This interview to a Bernie Sanders supporter who claims she saw first hand many evidences that the primaries were stolen from him was interesting. I don't know if Bernie Sanders would have had the support needed to secure the primaries if it had been a fair voting process, but the democratic party rigging the primaries is not only cheating Bernie Sanders out of the support he did have, they cheated american voters out of their votes.
I was never a fan of Bernie Sanders, I know where his alliances lie, but at least he had ideals. I find the intersection of Bernie/Trump voters really interesting. Many of Bernie's supporters who hated Trump are now openly for him.
If I wind up doing a protest vote for Johnson or Stein, it won't be because I'm sold 100% on their views.For "millennials" and liberals who might still be considering Gary Johnson (via Kevin Drum):
Gary Johnson makes his pitch:Personally, Gary Johnson lost me with his "Aleppo? What's Aleppo?" comment. Shortly after that happened, I read an interesting blog comment suggesting that third parties would do better by starting at the bottom--i.e., get elected and established at the local and state levels, and develop a track record, before making a serious run for the presidency. As it is now, if Gary Johnson were to become president, he would have no automatic allies in Congress, and would find it almost impossible to staff his administration with Libertarian party members (it would probably end up being mostly Republicans, which sort of defeats the purpose of electing a libertarian.).
What would government be like in a Johnson administration? First, we would begin the conversation about the size of government by submitting a real balanced budget. Every government program would have to justify its expenditures, every year. Cuts of up to 20 percent or more would be on the table for all programs, including military spending. Changes to Social Security and Medicare must also be considered.Cuts of 20 percent or more. Conservatives will hate this because he's including the military. Progressives should hate it because it includes everything else. That means no spending on universal healthcare, climate change, student debt, Wall Street regulation, infrastructure, pre-K, or pretty much anything else. And if you care about helping the poor, you'd better be prepared to care about 20 percent less.
Is all of this an acceptable price to pay for having a president who favors marijuana legalization and a little less military intervention? YMMV, but it sure doesn't seem like it to me.
Saw that. Cringed. Brace yourself; pot jokes are coming...Just saw this.. Gary Johnson was doing a town hall event last night, and when asked, could not name a single foreign leader! Idk how someone running for president could remain so uninformed about foreign affairs. Anybody off the street who casually watches the news could do better than this.
A lot of unconstitutional things could have some sort of positive affects on society as a whole but that doesn't change the fact that they are unconstitutional and therefor,
Un American.
Stop and frisk was deemed, for obvious reasons, to be unconstitutional so trump can just fuck right off.
And yeah... At a time like this in america when being unfairly targeted by the police is the root of a national civil rights movement lets... Plan to unfairly target people by police.
Ok. Yeah. Seems cool. Real good plan there screaming soggy Cheeto.
just because you think it's ok doesn't make it constitutional.If you think good street cops don't stop and frisk known gangbangers on a somewhat regular basis, think again. Good street cops are a rare breed and need a law in their favor. Then again, my mentality may simply be a symptom of the decay of society, law, and morality as a whole.
just because you think it's ok doesn't make it constitutional.
Just saw this.. Gary Johnson was doing a town hall event last night, and when asked, could not name a single foreign leader! Idk how someone running for president could remain so uninformed about foreign affairs. Anybody off the street who casually watches the news could do better than this.
Ok, so Wednesday is the day. Been waiting with bated breath. (not like it matters, HRC never been an option for me) had to LOL at the image of Assange making the announcement "from his balcony." First, he unfurls the roll of parchment....
Hey, Julian, why don't you come down to the public sidewalk where we can hear you better.
just because you think it's ok doesn't make it constitutional.
I wish the author had chosen someone more "normal" to profile. I'm always trying to understand the motivations of Trump supporters, and profiling someone who isn't frankly, mentally ill would be much more enlightening. It still looks like Trump will lose, but Trump-ism and its causes, and Trump's supporters will still be here and will have to be dealt with (i.e., they have valid issues that need to be addressed).
Here is far more sympathetic view of Trump supporters from of all place Mother Jones. I've read and watched probably 1/2 profiles of Trump supporter and I think its the best certainly my favorite.
First we're a “Basket of Deplorables,” and now Hillary refers to Bernie supporters as #BasementDwellers. This woman is beyond words. Seems like shes on a self destruct course when she, in theory, should be trying to win Bernies supporters.
This is terrible!
We can't have Trump's properties being defaced! They will fall in value, cause him to lose another billion dollars, then that fat swine won't pay taxes until he's in his 90's! just kidding, that m-fer has no intention of paying taxes regardless of what happens...
While Trump may illegally pay himself and use funds out of his charity organization for personal gain... it is actually not standard nor is it legal to do so. What IS standard is giving to your own charitable organization instead of owning one only to never contribute to it yourself.Funny how I saw an article this weekend that said Hillary used the exact same tax laws trump used in her 2015 file. Oh, and it also said she "donated" something like 1.7 million to charity. 1 million of that was to the clinton foundation.
By all means, post a link to that bitch where I can read it. Just dying to see how Hillary managed to lose 1 billion. Or how we know what she did in her 2015 tax filing. Or whether or not her sleazy assed "charity" is buying up portraits of her, or covering her business expenses, or bribing people.Funny how I saw an article this weekend that said Hillary used the exact same tax laws trump used in her 2015 file. Oh, and it also said she "donated" something like 1.7 million to charity. 1 million of that was to the clinton foundation.
By all means, post a link to that bitch where I can read it. Just dying to see how Hillary managed to lose 1 billion. Or how we know what she did in her 2015 tax filing. Or whether or not her sleazy assed "charity" is buying up portraits of her, or covering her business expenses, or bribing people.
After all, I don't want to view her with contempt if she is actually a genius.
But even if she is a genius, she doesn't have cool squinty facial expressions and aweseome hand gestures...
First we're a “Basket of Deplorables,” and now Hillary refers to Bernie supporters as #BasementDwellers. This woman is beyond words. Seems like shes on a self destruct course when she, in theory, should be trying to win Bernies supporters.
As a Bernie supporter who now plans on voting for Hilary, if you listen to that quote in context it's actually not insulting at all. She's basically saying that many of Bernie's supporters went to college, worked hard and now the majority of us are left with a horrible job market and not many good jobs to get into without any promise of advancement and a good portion of us moved back home into our parents basements. I mean, that's pretty damn accurate for most people in my age group.
She's not saying "hurr hurr Bernie supporters are losers" she's saying that millenials feel at a loss so it makes sense that they/we wanted to be involved in a political revolution and to have some empathy for us.
They were in the primaries when this was stated, when they were in fierce competition with each other. What was she supposed to say "Bernie's ideas are great and totally realistic! I just don't like them"The quote is pretty condescending if you listen to the entire speech, she was talking about Bernie supporters buying into a delusional promise of free college, free healthcare, free everything because shit didnt turn out like they expected. quote is pretty condescending if you listen to the entire speech, she was talking about Bernie supporters buying into a delusional promise of free college, free healthcare, free everything because shit didnt turn out like they expected.
I have a question for you staunch Hillary supporters... how do you justify Hillary's abuse towards the women her husband sexually attacked, raped, and took advantage of? She was complicit in all of it and even ran a "war room" to tackle "bimbo eruptions" like she called them. How do you justify all of this?
As much as people accuse Trump of doing shitty things, it is all just words. Trump says mean things, sure. But with Hillary, she has a track record of doing really scary and nasty things while holding positions of power. And yet all you talk about is comments by Trump, speculation about his tax records, and just general vague statements: "omg literally hitler", "xenophobic cinnamon donut" etc.
So my question is... why is Trump despicable and Hillary Clinton good when her actions are much worse than anything Trump has ever said or done?