AmberCutie's Forum
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CallMeWilliam said:
RoseGranger said:
PS4: A week ago I was finally talked into trying minecraft. And it's been an everyday since then thing. I'm obsessed.
No kidding... I decided to try it a couple of months ago and ended up spending hours building and making shit for three weeks every day. For such a simple game it is very addictive.

Baha I know right? I was trying to clear out the base for a giant tower last night and came across So. Much. Lava. 6 hours later I finally find the source and got it taken care of.
WizofAus said:
RoseGranger said:
Apps that I play everyday: The simpsons tapped out and Family Guy the quest for stuff.

3DS game: Animal Crossing. I'm a bit ashamed to say I'm a time jumper haha.

PS4: A week ago I was finally talked into trying minecraft. And it's been an everyday since then thing. I'm obsessed.

I discovered 'Family Guy the quest for stuff' about the time of your post and love using my magical finger per its request. I must admit, I can't believe the stuff they are getting away with.

I'm actually not all that surprised seeing as what they can get away with on the show lol. It's a great game it's just difficult to get the things required in such short time frames.
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RoseGranger said:
WizofAus said:
RoseGranger said:
Apps that I play everyday: The simpsons tapped out and Family Guy the quest for stuff.

3DS game: Animal Crossing. I'm a bit ashamed to say I'm a time jumper haha.

PS4: A week ago I was finally talked into trying minecraft. And it's been an everyday since then thing. I'm obsessed.

I discovered 'Family Guy the quest for stuff' about the time of your post and love using my magical finger per its request. I must admit, I can't believe the stuff they are getting away with.

I'm actually not all that surprised seeing as what they can get away with on the show lol. It's a great game it's just difficult to get the things required in such short time frames.

My surprise is due to Apples stringent rule on Mature content. I have to wonder if they really know the content, or is it a case, like most things, if it's animated you can get away with anything. The game is very funny, and yes, like most apps, unless you are willing to fork out real cash (need to save my pennies for other hobbies) it is hard to finish all quests.
Manfriend and I have gone back to check out Legend of Dragoon and then he's never played Last of Us yet, so that's happening.

Also: Haven't caved to WoW for the expansion yet, but I'm getting more and more curious as time goes on and I hear good stuff from people. I miss my MMOs.

TittySprinkles said:
Been switching back and forth between This War of Mine & Prison Architect, both are super addictive.
I just grabbed Prison Architect too. Looking forward to playing it later this week.

Been playing iPad games the last couple weeks. Tower Madness 2 is great! And tough.
I'm totally into Super Smash Bros. for the WiiU right now :) and I'm going to start Lego Batman 3 as soon as I have some more time :D
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AmberCutie said:
TittySprinkles said:
Been switching back and forth between This War of Mine & Prison Architect, both are super addictive.
I just grabbed Prison Architect too. Looking forward to playing it later this week.

Been playing iPad games the last couple weeks. Tower Madness 2 is great! And tough.

Heads up on PA: for the love of all things holy setup your utilities BEFORE you build your foundations. I made the mistake of doing it after and it was a giant cluster fuck. >_>
During Christmas, there was a big content update for Space Engineers, which added procedurally-generated asteroids and ships in near-infinite space. I've been waiting for that to happen pretty much since I bought the game, so I've started playing it again. I will say that being all alone in space feels somewhat disconcerting.
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Baldur's Gate!

I have a love/hate relationship with a party member (Xan, LN Mage) because he has all my best spells but he has 7 damn HP. Not only that, his unique/soulbound weapon is a two handed sword. Who the hell gives a mage a two handed sword?!

Last night he ran in with his single digit health and useless blade like "Ayy boss lemme at him" and in the first round a Xvart (weakest monster) landed a crit on him. He died immediately. Reloaded because screw it, he's going to be useful mid to late game. For the moment he just can't get anywhere near anything even slightly resembling a threat. :c
i play a little bit of everything.

lately ive been playing GTAV again now that i got it on the xbox one. if i can get my 360 working properly again i wouldnt mind getting back into battlefield 4
if i dont feel like playing anything but have absolutely nothing to do ill do minecraft or southpark the stick of truth.

if telltale games comes out with another walking dead or wolf among us season ill definetly play those
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Reactions: PunkInDrublic
Final Fantasy 13 on PC. Given I skipped last gen, I'm just catching up.Can see why people call it linear, but enjoyed the game nonetheless.
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Just got a PS4 for Christmas and I played The Last of Us for almost 12 hours straight yesterday. Holy shit that game is ADDICTING and so much fun!

I also have Destiny but I haven't played yet and COD which I have only played a couple of times. COD is COD...same old, same old. I have Dragon Age: Inquisition coming and I have heard really good things about it so I'm really excited to play. Also, GTA5 and Assassin's Creed Black Flag are on the way. So many games, so little time. Overall I like the PS better than Xbox, though I still need to finish Skyrim so my XBox isn't going anywhere for a while. :)
Nothing but Battlefield 4 and Geometry Wars 3. Fully leveled up main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, attack helicopters and attack jets. Still working on mobile anti air, scout helis, attack boats and stealth jets. Conquest on the Naval Strike maps will make the boats go quick but not sure what method will be best for the others. All the Christmas noobs are making things pretty easy tho. Got sidetracked a few times with Operation Metro 24/7 servers. Silk Road and Gulf of Oman 24/7 are also hard to turn down when I see them. The achievement for getting a kill with an icicle is giving me troubles, same with the AA mine kill. Shouldn't even be that hard but haven't had everything fall into place yet.
Pirated Sonic Adventure DX for PC since I gave my copy to a friend several years ago since I was too nostalgic about the Dreamcast version to get into the ports.

Found out that SA2 was ported to PC a couple years ago and the ability to mod it has been making up for the lack of Dreamcast controller or VMU features.

I literally screamed when I was able to port into the Chao garden with Tikal, and the Chao editor is a godsend in managing my chao since I can pay attention to life/hunger meters and adding animal parts is less frustrating.

Now if I could get a 360 controller so I can stop dying due to sharp turns with WASD movement that'd be greeeeat.

Oh, and have some complimentary Chao



Just started saints row 4 site finishing 3. It's different than the last one but enjoyable. Always playing pump it up though I have had to cut back since I dont own a machine at home. Also trying to get through banjo kazooie and adventure 2 in diddy kong racing :)
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Reactions: PunkInDrublic
BritneySiren said:
Just started saints row 4 site finishing 3. It's different than the last one but enjoyable.
Yeah, the thing with Saints Row IV is that it really isn't a "street gang" game like III was. It is more of a superhero game than anything else. Still hella fun. :thumbleft:
Though I am an avid MMO player and have been working through FFXIV and WOW, I started playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on Yule after buying it for my roommate!
I got a 3DS for Christmas so I have been making a mockery of Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario Brothers and Adventure Time. I got New Leaf as well but it's just not holding my attention.

So in the mean time I Netflix House and play DA:I all night when I'm not online.
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Reactions: PunkInDrublic
TittySprinkles said:
AmberCutie said:
TittySprinkles said:
Been switching back and forth between This War of Mine & Prison Architect, both are super addictive.
I just grabbed Prison Architect too. Looking forward to playing it later this week.

Been playing iPad games the last couple weeks. Tower Madness 2 is great! And tough.

Heads up on PA: for the love of all things holy setup your utilities BEFORE you build your foundations. I made the mistake of doing it after and it was a giant cluster fuck. >_>
Upon loading it up today I realized I'm going to have to:

1. Have a lot of patience (I laid out a foundation/pipes and the workers would have taken like 3 days to complete, but my prisoners were scheduled to arrive in 24 hours. Hmm?)

2. Read a lot of instructions. I kept trying to add the Warden's office but it just wouldn't take. It wouldn't tell me what it required to begin.

3. Be able to handle the fact that there don't seem to be shortcut keys. There was a point I had like 30 piles of logs to sell or clear and the game wanted me to click each one individually then click a menu to clear or sell it. Tedious!

I'll try again another day. :)
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Reactions: PunkInDrublic
Been doing a bit of Borderlands 2 on PS3. Prototype 2 was free on PlayStation Plus so gave that a go too. Seems okay, if nothing special. Been playing Duke Nukem 3D on Vita (mainly for nostalgia) and Boom Beach on iPhone (which is basically Clash Of Clans does Normandy). Think I'm gonna delve back in to Persona 4 in a moment too.
For now I've mainly been gathering up a collection of older systems, and am trying to get better at Conker's Bad Fur Day as a way of giving back to one of my favorite games.
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Reactions: PunkInDrublic
TentacleGeek said:
Though I am an avid MMO player and have been working through FFXIV and WOW, I started playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on Yule after buying it for my roommate!
I got a 3DS for Christmas so I have been making a mockery of Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario Brothers and Adventure Time. I got New Leaf as well but it's just not holding my attention.

So in the mean time I Netflix House and play DA:I all night when I'm not online.

How is FFXIV holding up? I played FFXI until a few years back when most quit to start on FFXIV, although I didn't want to at the time. Wondering about investing my time (heard they've added Triple Triad, and I used to play that online and was amazingly skilled at it)
Been playing 'Borderlands - The Pre Sequel' having been a massive 'Borderlands 2' fan, hence the MFC username, for some reason I can't quite get into this, no idea why.

Also 'Transistor' which is a beautiful RPG game with a great story, and wonderful illustrations, atmosphere and music.

Continuing through 'Trine 2' as well, need to try and finish that at some point.
I used to be a huge MMORPG fan (vanilla wow) and other wonderful "time suck" games but with the limited spare time I have these days short quick games keep me relatively occupied. Lately I've been playing a lot of Hearthstone & World of Tanks with a bit of CIVS & Minecraft thrown in occasionally.