Hey everybody , I'm Jade .
I've been camming since I turned 18 . Different sites , some of them are still around some are not, just to list the ones I was on the most in chronological order: Peekshows( starting 2004) , Streamray/Cams(starting 2006) , Imlive(starting 2008) , Streamate(starting 2013 and still there) .
During the years, I opened several accounts on MFC , I think the first one was within their first year as a cam site , but unfortunately I didn't had time to learn what's what , considering the fact that it is so different compared to other cam sites that I've been on.
Considering the fact that none of these sites have a community like MFC , perhaps due to the restrictions and censorship they practice - even imlive with their host forum doesn't allow models to exchange contact info ,I didn't even search for a MFC community . There are plenty of sites about camming where you find threads about every possible cam site out there but nothing like this .So I ran into the same situation each time I've open a new account on MFC , even years apart . When time is money and you're already doing good somewhere else, taking days and weeks off just to build a page and do research brings a big blow on the income and doesnt's feel like it's ever going to pay off.I'm not a techy , I'm just great at being a cam model .
Last time , I even tried broadcasting with a girlfriend and still the same results. Which got me at my wits end. Why can I do so good on other platforms and be in the top there ,and at the same time be so lousy on MFC ?!

) So I thought :Challenge accepted !! This time I'm taking it as a personal challenge, I put the other places on hold and I'm determined to figure this mystery out.
This brings me to how I got to this forum . I started asking people around. I ran into some old friends on MFC that I met along the years on other cam sites and one of them referred me to this forum. So here I am , I am going to follow the steps to get my cam girl status checked. I really Like Amber so far for being so methodical coming up with a very clear and easy to understand way to go around this site. Also , as a recovering game-aholic I will try to avoid the online gaming section of the site. Hope you understand. I lost an entire summer to wow. I have an addictive personality , I can not go down that road again.
Looking forward to becoming active in this lovely community !