Hey, Ive been Ukrainian cam girl for 5 years I went thought it all starting from shit greedy studio))
So about the registration: I also do not live where I have registration i.e propiska and I also rent!))) But before there was NO WAY they will deliver you card to adress which is not registration one! It was same with Payoneer (for me at least), so I accepted it and I just send it to my registration adress and then I go to that post office and pick it up. I also once was living abroad for awhile and wanted new card to be delivered there and they refused whatsoever. I was living in Dominican Republic and it was 2014 tho.
Now: I have the new type of passport which is ID card and since this thing doesn't have any pages, ur registration doesn't written anywhere on it, so governtment in additional to ID card gives paper A4 with your registration info and you carry it wherever you need it. So it's what I sent to ePayments and they not gonna accept that damn paper whatsoever, stupid.
epayservices accepted no problem and I am going to follow with my plan - I will just send card to my registration adress and visit post office there. I know it for sure might be more problematic if you live in a different city! Maybe you could try to give them bill for internet? Like if I pay for internet and cable TV it's all on my name and with rented apartment's adress. I haven't heard about that telegram thing, so not sure.
So far epayservices seems okay and I very soon plan to try transfer mfc money from there to usd privatbank card and see how it goes) I will for sure update on that.
Not only my registration address is in another city, but it's the active war zone (East) and basically not quite Ukraine at the moment

So no chance for me with this option, I haven't been there since 2014. Painful reality.
It sucks so much that they don't accept your ID attachment registration - although, honestly, I think the whole "propiska" thing is total bullshit

There should be a simpler way of registration as a citizen and I think the city registration must be enough. Like, it's my fckng business if I move in and out a lot of different apartments within one city, just send me the fckng card to wherever I want!
I realize it's probably all about taxes and control of our lives. Bleh.
My Internet provider is a dumb dumb, because I can't even change the rate (I wanted to buy the best speed from them) without the apartment owner, not saying about them sending bills to my name.
But I'm actually ready to pay those $10 to ePayservice for the address proof - I used to stick to my principles and tried to find another way, but now I want to stick to my money. A new principle, why not
Please keep me posted here or in PM, if possible

Thank you very much for a detailed answer
ETA: Btw, I also started from a shitty greedy studio and I'm oh so happy to be able to do this on my own

The only concern I have is lack of communication between local models (ok I'll be honest, adequate local models, cuz I saw one forum and it was awfully vulgar most of the time).
I sincerely love ACF and insanely appreciate all the help I got from here, but when it comes to payment questions, noone can help but a local person with real experience.
Thus, if interested, we could try and create a group chat here or wherever to share info and such

Just an idea, but let me know if you're in (or if anyone else is reading this and likes the idea, let me know as well
