AmberCutie's Forum
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After forty hours, I finally made it to Rivet City. I'm not even wasting a whole lot of time because I want to actually finish the Wasteland Survival Guide before I hit too high a level.

I always play a bleeding-heart goody two shoes in these types of games, and my current playthrough is no different. It strikes me as funny, though, that being super good in this game can still involve the wanton massacre of legions of people and intelligent creatures. I hear that playing neutral is actually really challenging. Of course, it might be freeing to just go through and kill everything. It certainly was fun to watch someone else do it:


Just realized I said the wrong game. It's NV where everyone hates me. But that video is hilarious. Looks like fun. I think I will just go for it in NV since I am already stuck :p
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I finished Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain with 100% and Platinum Trophy recently and today started with The Last of Us Remastered
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Fallout 4 on Xbox One (a fun time-suck) and Undertale on my Mac (adorable and nostalgic-feeling).
I finished Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain with 100% and Platinum Trophy recently and today started with The Last of Us Remastered

I'm not a fan of the Metal Gear series especially after MGS 4. I liked the stealth action gameplay but the long convoluted cutscenes really took me out of the game and I stopped playing less than halfway through. And while playing the first 30 minutes of MGS V it almost made me break my PS4 in half and not want to revisit another MGS game ever again, I'm glad that didn't happen. MGS 5 is by far the most enjoyable game I have on PS4 right now I just keep coming back to it. I love the open world, infinite amount of ways of completing mission objectives AND they largely cut down on the weird story cutscenes too! Another big plus, I was completely surprised when the game wished me a Happy Birthday today upon returning to Mother Base after completing a mission, haha this game is just too awesome :D
I've gotten back into Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR) for the first time since it launched back in 2011. A lot of things have changed, but the game is very enjoyable. I re-sub after a couple IRL days of playing. This week is the release of the December Update called Cartographer's Gift for Halo 5. Quite a few things are included in this release, including social playlists, 6 person free-for-all, the ability to control your look acceleration and dead-zone, and new maps. The first Arena Season will also start which means CSR ranks will be reset. So, when that drops, I'm all over it.

In addition to those two, I've been going back and forth between Hearthstone, Gems of War, and Black Ops 3.
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I have a huge library of fun exciting stuff.. but my laptop isn't built for anything too big and Binding of Isaac has been my personal crack for a while, now. Add to it Afterbirth came out on Halloween, it's really hard to get anything of any value done in my life right meow.
I was kinda of obsessed with Don't Starve over Thanksgiving, but it lost it's flair when I died for the millionth time. (It had been a couple years since I picked it up again, I'll probably need another similarly long as fuck break from it.)
Really into Deck Hero's on my tablet at the moment. If you're into card based games like Hearthstone then definitely give this a go. It is pay to win to a certain extent, but nowhere near as much as some other games out there that pretty much try and force in-app purchases down your throat.
I want to keep going with my Fallout 3/NV playthrough, but I have to get some important real world stuff done before the end of the year, so I'm taking a break for now. Instead, I've been playing my standard time-sink, tower defense games. Problem is, I'm pretty bored with all I have, and now I'm stuck playing Plants vs. Zombies (not that that's a bad thing.)

Anyone got any good recommendations for some straightforward top-down or isometric tower defense? I don't care if it's cartoony, either. In addition to PvZ, I've also enjoyed Bloons TD, Desktop TD, and Fieldrunners a lot.
I feel my soul growing dark once more. I have hopes that this time I might finally have it in me to cap the Capra.
I finally got around to playing Dragon Age: Inquisition and it's pretty damn fun, I've enjoyed all of the series.
After I get through with that I'm either going to start Witcher 3 or Shadows of Mordor, not sure which yet.
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If you're a fan of RPG, the weird and abstract, give this a shot. It's super short (hour and a half long), and one of the most fun games I've ever played. It's by the creator of the Stanley Parable. There's no mechanics, goals, or objectives. As you progress, you feel you delve deeper into the developer's psyche. By the end, I was really trying to figure Coda out.

Also, Hearthstone. Often.
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Reactions: sahi and ACFFAN69
Finished Fallout 4 finally (really enjoyed it but there's no escaping the fact that it was a dumbed-down Fallout game with disappointing graphics - there was a lot to like though). Got Assassin's Creed Syndicate for Christmas and I'm really digging it. It's the first one I've properly played and I'm enjoying taking over London one borough at a time. Still dipping in and out of Final Fantasy VII and I got the Hearts of Stone expansion for Witcher 3 to play through too.
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I'm a completionist whore so I'm still playing Fallout 4 and am not too far in the main plot line because I LOVE side quests!
Still playing Diablo 3 for the PC..Looking forward to season 5 starting on Friday, January 15th