Mhhh ... who am I??
Ok let's start:
I am the founder and CEO of a brand new service, DMCA Fist Responder
You can visit my site
We are pretty new to the market and are serving our first customers.
The idea came up, because a very good friend, herself a pretty active webcam model from colombia, asked me for help in DMCA issues.
She had over 120,000 links on Google and was frustrated because she didn't have much success in removing pirated content. So I started with helping her to get all the stuff removed. I have to admit, that this job was really underestimated by me

It took me nearly two months to get at least most of the search engine results removed.
As a programmer I always thought of automating this process and how to collect experiences and data in database tables. Finally I started a project, invested in some outsourced programming skills to get a specialized crawler and the result is now online since 1st of July this year.
We too can't guarantee that all takedown requests will work, but with every failure we start to investigate even deeper to find the right contact to get the content removed. We are no dreamers and we are facing the challenges. We do not only rely on our crawlers but also do manual investigations and even do file takedown orders manually, if needed.
With every reported link, our knoweledge base grows. We are serving and protecting you, our customers.
The main difference between us and our competitors is, that we additionally offer a way for the fans of the cam models to help:
True fans do not consume the pirated content, but can find all the stuff in the internet which harms the privacy and income of you ... the webcam models. All they have to do is to register at our
site to support models.
There is no direct connection between our customers and the fans. Fans have to request to be fan of a model on a webcam site. The model can then agree or decline. And even if the model agrees to get helped by a fan, no direct contact is possible. Fans report links to pirated content for a model. We do the rest.
Strict privacy is our major rule and we are acting under the GDPR.
And if a webcam model need a safe harbour we offer full anonymity against infringers. We offer, if needed a fully protected and encrypted eMail account. And all personal data is encrypted so that even if one breaches our security measures and steals our data, this data is safe and unreadable.
We really know the webcam business and listen to the needs of our customers. We try our best to be as complete as possible. We work on our programs on a daily basis and steadily improve our methods.
Different languages, same problem:
Como borrar videos de mi en internet?
How do I get my videos removed or deleted from internet?
Wie bekomme ich meine Videos aus dem Internet gelöscht?
Comment puis-je supprimer mes vidéos d'Internet?
Come posso eliminare i miei video da internet?
If you are un need, then give us a try!
And finally follow us on
Thanks for reading me
Sven M
DMCA First Responder