Agh this is really hard to narrow things down to 3, but I put some in order from least heavy to most heavy.
1.) Eidola - Tetelestai
It's sort of like the band Dance Gavin Dance, but a bit less poppy. Usually if I have a friend that likes rock, but not really into too heavy of metal stuff, I introduce them to Eidola, albeit usually with their song Humble Ledger.
2.) TesseracT - Nocturne (... but really I tend to listen to the whole album Altered State the full way through for the full experience)
Nocturne is TesseracT's most popular song, but I think it's that way for a reason. The notes to hit are easy, but the rhythm and layering with the syncopation make it much more complex, and it creates a really interesting dynamic imo.
3.) Kadinja - The Modern Rage
It's sort of like a mix between Korn/Meshuggah/Deftones. Super underrated band imo that I stumbled upon on Spotify. They're not extremely underground, but I do think they have enough instrumental/song writing skill to deserve more followers (of course, me being bias

). Their awesome guitar solos aren't featured in this particular piece, but if anyone is interested, I'd strongly recommend Henry Call Mash Yes by them. That's probably my favorite by them, even though The Modern Rage has been one I've been listening to as of late.