AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Hey all o/ I'm Clare and am a noob cam model! It's been 1 month for me and I started out on Chaturbate and Streamate at the same time, but have definitely been leaning more towards Streamate. I'm a big gamer nerd and I like cats? Haha not really sure what kind of an intro to do :p Nice to be here with all of you guys! I have sooo many questions xP

Hey. :) Luxie here. I am an established sex worker and have been in the industry for almost 10 years. Everything from escorting to cam work to sugar dating. Excited to be here.
Hi, I'm James, "Cam guy in the past" I'm working now as a web designer :)
If someone want any help just let me know
Hi ! My name is Mike !
I've been camming as an Exhibitionist and want to start my registration and cam as a verified model. I'm interested in some of the cam girls and think I should be verified. I'm interested in learning more about all device connections and OBS to enhance my cam experience for anyone that comes to my room. I'mm be checking out all the help forums and reaching out to the community here for help.

Thanks to all in advance !
You heard me. Introduce yourself!

The best posts in an introduction thread include more than just your name, so give us a little more if you're feeling up to it. ;)

If you're an active cam model looking for verification, info/instructions are here - Model Verification Requests - but please remember you won't be able to post your verification until you've been signed up at ACF for a period of time, and after you've made a good handful of thread posts. So get active! :)

Hey, CandiEyes here, I've worked for 2 diff cam sites, and I'm REALLY loving it more everyday.. I'm a single mom to a 3 yr old boy, life gets hectic and I'm doing my damn best to provide for him...
I decided to start camming when my son was asleep because I liked all that I read about it... I can't afford childcare, so I haven't been able to get a job... no job, no childcare payments... no child care.. no job.
I'm a VERY sexual person and I just have all kinds of quirks about me...
I'm really looking forward to being able to get in on the commenting and questions, and just learning so much from ya'll! Happy Camming!!! :h:
What's going on everyone, I'm DickMagnificent! I was fairly active in the adult entertainment (dancer turned cam model) community until 3ish years ago and took an extended mental health break that lasted longer than expected, but that's life for you haha. I'm looking forward to the challenge of building most things from scratch again (except social media :hungover:) and hopefully making wonderful new friends!

As for random facts about me:
I'm 27 years old, in a committed relationship with the love of my life :h:, dropped out of college on scholarship to be a tattoo artist (which my parents were thrilled about lol), huge car enthusiast ('15 Lexus rc350!), tech nerd, played soccer for 21 years, and co-owner of a very small and relatively successful clothing business!

I stumbled upon these fourms around a year ago and have been lurking since. Decided to finally bite the bullet and help contribute where I can :) If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
What's going on everyone, I'm DickMagnificent! I was fairly active in the adult entertainment (dancer turned cam model) community until 3ish years ago and took an extended mental health break that lasted longer than expected, but that's life for you haha. I'm looking forward to the challenge of building most things from scratch again (except social media :hungover:) and hopefully making wonderful new friends!

As for random facts about me:
I'm 27 years old, in a committed relationship with the love of my life :h:, dropped out of college on scholarship to be a tattoo artist (which my parents were thrilled about lol), huge car enthusiast ('15 Lexus rc350!), tech nerd, played soccer for 21 years, and co-owner of a very small and relatively successful clothing business!

I stumbled upon these fourms around a year ago and have been lurking since. Decided to finally bite the bullet and help contribute where I can :) If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

nothing to contribute minus you have the coolest name I have seen in a long ass time on this forum lmao. I literally laughed for 5 mins, thank you. You have made my day.

My name is Scott and I am not a cam model. That is I am an idea guy.

I'll take a product, or products, and improve on it or repurpose it that will be helpful in a particular niche.
I am currently working on an idea that, I believe, could potentially change the way cam models/performers market themselves.
This idea, if successful, will increase merchandise sales, loyal customer base and performance revenue.

So, I am here to learn, ask questions and hopefully create relationships, both business and personal.
I understand that I will have to earn your trust. I will be as transparent as possible while preserving my anonymity.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to reading the contents of this forum.
- Scott
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nothing to contribute minus you have the coolest name I have seen in a long ass time on this forum lmao. I literally laughed for 5 mins, thank you. You have made my day.

Haha I'm glad it made your day!!! I like to think it suits me quite well though, very tongue in cheek, but also memorable enough to stand out and be taken seriously when needed :)
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I am Trober! I cant find my old account so I made this one. Hello ACF!
Hi guys!
I'm Lilah a newbie camgirl on MFC and CamYou.
I speak two languages and study my third one.
Excited to explore more this site.
Hi, my name is Damian. I'm originally from LA but have lived all over the US. I've been camming full-time for just over a year now. I (unfortunately) started out of flirt4free and expended a great deal of time and energy filling other peoples pockets. I've had my CB account for over 6 months but only really used it when things were slow on flirt. I've just recently switched over to camming on CB full time and I couldn't be happier. Looking to learn and grow in this field.
Hello, my name is Ludmila. Last year i try camming in Chaturbate for 2 months, and it wasn't really good... but, at least, i get money for good camera) In december i choose to work more on these cam modelling, and i also upgrade my PC, so now i again try Chaturbate, Jasmine, Streamray and Streamate. I wanna know how to be more successful, and hope i will know a lot of here and meet new people)
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Hi, I'm punkrox or Dennis. Long time developer - database design, web application development. I've done a tiny bit in the adult web world in the past and a lot of entrepreneurial web stuff for people.
Hi there! I'm Agnes, althought here I'll be using my regular username for camming, TopSecret2. I work most of the time on MFC, feel free to check that out. I'm from Venezuela, 21 years old, I study too careers and have understanding of two languages . I decided to make an account here since I always seek for advice or help in threads in this forum and it seems very useful so why not become a user and be active or contribute with something of my own? So yeah, here I am. Hope to get active and stuff, so yeah, nice to meet you!
Hi! I am Emma... from Chile in Latinamerica, I joined but never was active until today I recieved the sad news about the FCP problem :'( Anyways I need company from my colegas from all over the world so I am eagered to interact :h:
Hola! I´m Alexandra, a camgirl in CB. I have just discovered this forum because all the First Choice Pay thing and I think it is so interesting to have a site where we can talk about us and our problems. Hope I will be able to share usefull information and learn a lot of you too!!
Hello,my name is Amru and nice to meet you guys,i've been a cam model for some years and now i have a mini studio .Although i am not working anymore,this industry is still fascinating me ,so im updated with everything that is possible
Heya, friends! My name is Charlotte, and I'm a long time lurker/aspiring cam model! I'm happy to finally join the forum...I have lots of questions, so hopefully you all won't tire of me here soon!!! Some facts about myself? I love bread, sex, and Twin Peaks equally; and in any order.