Here is why the republican party is divided:
The republican establishment has only 1 job: to show up and lose. They get paid handsomely for it and have perfected it for decades. They show up and lose physically by sending weak candidates to the elections and they show up and lose figuratively because when they do hold power they hand it over to the left and betray the trust of their voters, they also show up and lose ideologically every time they apologize to the left for deviating from their moral code, a moral code that means nothing to the republican base. They call them cuckservatives because of it. Paul Ryan is a pussy-whipped cuckservative who has wasted every opportunity as the republican speaker of a republican House. He is despised in the section that matters within the GOP. The last time he showed his face publicly he was shouted down from the podium with the words "SHAME ON YOU".
So there is a pretty large section of the GOP that never shows up to vote. When someone inspires them and they finally do show up, the media is shocked and calls them "Reagan democrats". I guess they are in a way, because by not showing up to vote, they hand the elections to the democratic candidates. But why show up to vote when you know beforehand that if your candidate wins, he will lose anyway because he is being paid to do so? This section will show up to vote for Trump. Because Trump cannot be controlled by the donors and the establishment, he does not recoil, does not apologize, is galvanizing the young republican vote, and there is trust that he will not be just another cuckservative. This is why they will vote him and this is why the establishment is distancing themselves from Trump since the day he announced his campaign. The establishment doesn't like an outsider to shake up things, they have a cushy job where all they have to do is lose. Who wants to give up that sweet, sweet spot? If Trump wins the donors will find other strategies and things could change. Who wants their donations put in peril?
Now, on the "you can grab them by the pussy" video, I give 0 fucks. And I am surprised this board cares. That video was released to isolate Trump from a wide section of the republican constituency: religious folk. But we are camgirls, we trade in male sexuality, we know how guys are in private, well, guys with a healthy testosterone level, not the feminist manlets in Academia:
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But men will say shit like this to one another and it is meaningless, they were just fucking around. Pretending like this is some sort of huge revelation about Trump's character is something I would expect from a Pastor in the Bible Belt but not from us.
I tend to agree about the "Pussygate" scandal, in that it doesn't reveal anything fundamentally new or mind-changing about Trump. So, after all that's happened in this campaign, for those Republicans to suddenly be wringing their hands and trying to distance themselves from Trump seems disingenuous and unprincipled.
What do you think is going to happen with the GOP (or the "Trump wing" of the party) over the next 5-10 years? It doesn't seem like the business/"Main Street" wing of the party can coexist with the Trump wing.