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What was the last movie/show you watched?

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just finished the British show Hustle, it's a good show, earlier seasons like 1-3 are better but the rest arnt bad either.

A bunch of the shows I was watching just got new seasons.
The Rookie, it has a spin off running too now The Rookie: Feds, only one episode of that so far and it's too much of the same imo.
Seal Team
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Resident Alien, havnt started the new season of this one yet but it's on the list 😂
Hustle went under the radar, but was really well made. Robert Vaughn was nothing short of brilliant in it as the old mentor hustler/thief.
Finally was able to watch some stuff!

House of the Dragon: Meh. There are no grey characters here, nor do I find any of them particularly interesting. I have no one to root for and I really need that. Yay for dragons though! :) Still going to finish this season, but may not pick it up again for season 2.

P-Valley: Second season is just as good as the first. Heart wrenching, beautiful and ugly relationships, excellent chemistry between characters, highs go high and lows go low. There are some problems with the show, but they're easily overlooked (at least by me) because of just how damn good it is otherwise. Do want to caution people about the amount of mental and physical abuse. It is portrayed very realistically - the only other time I've seen it portrayed so well was in "Maid" (amazing show, btw). There's an ep that doesn't give the warning at the start and I got triggered really really bad from it so just take a lot of care when watching.

Rings of Power: I want to love it, but am pretty much only watching it because I feel I have to. There are problems. Characters feel wooden, too much action, dialogue is meh, it's all just watered down. Feels too "Marvel" to me and I really am not into that kind of stuff at all. Regardless, going to watch every single episode that ever comes out because it's still Tolkien universe.

We Own This City: David Simon. That is all. Pretty sure he couldn't make bad tv even if he tried. Perfect.
Regardless, going to watch every single episode that ever comes out

This is quite literally me with any tv show haha.
It has to become extremely bad for me to completely stop watching. I always feel somewhat compelled to watch them through.
Criminal Minds, for example, started good, got bad, and just got worse in my opinion, yet I kept watching and watching :rofl: :rofl:
Not sure if I imagined things but I swear I saw that it's coming back. I hope not, I really don't want to have to watch it again haha

Oh damn, it was real, I did see it, season 16 is coming out.
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Last Tv show:

Pennyworth - first 3 episodes for series 3
I forgot how much I loved this show.

It took me 10 or 20 mins to get back into it, which isn't too bad to be fair. I am glad they don't release all episodes at once, yet at the same time it is annoying
I have been watching and really enjoying The Peripheral.
Been continuing to watch Pennyworth, which is good but it started to get a bit stupid now - you can argue it was originally, but it's just become TOO stupid with all the "modified humans" in it.

I gave "The Winchesters" a try, I watched all episodes to date but lord, that is boring and stupid. I thought it could be good as a prequel to Supernatural since I really used to enjoy that show, but nope., not for me unfortunately.
Earlier today I watched the movie Beast (on Peacock) starring Idris Elba, which was really good! I also watched my favorite movie The Shawshank Redemption, and I just now finished watching the old film Ben (on Peacock)...which is the sequel to the film Willard.
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I decided to give the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas/Holiday Special a try.... no, no no, not for me haha
Videodrome by David Cronenberg. Very old, very very dark and also disturbing. One of my favourite movies is Naked Lunch, but this one is not far from it.
First 2 episodes of willow are out, I was a big fan of the movie, seems fine so far I don't see what all the hate is about. I think its kind of suspicious the # of 1 out of 10 ratings on imdb.

I can't remember ever seeing the movie, but in order to watch/understand the tv show would I need to watch the movie?
Last night I watched yesterday’s episode of General Hospital on ABC dot com. It’s entertaining, but it’s crazy how predictable some of this stuff is too. Lol.

I thought the movie Nope was meh.

I have enough Redbox points to redeem the “Free DVD rental” offer, and I’d love to use it to rent Smile…which will be at the Redbox kiosks on December 13.
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Just finished Euphoria and it. Was. INCREDIBLE!
Watched the first episode of Wednesday last night and I'm hooked! Catherine Zeta-Jones is soooo amazing 😍
Just started watching Tulsa King. Enjoying it so far.
james franco wtf GIF

Go watch the movie!

Edit: i don't think its required to watch to understand it anyway

I think i HAVE seen the movie.
I watched the first 2 episodes and obviously it shows flashbacks, and I definitely recognise them.

But so far I am enjoying the show.