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What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

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The Jem and the Holograms movie was as disappointing as I expected it to be. I think the best part may have been the scene where the aunt makes them do their harmonizing. And that thing playing Synergy looked like a freakin' webcam. Lmao. They should've just left Jem alone, and kept it as the wonderful cartoon that it is.
What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
Probably The Room, but it's so bad it's good.

More recently I watched Final Girl on netflix and that was pretty painful.
Did I already post The Langoliers? Because... The Langoliers.
I actually loved the langoliers when I was little, I didn't realize how bad it was till I watched it as an adult. You might enjoy the Nostalgia Critic's review of it, it's pretty brutal/hilarious.
Lords of Salem. The beginning seemed promising and as a rob zombie movie I expected it to be F***ed up but it was just to wierd for me lol
Run lola run. - A German thriller film if you read the synopsis it sounds promising but basically just a film about a girl running a lot!
I'm sorry!!! I just didn't get that totally onto it the first time! Forgiveness please???

I liked Madagascar Escape 2 Africa way more than the first one. The soundtrack is pretty cool too, and it's got the song "More Than A Feeling" by Boston and "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow. :)
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Started watching Knock Knock. Got 20 minutes in and thought, "nah". I should have known better than to give Eli Roth another chance. And I know Keanu isn't exactly known for his thespian chops but I don't think I've ever seen an actor less invested in their role than Keanu in Knock Knock.
Saw somebody mention Clash of the Titans on the first page. I ENJOYED IT. And by enjoyed it, I mean I only enjoyed every bit of those glorious Danish man-thighs carrying Mads Mikkelsen around. I turned it off as soon as he turned into a rock, though.

The Room is a CLASSIC, dammit. If you ever have a chance to go to a screening, it's a fantastic time. It's taken on a Rocky Horror stage-type show, complete with throwing plastic spoons.

But the worst movie ever, EVER: Dragon Ball Evolution. Even the director apologized for it. It was worse than Movie 42 and Hugh Jackman's Ballchinnian deal. I was raging and wanting to leave the theater about 5 minutes in, but alas, it was the 2nd date with my now-husband, so I had to suffer.
I watched the newer Catwomen the other day with Halle Berry, and it was fucking terrible.

Omfg it was so terrible. I have no words besides terrible, terrible, terrible.
Halle Berry in my opinion is beautiful, but she can't act for shit. There was a show cancelled called Extant that she starred in not to long ago and all I could do was mimick her horrible acting every 5 seconds. She would be making faces that made no sense and inflecting her voice so off from what would be going on in the scene.
Twilight wasn't the worse movie for me, but it ranks highest on my list of movies that disappointed.
I read the Saga in 11th grade and Loved it like many high school chicks and when they showed that Pattinson as my Edward, I nearly fainted in horror. I'm still mad to this day that they did him like that lol Ian should've been Edward
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Disney's "Fantasia". Walked out ... so bored. :wtf:

You have to see it on a big screen, and be high.

K-Pax with Kevin Spacey.

There's an earlier Argentine movie that I liked named "Man Facing Southeast" (1986) that perhaps inspired K-PAX.

Worst movie, the only one I've ever walked out on: First Family (1980), a stupid "comedy" with Bob Newhart. Awful.
The Eragon movie, I enjoyed the books(except for the last one) but holy shit did they butcher that movie

Ugh. Yes they did. I loved the Inheritance series so much that I read the books til the covers came off and the binding fell apart. The movie actually broke my heart because I know they'll never finish the series with the first one being so awful
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