AmberCutie's Forum
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Whatcha been playing?

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Started playing Banished again after about a year and officially passed the "100 hrs in game" point. It's such a great game. If you ever enjoyed games like SimCity, Zoo Tycoon, Roller Coaster Tycoon, or Cities Skylines, you should check it out. There's a surprising level of complexity, difficulty, and replay value for an indy game developed by one person.
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Lots of Shadows of Evil. Even managed completing the easter egg a few times with randoms. Hoping to be max prestige in zombies by the time Der Eisendrache comes to the One.
Recently, I got back into Warframe. I forgot how fun it can be.
It's on sale on Steam too... For $53.99 :-( But it just released for PC two days ago.

Aw I meant the older one from 2014, haha! I actually finished the main storyline this weekend when I should have been studying :shy: It was super fun and addictive! I will definitely replay it again once my exams are done, haha.
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I've been sinking all my extra time - little though it is - into Fire Emblem. I've been splitting it between grinding relationships in Awakening (because I want to see all the cute cutscenes) and exploring Bloodlines. Yay for strategy games.
Been playing a lot of Pokemon Black on my DS lite and Dying Light on PC ;)
Just started playing Transistor. My god, it's so stylish and cool!
I just got back into Starfox 64 and Diddy Kong Racing. I was going through old games and thought "I HAVEN'T PLAYED THESE IN 9001 YEARS!"

Except when the stupid elephant genie in DKR does his "Do-do-do, do-do-do" thing, it sounds like Uptown Funk and bothers me greatly. I cannot be the only one who has made that connection.

But Starfox has me SUPER pumped for the Wii U one coming out soon!
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Stardew Valley is a really, really cute open-ended RPG with a few simple (optional) quests, no real time limits, a simple storyline, and cute pixel graphics. Your character leaves the corporate life behind to build up a farm in Pelican town. It's only $15 on steam, but a member gifted me my copy. :)
I don't have a lot of downtime for gaming but I've picked up my 150+ hours Dragon Age Inquisition game and added some DLC to it. It's sort of relaxing to just magic-murder the shit out of demons for a while.
Many hours lost to the Paris level in the new Hitman. Started Unravel, gorgeous game. Slowly working toward Dark Matter in Black Ops 3. Slowly getting better at Rocket League.
Don't ask me why but I never played Dark Souls 1. I played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2 but for some reason I never got around to playing DS1. Now that DS3 is about to be released I'm just trying to finish DS1 real quick. :D
After finishing Witcher 3, Dying Light and Shadows of Morder I was pretty burnt out and hellbent on not playing another open world, rpg game for a good long while. But after looking at the release date list for this year: I see nothing of interest until May/June timeframe. So I broke down last night and bought Dragon Age Inquisition. Ha dammit. Another rpg. Here's hoping it lasts me from now until summer.
Been playing a fair bit of The Division. It's flawed but enjoyable, and I'm looking forward to it (hopefully) getring better as more updates and DLC are released. Also picked up Day of the Tentacle and it's still awesome, even if the puzzles range from non-sensical to impossibly difficult. And best of all, you can play through the entirety of Maniac Mansion on a computer in one of the rooms in the game, so it's essentially two games for the price of one.

Almost finished Resident Evil 0 (whoever thought up the hookshot in that game is a bastard) and I must be closing in on the end of Wasteland 2. Picked up the Automotron DLC for Fallout 4 but haven't played it yet. Finally finished Assassin's Creed Syndicate (exceeded my expectations) and fairly recently played and finished Firewatch (loved it, made a thread about how much I loved it somewhere here).

Looking forward to Uncharted 4 next month now.

EDITED TO ADD: Oh! And Broforce! It was free with PS Plus so I wasn't expecting much from it but it's actually a lot of fun.
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The last of us. Ereryday ereryday. All day erery day.....whatever that rap song is....someones gotta know what im talking about lmao

But yeah I have been playing The Last of Us. Great game
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My friend lent me Arkham Knight so I've been playing that!! It's a lot more fun than Arkham Origins (which was buggy as hell when I played it) and I'm really enjoying it.
Little bit of the Doom beta. Fun for a few games but not really feeling it. Little bit of Valiant Hearts and Zombi as well. Excited about the Gears 4 beta starting today and looking forward to the Sapienza level of Hitman.