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Been playing a lot of Halo 5. I've had my fair share of ups and downs with match results. Overall, I find the game to be very enjoyable. The Warzone mode is super fun, and I feel most of the Arena style modes are great too. The only beef I have is with the Free For All mode aka my favorite mode in general. The spawns aren't very good, because there are a couple more players in a game than there should be. Other than that, it's good too.

Tuesday is Need for Speed, and Friday is Black Ops 3. Busy week in gaming.
I'm a total geek for games where your in-game decisions affect the storyline. They have great replay value. Which is why recently I've been playing Life Is Strange on Steam. It's a time-turner game mystery/suspense/ drama game, where the PC can turn back time to solve problems or change the outcome of an event relating to NPC's that are friends, family, or enemies.

It's a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to finishing it - and then subsequently replaying it as many times as possible to see how many different finale's I can get.
I got hooked on Skyrim (as I knew I would...probably why I held out on buying it for so long) and right now I got back into Wurm. I got super frustrated with Wurm a few months back because when you die you DIE. Like you lose all your shit and some of your skills. Suffice it to say I died like 6 times in one night :'(
As corny as life is strange is I loved every moment of it but same for me I love story interactive games and yes I almost shed a tear at my ending..... Also I don't hunt for trophies but I thought I would challenge myself since Bloodborne is one of the hardest games i've ever played and attempting to go for the Platinum, actually pretty close but the dungeons are just a nightmare ....
Got Minecraft since I love telltale games but its falling short for me need to give it another chance.
Aaaaaaaand just eagerly waiting for Fallout 4 *drools*
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I have been playing Life is Strange.

As corny as life is strange is I loved every moment of it but same for me I love story interactive games and yes I almost shed a tear at my ending..... Also I don't hunt for trophies but I thought I would challenge myself since Bloodborne is one of the hardest games i've ever played and attempting to go for the Platinum, actually pretty close but the dungeons are just a nightmare ....
Got Minecraft since I love telltale games but its falling short for me need to give it another chance.
Aaaaaaaand just eagerly waiting for Fallout 4 *drools*

Glad to see some other Life Is Strange fans; it's so hard to find them IRL where I live!
Glad to see some other Life Is Strange fans; it's so hard to find them IRL where I live!

Same... Haha I literally have no one in real life to talk to about it. Boyfriend watched me tear at the ending and was like ummmmm o_O haha :h:
So much talk of Fallout, so I decided to finally try these games. Got 1,2 and Tactics from GOG on sale for 10 bucks. Woohoo!

Fallout 1 looks like crap but it's more fun than I expected. Not sure if I will enjoy the games after 2. Not into FPS ... at least that's what they look like to me.
So much talk of Fallout, so I decided to finally try these games. Got 1,2 and Tactics from GOG on sale for 10 bucks. Woohoo!

Fallout 1 looks like crap but it's more fun than I expected. Not sure if I will enjoy the games after 2. Not into FPS ... at least that's what they look like to me.

They are quite different than 3 and New Vegas so don't give up hope! But yeah I know what you mean about the FPS, Fallouts weird its a hit or miss kinda game. Lot of people I know that hate other FPS games still love this one.
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They are quite different than 3 and New Vegas so don't give up hope! But yeah I know what you mean about the FPS, Fallouts weird its a hit or miss kinda game. Lot of people I know that hate other FPS games still love this one.

I trust ya. If I see it on sale I will grab it. :smuggrin:
Same... Haha I literally have no one in real life to talk to about it. Boyfriend watched me tear at the ending and was like ummmmm o_O haha :h:

It's definitely a niche game and seems to have a cult following more than anything. It's just so interactive and story-driven and I think that makes people connect with it more. I definitely did too. :inlove::cry:
Path of Exile is consuming my life right now.
Playing through Half Life 2 for the umpteenth time as well as both Portals, and shame of shames, Clicker Heroes. Damn those stupid clicker games for being so addictive.
It's definitely a niche game and seems to have a cult following more than anything. It's just so interactive and story-driven and I think that makes people connect with it more. I definitely did too. :inlove::cry:
I just finished Episode 5, and the ending I picked was so great I could not imagine having anything else happen. I also just learned they are making a sequel with a similar story, but new cast. Link
I just finished Episode 5, and the ending I picked was so great I could not imagine having anything else happen. I also just learned they are making a sequel with a similar story, but new cast. Link
OH OH OH!!!!! That's too cool! I mean I'm really attached to the characters but they are so good at what they do I'm sure I'll just fall in love with these new ones too!

Thank you for making my freaking week! :party::party::party:
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Got a bunch of games on the go, but one I am really enjoying is The Long Dark. Got it early access on Steam for $13 (Canadian, so should be cheaper for many of you). The first survival game I have played and I am impressed. No zombies lol ... you are trying to survive against cold, exhaustion, hunger, wild animals. Harder than it seems when you are wandering in the dark in a blizzard.

The first time I played I died after sleeping outside and woke to a wolf eating me. The second time I ate raw rabbit meat just to see what would happen and then when it took too long to die of food poisoning, I jumped in my campfire. That did it. :rofl:

Right now it's just the sandbox mode, but story mode is coming. I really recommend it. Lots of fun.
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I won't be playing Fallout 4 anytime soon, but I realized while watching other people live stream it, I never actually got around to finishing Fallout 3 -- or really starting New Vegas, for that matter. My copy of FO3 is so old, WIndows 10 refuses to run it, but luckily, the modding community exists to come to the rescue. There's an absolutely incredible mod called Tale of Two Wastelands, which ports all of FO3's content into the New Vegas engine (which is optimized to work on late Windows OSs.) So, now I'm neck deep in the Capital City Wasteland, after taking about a five-year hiatus, and I'm intent on getting through it, all its add-on content, and then doing the same for New Vegas, all in the same playthrough!

I'm actually pretty surprised at how nostalgic I felt walking back into Megaton again after so long away.


Here's my guy, Warwick, just taking some time out for a swing.


For anyone interested, Tale of Two Wastelands can be found HERE.

So much talk of Fallout, so I decided to finally try these games. Got 1,2 and Tactics from GOG on sale for 10 bucks. Woohoo!

Fallout 1 looks like crap but it's more fun than I expected. Not sure if I will enjoy the games after 2. Not into FPS ... at least that's what they look like to me.

They are quite different than 3 and New Vegas so don't give up hope! But yeah I know what you mean about the FPS, Fallouts weird its a hit or miss kinda game. Lot of people I know that hate other FPS games still love this one.

I've never really considered Fallout 3 or NV to be FPS. I mean, yeah, technically, you're in first-person, and you're shooting, but the mechanics aren't really FPS mechanics. They're more RPG than shooter, to be sure, what with the importance of the VATS system to gameplay, and the fact that your stats have a major effect on whether the bullets you're firing actually hit your target. With a low gun skill, you can shoot raiders point-blank in the chest with a shotgun, and have it do nothing.

After putting over 20 hours in on FO3/NV over the last three days, I'd definitely say it's worth at least giving them a try. New Vegas is especially recommended for you if you love FO 1&2. It's the spiritual sequel to those particular games, while FO3 and FO4, taking place in the Eastern U.S., are more like franchise expansions.

Anyway, the last time I fully completed a BethSoft RPG was Morrowind, and I did that almost ten years ago. I've made a sort of unofficial 2016 resolution to actually complete the games that have come since, instead of spending hundreds of hours modding the things to death and otherwise futzing around, which is what I've done since Oblivion came out. I've got several hundred hours of just the official content ahead of me, so I expect I'll be playing these things for a long while.
I won't be playing Fallout 4 anytime soon, but I realized while watching other people live stream it, I never actually got around to finishing Fallout 3 -- or really starting New Vegas, for that matter. My copy of FO3 is so old, WIndows 10 refuses to run it, but luckily, the modding community exists to come to the rescue. There's an absolutely incredible mod called Tale of Two Wastelands, which ports all of FO3's content into the New Vegas engine (which is optimized to work on late Windows OSs.) So, now I'm neck deep in the Capital City Wasteland, after taking about a five-year hiatus, and I'm intent on getting through it, all its add-on content, and then doing the same for New Vegas, all in the same playthrough!

I'm actually pretty surprised at how nostalgic I felt walking back into Megaton again after so long away.


Here's my guy, Warwick, just taking some time out for a swing.


For anyone interested, Tale of Two Wastelands can be found HERE.

I've never really considered Fallout 3 or NV to be FPS. I mean, yeah, technically, you're in first-person, and you're shooting, but the mechanics aren't really FPS mechanics. They're more RPG than shooter, to be sure, what with the importance of the VATS system to gameplay, and the fact that your stats have a major effect on whether the bullets you're firing actually hit your target. With a low gun skill, you can shoot raiders point-blank in the chest with a shotgun, and have it do nothing.

After putting over 20 hours in on FO3/NV over the last three days, I'd definitely say it's worth at least giving them a try. New Vegas is especially recommended for you if you love FO 1&2. It's the spiritual sequel to those particular games, while FO3 and FO4, taking place in the Eastern U.S., are more like franchise expansions.

Anyway, the last time I fully completed a BethSoft RPG was Morrowind, and I did that almost ten years ago. I've made a sort of unofficial 2016 resolution to actually complete the games that have come since, instead of spending hundreds of hours modding the things to death and otherwise futzing around, which is what I've done since Oblivion came out. I've got several hundred hours of just the official content ahead of me, so I expect I'll be playing these things for a long while.

BundleStars has NV Ultimate Edition for a measly $7.47. You sold me on it talking about the mod. :haha:

Edit: Ahh fuck it, 3 with all DLC is the same cost. Getting both. For 14 bucks worth a shot
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BundleStars has NV Ultimate Edition for a measly $7.47. You sold me on it talking about the mod. :haha:

Edit: Ahh fuck it, 3 with all DLC is the same cost. Getting both. For 14 bucks worth a shot



OK I like Fallout 3 (after I got it to run on W8) but fuck everyone in town hates me! Just because I shot a few in the beginning! And I only did that because some dude shot at me after I killed this big ram thing. Dang this game is hard!
OK I like Fallout 3 (after I got it to run on W8) but fuck everyone in town hates me! Just because I shot a few in the beginning! And I only did that because some dude shot at me after I killed this big ram thing. Dang this game is hard!

Most ranchers don't like it when you kill their livestock. Don't go around stealing stuff when people are watching, either.
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Most ranchers don't like it when you kill their livestock. Don't go around stealing stuff when people are watching, either.

Good to know. It always asks if I want to steal and I have been tempted. Well I am kinda screwed this first game. Maybe I will try it for fun :p
Gems of War. This game is ridiculously addicting. I'll turn my console on expecting to play Halo 5 or COD Black Ops 3, and I'll load up Gems of War first. Then, I'll end up playing for hours. Last night was the perfect example of that. I only paused playing to watch my Heroes and The Originals.
Fallout 4 lately, I'm not sure if it's just me, but I'm not feeling as excited about this fallout as much as I was 3 and NV. But that may be because I've been getting annoyed with some small tedious things. For example; is there a better way to scrap items instead of R->Enter, R->Enter? I have tiny hands and really dislike removing my hand from the keyboard. I already found a dialogue mode to change the response options to 1-2-3-4, etc, and I never seem to have enough ammo for the guns I use.
Been playing a lot of WWE 2K16. Anyone else got it? If you're a wrestling fan I highly recommend it. It's a really well made game this year. Can't get enough of the career mode. It's what's stopping me from playing Fallout 4.
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It's quite a bit nippy outside so I foresee myself playing lots of video games especially with Black Friday right around the corner. Right now I'm playing Dying Light and it's really fun trying to survive in a town over run by all sorts of zombies via parkour and a baseball bat :joyful:

I'm also searching for some multiplayer games to occupy my time during the winter season. I haven't found one that would make me a PS Plus subscriber atm. I almost bought the new Battlefront game but the season pass/DLC bs offered by EA really peeved me and made me not want to purchase it even though I'm a Star Wars fan. Ah well, I'll wait until they finally include ALL the DLC content in a cheaper package deal much later down the road.
After forty hours, I finally made it to Rivet City. I'm not even wasting a whole lot of time because I want to actually finish the Wasteland Survival Guide before I hit too high a level.



OK I like Fallout 3 (after I got it to run on W8) but fuck everyone in town hates me! Just because I shot a few in the beginning! And I only did that because some dude shot at me after I killed this big ram thing. Dang this game is hard!

I always play a bleeding-heart goody two shoes in these types of games, and my current playthrough is no different. It strikes me as funny, though, that being super good in this game can still involve the wanton massacre of legions of people and intelligent creatures. I hear that playing neutral is actually really challenging. Of course, it might be freeing to just go through and kill everything. It certainly was fun to watch someone else do it:

Fallout 4 lately, I'm not sure if it's just me, but I'm not feeling as excited about this fallout as much as I was 3 and NV. But that may be because I've been getting annoyed with some small tedious things. For example; is there a better way to scrap items instead of R->Enter, R->Enter? I have tiny hands and really dislike removing my hand from the keyboard. I already found a dialogue mode to change the response options to 1-2-3-4, etc, and I never seem to have enough ammo for the guns I use.

Can you remap your keys?

Been playing a lot of WWE 2K16. Anyone else got it? If you're a wrestling fan I highly recommend it. It's a really well made game this year. Can't get enough of the career mode. It's what's stopping me from playing Fallout 4.

I think all I want for Christmas is a PS4, and a big reason for that is because PC gets the shaft when it comes to WWE game releases, and I really want to play 2k16. I think a console with just 2k16 and Fallout 4 would keep me busy for a long time.
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