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What was the last movie/show you watched?

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I really enjoyed it too, and I love that “Dance The Night Away” song. :clap: That dance party was my favorite scene in the movie, and it looked like everyone had a ball…and it truly seemed like “the best day ever.”
I agree... That movie was great! The soundtrack was really awesome too (just all around - I loved it).
what were some of your favorite parts?
Most of all, I found the soundtrack was on point, which is always a real bonus for me.
Second, I really enjoyed the pace of the movie, it didn't really feel like there was any flat spot where things needed a hurry up or the dialog became tired.
I really enjoyed the overall happy fun vibe of the early part of the movie, but it was also nice to see the insecurities and doubts that some of the 'perfect' characters really had.
The acting was great too, not an easy thing to achieve given the potential for everything to be overdone on an epically kitsch scale.
In fact, I'll say that my favourite character of all was Weird Barbie!
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I freaked when I saw this Western Barbie costume at Spirit Halloween last year in August. 😃

Didn't get around to watching the movie until a little while after that.
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I freaked when I saw this Western Barbie costume at Spirit Halloween last year in August. 😃

Didn't get around to watching the movie until a little while after that.
It suits you, I like it.
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Fallout on Netflix. Normally the idea of a movie or TV series based on a computer game would send me running -- for some reason the concept strikes me as creatively bereft, but I guess in truth it's not much different to making a movie etc based on a book.

Visually I like it, but it puts me in mind of Game of Thrones in that almost *all* of the characters are thoroughly unlikeable, and they spend all of their time doing horrendous things to other people, including and especially the scant few characters who are not horrendously behaved. Like GoT it has kept me hooked enough that I have only 2 more episodes to watch which I will do this weekend. ;)

Will Trent on Disney+. Police procedural revolving around the titular character who is an agent of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. He is dyslexic and had a traumatic childhood within the Georgian foster care system, making him an "interesting" person. I quite like this show. It has a sprinkling of humour, the characters are all likeable without being unrealistically "good", the characters in the law enforcement offices do not hate each other as we see so often in police shows (If real life police services were staffed by people who loathed each other, no crime would ever be solved), and it is pretty much a self-contained "crime of the week" format. i.e. no ridiculous long-term "conspiracy or corruption laden" story arcs. I like to be able to dip in and out of a series. (although being a Virgo I can, and do, also binge with the best of people ;) ) .

And it is based on a novel series by Karin Slaughter.
Not a movie I watched, because it hasn't been produced yet, and (apparently) it's still not confirmed as cast, but this trailer is such a tease.
And timed nicely to segue on from the Margot Robbie (Barbie) discussion.

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Not a movie I watched, because it hasn't been produced yet, and (apparently) it's still not confirmed as cast, but this trailer is such a tease.
And timed nicely to segue on from the Margot Robbie (Barbie) discussion.

I tried watching some of the newer Bonds. I'm more of a Sean Connery and Roger Moore Bond era fan. They've gotten a bit intense recently (I mean if you can really call that "recently" lol).
Those older ones are hilarious!
I just watched the one that is like part sci-fi last christmas day - I forgot the name.
ETA; Moonraker.
Anyways I love a good Bond.
He's so much cooler than Indiana Jones, and that's a Hill I'd definitely die on.
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I tried watching some of the newer Bonds. I'm more of a Sean Connery and Roger Moore Bond era fan. They've gotten a bit intense recently (I mean if you can really call that "recently" lol).
Those older ones are hilarious!
I just watched the one that is like part sci-fi last christmas day - I forgot the name.
ETA; Moonraker.
Anyways I love a good Bond.
He's so much cooler than Indiana Jones, and that's a Hill I'd definitely die on.
As a child of the 70's and growing up in the UK, I remember those Bond movies with a lot of nostalgia. Seemed that you could always rely on a Bond movie at Christmas, New Years and Easter.
Connery was always my preference back then, he seemed to have a bit more cred as he aligned well with the Bond of the Ian Fleming books, being sophisticated, worldy and capable, whereas Roger Moore always just seemed a bit sleazy and a bit ineffectual to me, even through a teenager's POV.
Those movies don't date at all well, for obvious reasons, but they're still pretty good fun from seeing the ridiculous gadgets - a trip to Q branch was always a highlight :)
Things tailed off for me in the 80's and 90's, with Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan etc being completely unconvincing - but I did really enjoy Daniel Craig's first appearance in the remake of Casino Royale.
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As a child of the 70's and growing up in the UK, I remember those Bond movies with a lot of nostalgia. Seemed that you could always rely on a Bond movie at Christmas, New Years and Easter.
Connery was always my preference back then, he seemed to have a bit more cred as he aligned well with the Bond of the Ian Fleming books, being sophisticated, worldy and capable, whereas Roger Moore always just seemed a bit sleazy and a bit ineffectual to me, even through a teenager's POV.
Those movies don't date at all well, for obvious reasons, but they're still pretty good fun from seeing the ridiculous gadgets - a trip to Q branch was always a highlight :)
Things tailed off for me in the 80's and 90's, with Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan etc being completely unconvincing - but I did really enjoy Daniel Craig's first appearance in the remake of Casino Royale.
That was very thorough. Yeah they lost me at Timothy Dalton lol I moved on with my life.
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That was very thorough. Yeah they lost me at Timothy Dalton lol I moved on with my life.
Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond, because he’s more of a John Le Carré or Graham Green character. He’s traumatized, addicted, manipulated and a badass when the calling calls him. He drinks beers, not a cocktail Martini, and he is more of a street thug than the elegant womanizer. Mic drop :)
It’s not so much just the casting that put me off it’s the whole thing. I watched one of the newer ones at the cinema, about twenty years ago, on a date with a marine who just got back from Iraq. There was some really intense stuff. Last and only new one I ever watched.

Too much sexual violence. One very disturbing scene. A little too near reality for me. I liked the older ones because they were ridiculous and cheesy. This one was horrible. Not what I’m looking for from the Bond franchise.

Roger Moore acting like a dipshit was funny, this was not. The whole style changed .
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Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond, because he’s more of a John Le Carré or Graham Green character. He’s traumatized, addicted, manipulated and a badass when the calling calls him. He drinks beers, not a cocktail Martini, and he is more of a street thug than the elegant womanizer. Mic drop :)

Peel the onion…

Confused Daniel Craig GIF by Regal
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It’s not so much just the casting that put me off it’s the whole thing. I watched one of the newer ones at the cinema, about twenty years ago, on a date with a marine who just got back from Iraq. There was some really intense stuff. Last and only new one I ever watched.

Too much sexual violence. One very disturbing scene. A little too near reality for me. I liked the older ones because they were ridiculous and cheesy. This one was horrible. Not what I’m looking for from the Bond franchise.

Roger Moore acting like a dipshit was funny, this was not. The whole style changed .
The style did change for sure. When it comes to old school non graphic violence, I am a sucker for Enter The Dragon with Bruce Lee. He could actually move:)
The style did change for sure. When it comes to old school non graphic violence, I am a sucker for Enter The Dragon with Bruce Lee. He could actually move:)
Yeah I like enter the dragon too. Bruce Lee was great!
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Batman and Joker have taken some interesting turns of late (former less so). Looking forward to Folie à Deux.

ETA: not the condition - the movie 😂
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Fallout really surprised me, in a good way.
It didn't surprise me very much, but I also really enjoyed it, I were also always one of the nerds that spend WAY too much time in the games reading through all the logs and so however xD.. I'm looking forward to the next season!
The Youtube channel for Shout! Studios currently has 25 ongoing marathon streams of old, mostly puppet-based TV shows. There's Alf and Farscape, but most notably, there's TEN Gerry Anderson shows being streamed, and they are wild. Thunderbirds, Space 1999, Captain Scarlet, Fireball XL5 -- but by far my favorite is Terrahawks, which is some of the most unhinged television I've ever watched. Gerry Anderson was a genius
of old, mostly puppet-based TV shows. There's Alf -- but by far my favorite is which is some of the most unhinged television I've ever watched.
This is exciting, thanks!!! It's gonna be a fun night!
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I hope you find something you like. It makes me wonder what other channels out there are streaming stuff like this. MST3k has had a Forever-a-thon going since before Christmas, and it's been awesome.
Oh I will, I used to love Alf, but puppets in general, are just great. Thanks again :party: If the other stuff is even better then that's just great! I LOVE unhinged.
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Started making my way through black sails again. Highly recommend it if anyone hasnt seen it.
I got around to watching Southpatk; Cred last night. I was in the perfect state of mind for it, and almost gave myself a hernia laughing. lol Randy Marsh is so predictable… every time. He might be one of my favorite characters 🤣

Highly recommend if you’re a SP fan. I preferred it over the one with the time travel and all the blade runner references tbh It was on Prime in my area.

ETA; the one with the blade runner references was named Southpark; After Covid, or something like that. It was ok, but Cred was way better imo.
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Fallout on Netflix. Normally the idea of a movie or TV series based on a computer game would send me running -- for some reason the concept strikes me as creatively bereft, but I guess in truth it's not much different to making a movie etc based on a book.

Visually I like it, but it puts me in mind of Game of Thrones in that almost *all* of the characters are thoroughly unlikeable, and they spend all of their time doing horrendous things to other people, including and especially the scant few characters who are not horrendously behaved. Like GoT it has kept me hooked enough that I have only 2 more episodes to watch which I will do this weekend. ;)

I really enjoyed Fallout, too, but |I have never played the game so I had no expectations of it, so I think that worked in my favour.

I got around to watching Southpatk; Cred last night. I was in the perfect state of mind for it, and almost gave myself a hernia laughing. lol Randy Marsh is so predictable… every time. He might be one of my favorite characters 🤣

Highly recommend if you’re a SP fan. I preferred it over the one with the time travel and all the blade runner references tbh It was on Prime in my area.

ETA; the one with the blade runner references was named Southpark; After Covid, or something like that. It was ok, but Cred was way better imo.

Southpark is honestly amazing at hitting the nail on the head with most things like this while having a fantastic joke about it too.
I thought the Streaming Wars by them was excellent too and bang on
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Two guys and a girl, easily one of the most underrated sitcom's from the late 90's / early 2000's
I Am This Cat Eating GIF