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What is the longest you've gone without eating?

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 14, 2010
I mean, I'm pretty sure none of us can beat that man who hasn't eaten for 70 years, but I think the longest I've gone without eating is 29 hours. No 30 hour famine for me. And I didn't do it for religious reasons; I did it because I felt sad.
I'm pretty sure it was 3 days. I lost 4 lbs. But, I had food poisoning, it's not like I had a choice in the matter.
Couple of weeks ago I was really sick and I went 50+ hours without being able to eat anything, and I was only able to drink small amounts of water every few hours. That slightly beats out the time I had food poisoning about 3 years ago and couldn't eat for about 2 days.
Hmm... I want to lose that extra 5 pounds. Maybe I should get some food poisoning. If you don't see me in the chat tonight, it probably means I am attempting to get lots of rest in bed.

Wait... what am I saying? I'll be on MFC even if I'm a quarter conscious.
Jason314 said:
Hmm... I want to lose that extra 5 pounds. Maybe I should get some food poisoning. If you don't see me in the chat tonight, it probably means I am attempting to get lots of rest in bed.

Wait... what am I saying? I'll be on MFC even if I'm a quarter conscious.

LOL. Let me hook you up at the bad teriyaki place that did it for me... :)
I've gone a few days without eating. I tend to forget to eat often. I still drink of course, but no food.
I forget sometimes too. Never more than a day but I'll be super busy, get home late then sit down and realize I'm starving. Then I just go to bed. Sometimes it's easier to just start over in the morning.

I do the same thing when I have a culinary disaster. I get some crazy idea to make something and when it turn out to be a complete failure, I get so deflated I just go to bed hungry.
I used to abuse my adderall prescription (idkwtf) and I would go nearly 2 days w/o eating quite often. Then there was one time I was sick and slept for about 4 days solid. I doubt I ate then. I was delirious from fever, I had never been or never have again hallucinated from a fever.
About 6-8 days, when i was locked into my house when i had cancer, and it had to be broken into to save me. I was a pretty poor state, comatose, and i owe them my life.
Somewhere between 36 and 48 hours.

Not quite sure how long I went without eating in college.

The bit that I know for sure is when I was in high school, I went to sleep one afternoon, woke up around dinner the next day. My mother let me sleep because I was sick. If I'm remembering correctly, it was a Sun-Mon, and that Sunday I just had breakfast.
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