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I only just started playing the other day but I really don't get gwent. I did skim the tutorial though....

Gwent's a surprisingly fun side-game once you know what you're doing/have a few decent cards. Well worth playing a few games to get the hang of it.
Recently I are been playing...

Valkyria Chronicles - Really fun, charming, war-based RPG. Graphically, it looks like a Ghibli film, and it plays like a cross between XCOM and Final Fantasy. You can pick it up really cheap now. Would definitely recommend it.

Just Cause 3 - Eh, I wanted to like it, and there is a lot to like about it, but it has so many shortcomings that make themselves known so frequently that it becomes a chore to play through after a while. Which is a shame because the core gameplay is so much fun. Ultimately though the bad outweighs the good.

Until Dawn - I loved this game more than I thought I would. It's essentially a "choose your own adventure" book, but in game form, set in a horror movie that's out to subvert genre tropes and expectations in the same way that Cabin in the Woods did. And it works surprisingly well. It's fairly short but holds a lot of replay value in going back and making different decisions to see where that takes the story.

Persona 3 - I loved Persona 4 and this one is almost as good (the story/tone/setting might even be better). I'm probably only half way through after 30 or so hours, so it's a time drain, but one that's perfectly suited to the Vita/PSP. You can just pick it up and play as you go or play it while you're watching TV.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Fairly short and the story never sets out to be much more than the middle chapter of what you would have to assume will wind up being a trilogy of games (at least), but I really liked it. Even though the maps are small, they're so densely populated with every building, every alleyway, every rooftop and every sewer entrance ripe for exploration. It's the rare game that actually rewards you for exploration too with extra weapons, ammo, EXP, and even easily miss-able missions. Good shit.

Transformers: Devastation - It's free on PS Plus this month and for a free game, its pretty great. Especially if you have fond memories of the original cartoon (most of the original voice actors are back and the graphics heavily recall the 80s TV show). I'm not far in to it, but what I've played, I've really enjoyed.

Oceanhorn - I don't know how this game made it to retail without the studio being sued by Nintendo, but I'm gad it did. It's as shameless a rip-off of Zelda (Windwaker in particular) that you'll ever play, but it's also incredibly charming and fun. Nobuo Uematsu composed the score as well, so it sounds predictably amazing.

XCOM 2 - Holy shit, I love this game. I think I might be becoming slightly obsessed with it, in fact. I've been off work this week and must have played 30 hours of this game over the past five days, and I even dreamed about it last night. It's one of the most punishingly difficult games I've ever played, but also one of the most rewarding. If you like tactical, turn-based RPGs, you should give it a shot. Just be prepared to fail. A lot.
WoW and Forza Horizon 3. Will probably pick up Gears of War 4 soon, and Titanfall 2 comes out soon too.
I'm currently double-fisting when it comes to games. I'm playing through the Bioshock series again (I'm on Infinite right now), and I just picked up Resident Evil 5 - the remastered edition for ps4. I play one 'till I get bored then switch :p
I let the Skyrim Special Edition hype get to me, and I'm back wandering around the chilly north, trying to save Tamriel from the doom of dragon fire.

It'll be nice to get a free copy of SE. The idea of having a copy of the game I haven't clusterfucked with a couple hundred mods is pretty appealing to me. I wonder how well my aging laptop will be able to handle it.
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Lately I have been OBSESSED with Overwatch. Haven't had so much fun playing a video game in awhile.

I recently just got Battlefield 1 and played it for the first time last night...holy shit this game is nuts. The multiplayer is so fucking hard, but that makes me like it even more. I died probably 15 times but I was having a blast. I know I just need to get over the learning curve so I won't be dying every 30 secs. I love fps that are challenging and this one is hella challenging. Plus, it's a WW1 fps which I feel is a refreshing change from the usually modern warfare or WW2 fps. If you want you can even play as the Ottoman Empire! So cool! The graphics are amazing as well. I'm so used to Overwatch graphics, I was completely blown away when I saw B1's graphics.
I've been getting more into Don't Starve Together, Path of Exile, and Creativerse with my friends, one awesome viewer, and bf. My bf and I just finished Diablo 3 so we're moving onto a replay of it on Hard or Nightmare mode I believe. I'm also playing Darksiders on my spare time.
I let the Skyrim Special Edition hype get to me, and I'm back wandering around the chilly north, trying to save Tamriel from the doom of dragon fire.

It'll be nice to get a free copy of SE. The idea of having a copy of the game I haven't clusterfucked with a couple hundred mods is pretty appealing to me. I wonder how well my aging laptop will be able to handle it.

I ordered it for PS4 and it will arrive while I'm out of town...I'm so stoked to get back into it. Trying to decide what kind of character to be!!
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I ordered it for PS4 and it will arrive while I'm out of town...I'm so stoked to get back into it. Trying to decide what kind of character to be!!

I just made an unarmed brawler, with plans to become a werewolf and take over all criminal operations in Skyrim's seedy underbelly. I think I'm going to hold off and remake the character in SE.

I've never played a spellcaster, either. I bet remastered magic will look pretty great.
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Other then the Civilizations expansion, the only games I'm excited on the horizon would be "Star Citizens" and "Elite: Dangerous". These are games based off old school space combat games (X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Wing Commander series, etc), except they are going to be in an Massive Multiplayer Environment, with combat allowing thousands of ships. I'm leaning more toward "Elite: Dangerous" because it seems more similiar to the old school style, but both look very promising.

I am also super excited about Star Citizen! cant wait to buy, sell and trade around the star systems! You know, protect what is mine and maybe take what is others.
Just finished playing Forza Horizon 3 (doing all the completionist tasks). I'm mainly playing Gems of War, WoW, Hearthstone, and a little bit of others (Overwatch, Titanfall 2, Gears of War 4). I'll maybe rent Infinite Warframe some time to play the campaign mainly. Multiplayer looks like it would annoy me like Advanced Warfare did.
Playing currently World of Warcraft a d on a custom role playing shard on ultima online.
Always looking to try new rp styled games :cat:
This week I have been playing one of my favorite games.. Planetside2 Its a slowly dying game but, I love it all the same. My favorite class lately has been the Infiltrator. I love sneaking around and catching people by surprise and shooting them in the face (or back, I have no honor) with my pistol!
The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus collection. Something about the last generation games and older have been a big draw over here. Even brushed off Crash Bandicoot.
I finally beat the main storyline in Skyrim! Now, I think my character will rebuild Helgen (mod). I may have to look into this whole Miraak cult thing. Those crazy Miraak cultists keep attacking me, and calling me a false Dragonborn. That's kind of annoying, considering
I just traveled to Sovngarde and F'd Alduin's S in the A until he exploded.

Really, all I want to do is marry Lydia, sell off all the junk I collected while saving the world, and retire to wallow in my obscene wealth and occasionally play tag with Lucia.
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Those crazy Miraak cultists keep attacking me, and calling me a false Dragonborn.

That's like when the guard says "I've been thinking...maybe I'm the Dragonborn!" Like, hell no you are not.

I have been back in the grips of Skyrim as well. I tend to always start with running the Thieves Guild but it may have glitched and prevented me from becoming Guildmaster, which will annoy me greatly. I married Camilla Valerius and she is a very good wife (but has stopped cooking me food already).
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I'mma go through Witcher 3 again. I've been reading through the guide about the different archetypes and gear set-ups you can use for Geralt and I'm pretty confident I can turn him in to a machine of death. I'm gonna try Death March mode too. I've heard it's hard though so might come to regret it.
That's like when the guard says "I've been thinking...maybe I'm the Dragonborn!" Like, hell no you are not.

I have been back in the grips of Skyrim as well. I tend to always start with running the Thieves Guild but it may have glitched and prevented me from becoming Guildmaster, which will annoy me greatly. I married Camilla Valerius and she is a very good wife (but has stopped cooking me food already).

Watch out for Camilla's ex coming around for visits.

I've decided to try for 100% on Skyrim. Finishing up the main storyline put me halfway there. Since I roleplay, it doesn't make sense for my Dragonborn character to do it all, so I think I'm going to split it up into a few characters. One will be a bard and a thief, and one will be a necromancer who will start at the Mages College of Winterhold, but whose fascination with death will eventually lead to a certain group of vampires. And I think she'll go after all the Daedric artifacts along the way. I suppose I'll be putting in at least a couple hundred more hours before all is said and done.

What a game.
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Man, I forgot how hostile Skyrim is when you're not level 40 and kitted out in fully-enchanted ebony gear.
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