(ive read 25 pages, and what a waste of fucking time it was

so so SOOO many misinformation, speculation, rage, half of the posts about Dan Einstein xD i feel sorry who decide to read the whole thread from the beginning...)
Thanks to those few who share their true experiences with pay providers! For instance:
@Adrianna__ @charlene_arthur @nicehotjob
Mine so far:
- Paxum didnt verified me yet, and its almost 3 weeks... If they mail a card as fast as they review couple of documents... Whatever, i think they might been providing nice service, but they suck right now very hard..
- Epayments: i pressed the daily payout button on bongacams, the next second i got the email from epayments that the money is on my account. USD $ currency. There was no payout fees, no crediting, factoring fees, nothing. Than i requested a bank wire transwer to my bank account, a SEPA transfer in EUR € of course, and i saw the currency conversion from USD to EUR, which is like almost identical or even better then the atm withdrawal was with the Firstchoicepay card. The fee for the whole SEPA transfer is 0.6$ !!!!!!!!! But its on their site at fees information page as well... However the money arrived in 7 business days to my bank account. That could be better, but at least everything else was smooth

A girl was struggling hard with english, and she wrote that epayments requested documents from her about the origin of the money. But she couldnt confirm that it was EPAYMENTS or EPAYSERVICES. Those are different. Yet people started spreading this misinformation. I dont know tho, EPAYMENTS did not ask proof from me yet. If you make a transfer to bank account, you have to fill the details field, it cant be empty. You have to specify info about the services/product you are making payment for, if there is no such thing, you just enter "without number". I imagine if you dont know what are you doing and start to write all kind of shit, that could may lead them to ask proof. But again, i dont know.
Also how come you cant request any card from epayments, but through bongacams you can? Through bonga it costs 15 USD instead 5.95. They state that it arrives within 3-7 working days, which sounds quite express for me. What the hell?