Hey, y'all! My name is Jolene (but, please, call me Jo and can we not with that Dolly Parton song? Cool.) I have been camming casually since January, but have decided to throw my shoulder into it and 'get serious', as they say. I mostly stream to
MFC under JoleneSaysHi and, oddly, I feel most 'at-home' with that group of... children of the corn.
In a previous life, I was a research scientist, so a lot of my streams have "Ted Talk" sections. I've found it's much easier to teach science when you're topless. You've definitely got their attention, if nothing else.

I had NO IDEA how much
work this would turn into. I'm a millennial so I thought I had tech ~skills... I was wrong. Learning the ins and outs of live-streaming production has been wild. I spend at least an hour just setting up before I even login to a site. I'm not much for social media in my 'normal' life, but, as every performer knows, it's essential to being on cam. So, I'm learning how to be captivating and also that just because I think my Bitmoji dancing is adorable, it is not why people buy my Snap. I've always been playful in PhotoShop, so I'm pleased to say that making a graphic only takes me... 2-3 hours. Thankfully, I'm tenacious and naturally curious so the learning doesn't feel burdensome.
However, this experience has also showed me the massive inequities in tech available for us and tech for the SFW livestream people. There's also a lack of... centralization with well-organized UI's that don't look reminiscent of AngelFire circa 2002. I mean, I've lurked this board and a subreddit for months, and I'm extremely thankful for both. But, I would cut my right arm off if I could have the full functionality of StreamLabs or Restream's MultiChat desktop app. So, of course, this has turned me into a SJW of sorts for the cam community.
My mother is 'concerned'. My friends are wondering when I'm going back to the labs. My dude is jealous he can't 'just get naked in front of a camera' for money. (I told him he could. He's beautiful. Blah blah blah... But, no....) I, however, am LOVING THIS. So, hi! I look forward to learning from y'all and hopefully also sharing some knowledge I've picked up on the way.