AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Mirra said:
jebbaz said:
AmberCutie said:
I'm really excited that so many of you are signing up and posting here! You're all great!
I'm the greatest though. ;)

Do you tell yourself that every time you press the Submit button to make yourself feel better? :p

It's OK if he likes to lie to himself, because I am the greatest. I just don't need to say it all the time.
pyrite1965 said:
Mirra said:
jebbaz said:
I'm the greatest though. ;)

Do you tell yourself that every time you press the Submit button to make yourself feel better? :p

It's OK if he likes to lie to himself, because I am the greatest. I just don't need to say it all the time.

Don't even get me started on you, pyrite. I'm on to your dirty little secrets. The guys in the black suits told me EVERYTHING.
Mirra said:
Don't even get me started on you, pyrite. I'm on to your dirty little secrets. The guys in the black suits told me EVERYTHING.

They didn't zap your memory with their little laser pointer thingamabob?? Damn the MIB are getting lazy.
AmberCutie said:
Mirra said:
Don't even get me started on you, pyrite. I'm on to your dirty little secrets. The guys in the black suits told me EVERYTHING.

They didn't zap your memory with their little laser pointer thingamabob?? Damn the MIB are getting lazy.

These guys don't wear black suits, and if they "zap" you, you won't be getting up :p
pyrite1965 said:
AmberCutie said:
Mirra said:
Don't even get me started on you, pyrite. I'm on to your dirty little secrets. The guys in the black suits told me EVERYTHING.

They didn't zap your memory with their little laser pointer thingamabob?? Damn the MIB are getting lazy.

These guys don't wear black suits, and if they "zap" you, you won't be getting up :p

Hey, I was just going off what Mirra reported. Sheesh.
Damn. Another way to get me further entrenched in the addictive world of MFC. There's no hope. Zero. I'm done for! :D

Anyway, I'm Runts and I'm an MFC-aholic. Hello to you too.

You've likely seen me around. Several members claim that I am ubiquitous...but, obviously, that's just silly.

As for my real life, I'm 31 and male and white. I live in Los Angeles but was born and raised in the middle-of-nowhere Texas. I'm a graduate student in religion (no, I'm not training to be priest, rabbi, preacher or anything like that...LOL...I want to teach religion at a university). I have many jobs, including: writer, public speaker, humanitarian aid consultant, teaching assistant, and all around good guy. I've been in a long-term relationship with the same woman for almost 8 years. She doesn't want to get married (she's opposed to the idea), which makes me sad about half of the time, happy a fourth of the time, and gassy the other fourth of the time.

I actually first checked out MFC to do some research for a novel idea. That idea has officially been put on hold...but I'm still mulling over some thoughts. COME ON MUSE! STRIKE AGAIN!

Anyho, that's me. And if you want to know, my name is Jay.

Nice to meet you.
Runts said:
Damn. Another way to get me further entrenched in the addictive world of MFC. There's no hope. Zero. I'm done for! :D

Anyway, I'm Runts and I'm an MFC-aholic. Hello to you too.

You've likely seen me around. Several members claim that I am ubiquitous...but, obviously, that's just silly.

As for my real life, I'm 31 and male and white. I live in Los Angeles but was born and raised in the middle-of-nowhere Texas. I'm a graduate student in religion (no, I'm not training to be priest, rabbi, preacher or anything like that...LOL...I want to teach religion at a university). I have many jobs, including: writer, public speaker, humanitarian aid consultant, teaching assistant, and all around good guy. I've been in a long-term relationship with the same woman for almost 8 years. She doesn't want to get married (she's opposed to the idea), which makes me sad about half of the time, happy a fourth of the time, and gassy the other fourth of the time.

I actually first checked out MFC to do some research for a novel idea. That idea has officially been put on hold...but I'm still mulling over some thoughts. COME ON MUSE! STRIKE AGAIN!

Anyho, that's me. And if you want to know, my name is Jay.

Nice to meet you.

Wonderful to have you! Nice introductory post, by the way. :clap:
sup im myra i make up my own words like "hey you are friggin awesomtastic" OMG that chicka is so metalicious" and haha thats funny you just gave me laughgasms and then ppl steal my words but its all good
Hi, I am Dane, been an active member at mfc for almost 3 years, seems like a lot less than that.
And I am also a MFC- Aholic, and no I don't need treatment for my addiction, I can find it all on my own :D I am a divorced father of 3, 1 daughter and 2 impressionable boys that I have to make sure are NOT in the same room when I have mfc open, go figure, they will learn about girls the old fashioned way :p I live in Northern Indiana, about 2 1/2 hours from Chicago and I don't know what else to say, other than thanks too N8ked for telling me about this place. I am active in a few other forums and I will try to not tard up this one too bad .
GreatDane said:
Hi, I am Dane, been an active member at mfc for almost 3 years, seems like a lot less than that.
And I am also a MFC- Aholic, and no I don't need treatment for my addiction, I can find it all on my own :D I am a divorced father of 3, 1 daughter and 2 impressionable boys that I have to make sure are NOT in the same room when I have mfc open, go figure, they will learn about girls the old fashioned way :p I live in Northern Indiana, about 2 1/2 hours from Chicago and I don't know what else to say, other than thanks too N8ked for telling me about this place. I am active in a few other forums and I will try to not tard up this one too bad .

Welcome and have no fear, we have an anti-tard strike force.
Greetings to y'all !!!
I'm FrankinIndiana but thanks to MFC shortening my name is says I'm FrankinIndia....oh, bother!

Whomever it says I am, this guy is a old dude perv. I found Amber by another model (AnnicaCam) talking about how much these forums were helping her getting started on the site. If you see where I go on the site, it's easy to tell the women that appeal to me. Bubbly personality, friendly, talkative.
And, oh lets not forget big boobs and a nice ass.
But I really think I'd be in the few rooms I frequent even if the women were completely clothed. I've always been a "show me what you really are" type of guy. I follow the old saying, "Man does not live by boobies alone". We all know that there are models on this site that are drop-dead beautiful, but have the personality of dead fish.
We do not have to ever worry about that when we are in AmberCutie's room. Even when she is not feeling tiptop, she makes you feel welcome and is extremely entertaining.
I'll try to add something worthwhile to the conversation and try not to offend too many people.....But I'm not promising anything!!!!!!!!!!
pyrite1965 said:
FrankinIndiana said:
Greetings to y'all !!!
I'm FrankinIndiana but thanks to MFC shortening my name is says I'm FrankinIndia....oh, bother!

Welcome, after you've tipped some amount, you'll be able to change your MFC name.

Err, technically, you don't have to tip anything to gain this ability. You just need to *buy* enough tokens to get 1000 RP. I think.
bawksy said:
pyrite1965 said:
FrankinIndiana said:
Greetings to y'all !!!
I'm FrankinIndiana but thanks to MFC shortening my name is says I'm FrankinIndia....oh, bother!

Welcome, after you've tipped some amount, you'll be able to change your MFC name.

Err, technically, you don't have to tip anything to gain this ability. You just need to *buy* enough tokens to get 1000 RP. I think.

Buy, tip whatever :p
Frankie said:
I am Frankie. I like unicorns and watching people get ripped apart in horror movies. Oh and I game, but not as 1337 as Miss Amber here. I'm just casual. :D

I'm Jolene and I like horror movies about unicorns ripping people apart! We should totally hang!
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Reactions: RedHerby1
JoleneJolene said:
Frankie said:
I am Frankie. I like unicorns and watching people get ripped apart in horror movies. Oh and I game, but not as 1337 as Miss Amber here. I'm just casual. :D

I'm Jolene and I like horror movies about unicorns ripping people apart! We should totally hang!

I agree with this statement. :-D
Frankie said:
JoleneJolene said:
Frankie said:
I am Frankie. I like unicorns and watching people get ripped apart in horror movies. Oh and I game, but not as 1337 as Miss Amber here. I'm just casual. :D

I'm Jolene and I like horror movies about unicorns ripping people apart! We should totally hang!

I agree with this statement. :-D

:-D :-D :-D :-D
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Reactions: RedHerby1
Hey hey,
I go by Spicoli, or some variation thereof (spicoli_dude, spicoli1982, etc.). I am really loving the MFC experience. I have meet some amazing people, both models and members. Nothing special about me. Just your average middle aged multi-raced guy from the US midwest who likes sci-fi.

Why Spicoli? Why not? My real name is far too common and every reasonable variation for an username had already been snatched up. Oh, and I love the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Would love to be a surfer, but not in the cards.... (midwest - remember).

You can find me on twitter here:

Spicoli said:
Hey hey,
I go by Spicoli, or some variation thereof (spicoli_dude, spicoli1982, etc.). I am really loving the MFC experience. I have meet some amazing people, both models and members. Nothing special about me. Just your average middle aged multi-raced guy from the US midwest who likes sci-fi.

Why Spicoli? Why not? My real name is far too common and every reasonable variation for an username had already been snatched up. Oh, and I love the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Would love to be a surfer, but not in the cards.... (midwest - remember).

You can find me on twitter here:


And surfing in Lake Michigan just isn't the same :lol:
Spicoli said:
Hey hey,
I go by Spicoli, or some variation thereof (spicoli_dude, spicoli1982, etc.). I am really loving the MFC experience. I have meet some amazing people, both models and members. Nothing special about me. Just your average middle aged multi-raced guy from the US midwest who likes sci-fi.

Why Spicoli? Why not? My real name is far too common and every reasonable variation for an username had already been snatched up. Oh, and I love the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Would love to be a surfer, but not in the cards.... (midwest - remember).

You can find me on twitter here:


Welcome, Spicoli!
JoleneJolene said:
Spicoli said:
Hey hey,
I go by Spicoli, or some variation thereof (spicoli_dude, spicoli1982, etc.). I am really loving the MFC experience. I have meet some amazing people, both models and members. Nothing special about me. Just your average middle aged multi-raced guy from the US midwest who likes sci-fi.

Why Spicoli? Why not? My real name is far too common and every reasonable variation for an username had already been snatched up. Oh, and I love the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Would love to be a surfer, but not in the cards.... (midwest - remember).

You can find me on twitter here:


Welcome, Spicoli!

Hello to all, I'm Dave a semiretired house painter and MFC-aholic from Australia. Recently had an operation to have a tumor removed from my Pituitary gland that was sending me blind. All is good now and am making up lost time from when I was going blind, hehe. MFC user name is TheWatcher62 if anyone wants to drop by for a chat or wants to get to know me better.
Great site here Amber, I'm glad I found it and although I believe I've always been polite to the models things I have learnt here are improving my interactions with them so thank you one and all for your advice.
That's all, see you around
Sweet! Welcome, newcomers :).
I am blah, and the blah is really the blahest here :dance:
I have been reading this forum for a little while now and figured it was time to at least say hi. Some of you may already know me I seem to spend way to much time on MFC lol. Most everyone calls me Dav though a few call me Dave (points at spexyashleigh :p even though my name is not Dave). New posters seem to be welcome here which is refreshing so i may start putting my 2 cents in here or there.