I ended up with old-fashioned seeker. There were a few answers where none really applied, so I picked the closest. The one about what the afterlife is, my actual belief is a mixture of two choices (I believe those who are pure-hearted go on to "heaven", that those who need some more work have the option to be reincarnated or go to purgatory, and those who are evil beyond redemption are scattered and cease to exist.) As to the higher power, I believe it exists, I believe it set the universe in motion and decided what physical laws would apply, but I believe it mostly stands by and lets happen. No real answer to cover that in any of the questions that covered it. I believe in spirits that are not us, but are good (angels), evil (demons) and neutral (sprites), and that they occasionally do act on this world but mostly reside in another.
I think I had a different definition of "faith" than they did for the question about "what is it important for?" bit, because later they used faith to equal which specific religion you ascribe to. I was using... well, Shepherd Book from Firefly said it best in Serenity "Why is it that when I talk about belief you always assume I'm talking about God?" Faith is important, but faith in WHAT is the key here. It's important to have faith in something, be it an ideal, or a code to live by, or other people. That doesn't mean it has to be faith in God.
I'm not actually searching for the right religion for me, because I don't believe it exists, and I don't think organized religion is all that necessary. I think organized religion creates more barriers, and generates more hate, rather than generating more love. But I will probably try to at least take my children to a church because we don't yet have morality classes for kids that aren't connected to a church. Someone should start those...