced me out because they don't particularly like models support staff unless it's a spouse. Not cool, but I hope this is a better fit anyway as there is a Mod/Knight area. Thanks again! John
Hi, There is not actually a mod/knight area here, and you will find many are rather negative towards the usefulness of Knights / mods. But if you are reasonably intelligent, and not a dick, you should be comfortable here ;)
Hey everyone! My name's Lexi Rosebud, I'm 26 and almost a year into the adult business; been shooting content for Redditors, had a very organised presence in ThotsBay (rip), still in xBunker and looking to expand my presence into camming. AmberCutie seems like the right place to start off since camming publicly (eg in CamSoda) is quite different than performing private shows on a one to one base. Thanks for hosting me! 😘
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