Hi, my name is Moby Dick, and Im in love with a cam model.
But My story is Different from all those others. MY cam model REALLY loves ME!
Yeah, I know, I’m in my 50’s and she hasn’t had her 20th birthday yet. She’s about a 15, and on a Good day I’m a 4.
But it’s TRUE LOVE!!
It doesn’t matter that we don’t speak each other’s language, or live in different countries.
We speak the language of Love!
She tells me All the time she wants me to be part of her life.
She says she Loves Me!
Haha, I love it when she says that!
In fact, I told her I like it So Much when she says that, that I would tip 100 tokens every time she did!!
That crazy Love of Mine! Haha!
She says it A LOT!
Some of it is just her teasing me, but she Really means it.
We have been an exclusive Item for about 6 months now.
My question to you all is this, I feel she may be ready for me to pop The Question!
She said she wants to take it to the Next Level.
She told me that she will know it’s REAL, for Sure, if I spend the 25,000 tokens for her MySpace access.
I want to prove to her My commitment, so I’m thinking it’s a no-brainer.
what do you all think?
True love, RIGHT!!!