AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Welcome, everyone else!

I introduced myself here over a year ago but stopped camming soon after. I'm back for good now, and plan on being around here a lottt, so I figured I'd reintroduce myself :)

I'm SiaSaylor, twenty-two, a writer, artist, model, creative nerd, real nerd, lover of video games and anime and board games and geekstuff. I'm vegan, have three gorgeous kitties, and love to travel. I read a lot. I really truly believe society is completely mistaken in its general view on sex -- condemning those who celebrate and indulge in their sexuality as people with no class or self worth. I think nudity is amazing. I think sex is amazing. I think if it feels good and it's not hurting anyone (including yourself), then there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, adult workers are probably responsible for great amounts of happiness in the world. That is pretty awesome.

Anyway, I'm soapboxing to the wrong people. Hii! :)
SiaSaylor said:
Welcome, everyone else!

I introduced myself here over a year ago but stopped camming soon after. I'm back for good now, and plan on being around here a lottt, so I figured I'd reintroduce myself :)

I'm SiaSaylor, twenty-two, a writer, artist, model, creative nerd, real nerd, lover of video games and anime and board games and geekstuff. I'm vegan, have three gorgeous kitties, and love to travel. I read a lot. I really truly believe society is completely mistaken in its general view on sex -- condemning those who celebrate and indulge in their sexuality as people with no class or self worth. I think nudity is amazing. I think sex is amazing. I think if it feels good and it's not hurting anyone (including yourself), then there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, adult workers are probably responsible for great amounts of happiness in the world. That is pretty awesome.

Anyway, I'm soapboxing to the wrong people. Hii! :)
I really like your signature, so for you, LoonaVision, that fellow who thinks he's god (fukin right on someone more delusional than myself), and everyone else whom I've missed lately new to ACF, a lil TM.

I'm Ava, but go by the screen-name Tasty_Avocado on MFC. I love laughing, and as a result spend more time joking around than seducing while on cam. My cat Gus likes to drop in on my shows and obscure any views he deems to be too revealing or possibly offensive, though I usually try to keep him out of the room I cam in. I'm geeky, practical, and have a horrible habit of talking to myself (which comes in handy for particularly silent cam shows where NO ONE seems to want to talk at all). As I'm still very new to MFC and camming in general I'm still riding learning curves and trying to figure out how the fuck to fit it all into my inconsistent schedule. Love all types of music, art, art films, cinema, graphic novels, science fiction and fantasy and tentacle dildos. I'm here because I am as big a lurker as a premium with no tokens. For real, guys
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Hello Ava! :hello2:

My cat likes to photobomb me during shows, too. If I have to hop up for a drink, he is completely unshy about getting up right in front of the cam and starting to groom himself. He's gotten tips for it, too o_O
Hi, I'm Marion. I'm from Czech republic, but I learn English quite fast.. I' ve been on mfc since maybe December, don't remeber yet, but not very often,so I'm still a newbie and learning a lot. I realized just a few weeks ago how to watch other models, cause my region was blocked, so I didn't even know what others I'm a student, so I'm not really into taking it too seriously and spending too much time there:). I study ecology and try to be nature-friendly, love vegan food, have my own garden and I love spending time there. I grow my own apples and they participate in some of my locked galleries, so feel free to ask me for keys :). I' don't really like spending too much time in front of computer and I'm totally useless in making profile, so advices about it are welcome.
I love getting to know new people from different parts of world, so feel free to talk to me when I 'm online or leave me a message..
LOVE & PEACE :angel1: :angel1: :angel1:


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Vanessa Jade said:
Hello Ava! :hello2:

My cat likes to photobomb me during shows, too. If I have to hop up for a drink, he is completely unshy about getting up right in front of the cam and starting to groom himself. He's gotten tips for it, too o_O

Lol! Does he also try to get in with the 'action' so to speak when you go prvt/group? Mine has to pretty much be locked out of the room, otherwise he gets really fascinated by my vibrators and dildos and swipes at them in the middle of the show. Must be a cat-thing?

Or maybe....our cats are actually humans in disguise.

hi, i'm tia :) i just recently started camming and heard about this site and it seems awesome so far :) i'm in bc canada, and going to school for web design and working part time doing that...i'm also a retail slave but really hoping to change that soon and replace it with camming...for right now i'm trying to use my graphic skills to spiff up my profile and trying to come up with some games and stuff to keep people interested and hopefully bring my score back up which seemed to get slaughtered over the first week i was on there :?

I am Ryanne, new to the cam biz (I joined MFC late January) - and I just wanted to say HELLO! I am a nurse by day, cam girl by night...and I wouldn't have it any other way! I have fallen in love with being a cam girl, and I am sure that many of you can relate, haha.

Anyways, looking forward to meeting everyone one here- have a great day!

I do not believe I have formally introduced myself. LeenaLiberty here. Just trying to do my thing on MFC and enjoying life... In a nutshell, I love being outdoors, gardening, playing in the sun and listening to live music.

I think this is how I am going to start promoting myself now.... :)

I've been on MFC since January. Working on that damn cam score, if you know what I mean.
Stop by and visit me when you can!!! Best wishes to you all.. .
Ava_Cado said:
Hey! I'm Ava, but go by the screen-name Tasty_Avocado on MFC. I love laughing, and as a result spend more time joking around than seducing while on cam. I'm here because I am as big a lurker as a premium with no tokens.
Hi Ava, laughter can be very seductive. Love this "as big a lurker as a premium with no tokens."

Marion said:
I love getting to know new people from different parts of world, so feel free to talk to me when I 'm online or leave me a message..
LOVE & PEACE :angel1: :angel1: :angel1:
Hi Marion, I like what you have said, very much the last part.

Ava said:
Mine has to pretty much be locked out of the room, otherwise he gets really fascinated by my vibrators and dildos and swipes at them in the middle of the show.
Got a real laugh out of the visual on this.

Ryanne said:
I have fallen in love with being a cam girl
:thumbleft: :clap: :-D :dance: That's a beautiful thing.

LeenaLiberty said:
I do not believe I have formally introduced myself. LeenaLiberty here.
I know who you are of you. Hello. You fascinate me. :geek:

And Hi Tia, don't focus to much on cam score, - it follows your success, rather than leads it.

Hi Snik, perhaps unenthused. or maybe cagey, but I doubt boring.

So Hi Everyone new :hello2: I'm CamStory, V.V.Vic, and half a dozen others... Pretty much always this guy :-D and often, too often, this guy :character-jestercolor: :teasing-neener: :teasing-tease: . but it's fine - no worries, I'm working with a group counselor to get it all sorted out. :lol:
Camstory, I've pretty much just been waiting for you to talk to me before I talk to you because of fear that my 'sploding over your TOTALLY AWESOME TOM WAITS ALBUM COVER AVATAR might seem too out of the blue. :happy-cheerleaderkid:

I am so glad you like Tom Waits!
Ava_Cado said:
I am so glad you like Tom Waits!
I don't think I have ever felt more glad I like Tom Waits... My friends list just gained a couple Wait's fans :clap:

Hey everyone, I'm Allison.

I've been on MFC since July, Camwhores since November and ACF since somewhere in between there. I've officially introduced myself to all the ladies at one point or another, but have never stopped in here to say hey. So here I am, throwing myself to the wolves.

Oh...and hey. :hello2:


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Hi everyone! :hello2: I'm Katey and I am angry birds addict. Love those little pissed off birdies...anyway. I am planning my camming debute this weekend! I am excited and a bit nervous. I have been lurking here in the forum (reading everything I can and maybe perving a bit here and there :eek: ). This forum is amazing and you all are groovy! I have learned a lot! So thank you!
Cuvykatey said:
Hi everyone! :hello2: I'm Katey and I am angry birds addict. Love those little pissed off birdies...anyway. I am planning my camming debute this weekend! I am excited and a bit nervous. I have been lurking here in the forum (reading everything I can and maybe perving a bit here and there :eek: ). This forum is amazing and you all are groovy! I have learned a lot! So thank you!

:eek: Sign up for the model's only section. Seriously. I'm newish and I've learned so much from there and you will too. Also: let us know how your first time on MFC(?) goes!
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I'm Kat (Atelophilia on MFC) and a student/musician/ubernerd. I love watching other models and tipping when I can, but sadly have yet to check out Amber's room, which is currently on my list of must-do leisure activities!
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Hello everyone my name is Lilly. (On MFC its ONIKA)

I am new to all this and love watching all the beautiful outgoing women on MFC. Monday March 26th Will be my first day. Between 2pm-6 or 7pm. Then again late that night. Wish me luck.

Man I just wish my boobs were like 14 poounds. Not each. Together. Anyway wish in one hand and oh you know

Come watch me break my cam cherry monday...Ouch!! :eek:
:dance: :drool:

oh i need to learn how to post my pic. I hate that computers are smarter than me. darn it.


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Hi everyone. I am TomC1953. I'm new to this forum but not new to cams. I operate a virtual studio with a good number of models on various sites, none of which I will mention here. I find it easier to relate to cam girls as they are more honest and outgoing than the normal person. I don't hang out in my models room, so if you guys see me in a models room, please don't assume she works for my studio. I am simply here to interact and learn from premiums and models about things that make them tick and get to know them better.


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I am Kell. Hello. Long time lurker, occasional logger on. Stick mostly to Amber's room cause her sound track and sillyness are good for either entertainment or background noise to read/paint by. I would like to say I will log on and be a regular all the time, but I am anti social even on the internet. Still you may see me pop on and off, drop a thank you tokens when the money gods are good to me.

Anyway, I am strange. Most of the things I say are WTF moments. Not WTF that was rude or anything like that. More the lack of internal dialogue and self imposed lack of socialization.
Hey guys, I'm Gwen_Doll, you can call me Gwen. I've been on MFC since October. I attended the Cam Mansion, and had a blast. I'm still a baby to MFC, still learning! :) It'd be great to get to know all of you!
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Hello all! I'm SexyRapunzel. Been on mfc for about 4 months now and I love it. Camming has helped me to embrace my sexuality, to not be ashamed to think myself sexy and to not be ashamed to admit that I enjoy it when a man appreciates my body. I used to think that being shy and modest was two of the best characteristics a woman could possess but now I feel that confidence in yourself and knowing exactly what you want are traits far more appealing. I'm certainly enjoying them. And I have mfc to thank for that.


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I haven't really ventured into many parts of the forum & I am trying to expand my ACF horizons XD So, 'Hai, everyone!'

I have been camming for almost a year now and am loving every second of my adventure. The friends I have made with my fellow models have become priceless to me! I am so grateful for every tid bit of advice, encouragement and fun facts I have learned though this forum!
