I was told that the shape of my eyes made it impossible for lasik to work even with limited success. Something about them not being able to get the laser to focus where it's supposed to, possible chance of burning a very wrong thing. Otherwise, I'd have gotten that about 8 years ago, back when I was still on my parent's insurance and they were paying for stuff like that. In fact, that's why we went to the Mayo clinic, the visit that ended with "best we can do is get you into hard lense contacts. Is that okay?"
20/20 vision with contacts. The only time in my life. Fucking parents forced me to wear them for 10 hours a day, which made my eyes start to reject them. But that was 7 years ago, so maybe they'll be cool with them now. Now if only hard lenses didn't cost $600 and require that I still get the $400 glasses for the other 8-10 hours that I'm awake...