Hi all,
I guess I should have posted an introduction here before posting my first, apparently somewhat controversial, question in the "Ask the Model" thread. Better late than never I guess... Hi all.
So I need not repeat myself, if you would like to know a little more about me see the thread in "Ask the Model"
Loving Fan Gone Mad
I'm not sure how to link the thread, but I'm sure it will be easy enough to find. Beyond being a starving writer, I have a full time job making a magazine... the entire magazine cover to cover and do everything else as well. It's a niche magazine and doesn't pay much, but I work from home which is nice.
I got very close to selling a couple of things a couple of years ago, but no go. I was good enough to get some re-write work from lesser struggling writers and some ghost writing work, but it was getting tough to string them together which is when I stumbled into the magazine job. It's been a while since I've done any creative writing with the job dominating my time, but my hiatus has been long enough and I'm going to find the time.
I'm a healthy American male who found himself in a kind of screwed up plutonic relationship which has its upsides and downsides... the downside is no sex, so I have spent some time over the years on cam sites for necessary pleasure as well as fodder for a story idea I've had for a while now. The story was always muddled until I discovered MFC a couple of months ago and I resolve to get the story written this year and it feels great to be excited and writing again.
Not sure how I missed MFC for the past couple of years as I'm pretty curious and find almost everything on the net. I even found this forum some time ago when it had just started, but there was not much activity on it then and later forgot about it until a model on MFC told me to check it out again. (How I did not get from here to MFC then, I have no clue or recollection).
Still not sure how I missed MFC for the past couple of years. All I can think is that I did discover it a while back before it was what it has become today and for some reason chose not to sign up and stayed with my other cam sites.
I got pretty tired of LJ and Streamate and the girls on there are mostly (insert word you are not supposed to say here), so this fall I went on a search again thinking there must be a better cam site out there somewhere. I found MFC on the eve of Oct. 31. The first cam to pop up was AspenRae and she was crying hysterical tears of joy, tips were rolling in... chat going a mile a minute as she had just secured Miss MFC for October... what a trip! Just slightly different than the stale model icons on LJ and Streamate where if you pop into a model's room and you are signed in, you get "how are u bb?... where u from bb? you horny bb? want pvt bb?" "Can we chat a little first?" "Want pvt bb? No? FU!"
Anyway, I was instantly hooked on MFC and the rest is hopefully history in the making
