No, I haven't needed to as I haven't yet received an email informing me of any decision regarding a final amount to be paid to me. Others apparently received an email informing them they would get zero, and only in those instances is an objection submission required.did u sent objection form?
@avantgart I agree, the truth is that we cannot trust any bank. We trust these corporations giving them our money and it only makes the banks more powerful. The internet is a great tool but they want to control it too, which also means everything is getting digital, including money. If things keep going this way, eventually there won't be paper cash anymore and most transactions will be done with "digital money" electronically online and through card transactions. That way, the banks will have full control of how much money we all have, they'll be able to charge any fees they decide, and keep track of who pays taxes. There are a few documentaries about this subject actually. Unfortunately banks really do rule the economy at the moment. The problem is that if you don't put your money in a bank, you feel vulnerable as well - where will you put it? Either in your home, in a 'secret place' anywhere you think it's hidden, exchange for gold or hide in a bank safe deposit box (which you're not 'supposed' to do - because obviously the bank can't keep track of your money anymore - but keep in mind that if anything 'fishy' shows up, they could 'lock' your box, even though that is rare). The point is this could happen with any online banking such as stupid PayPal (who doesn't even allow any 'adult' related money exchange), and it could happen to the biggest physical banks in any country, even though it's harder to happen, if it does, it's a huge crisis (similar like it happened in Russia). So in the end our money is vulnerable anywhere, it's a percentage of risks difference, but by having most people's $ in the bank is what keeps these banks in power ruling our economy. As I am part of the 'people' and not the 1% of the world's richest population (bank owners, politicians, etc), I do not like the idea that I am transferring my power and trust to them - because of that, this is why I have this regret with Choice bank limited. Again, it could happen with any other bank you chose to use. And they really wanna pursue you and make you feel like you can trust them, just like so many people are alienated watching television crap all day, there are also people microchipping themselves for the 'convenience' of just scanning their arms to pay for something and being cash/wallet free. That is a terrifying idea to me, have a microchip implanted under your skin with all your 'electronic money' trusted by a financial institution!
@Claudia Smith Yes in the objection form it says: "Please explain in the space provided below, the reasons why you believe your claim should be allowed or other proposed action of the Liquidator should be modified. Copies of all supporting documents that you wish to be reviewed by the Central Bank must be submitted with this Form." -> Basically the reasons why the claim should be allowed is because of all the proofs we have, so we would send all documents that we have to show proof (likely the same as we sent for the claims - notarized ID, statements, card numbers, etc). Regarding the other proposed actions of the Liquidator to be modified, you are right, we do not know his decision, but that is because he did not publicly informed through the website or each one of us by email about the Schedule of Actions where it states the purposes of the winding-up yet. So for now, unless we go to Belize, we don't know! So I believe that is a objection in itself, you would basically state that because the Liquidator has neither informed you through your contact information submitted in your claim forms nor publicly on their website as he said so in his video interview, you are not aware of the Liquidator's decision... Except for his last email (if your claim was allowed or rejected, or both, you'll send copies of these with the objection). And because you are not a resident of Belize, you were not allowed to physically go see the liquidator's decision within the 20 days given.
So the objection would be to any decision the Liquidator decided that is not allowing your claim as valid in the full amount - which means your objection would be to literally get all your money in case the Liquidator decision was any different than that. If the Liquidator's decision agrees with yours (which would be to pay the full amount objected by the claimant), then they should just disregard the objection and pay in full (not sure how likely that would be to happen though). Unfortunately if they schedule a hearing in person, I am not sure how many people would be willing to travel abroad for that purpose, and if not showing up, they will decide without us there and we won't be there to make any more objections, therefore that will be the final decision from the court. If they decide to schedule the hearing and we cannot go indeed, I believe we should look into getting a lawyer to represent and speak for us at the hearing.
@Nicky2000 I'm sorry, I feel for you too, we all try to find something in our minds to cope with the idea of losing our money. It's good that thinking of it as tax worked for you, even though that is a whole lot of taxes lol. But whichever excuse we think of so it give us some peace of mind, I just feel I'll never really accept this because it's a really unfair and traumatizing 'lesson', so it will always be a scar of regret there. But again, I'm still have hopes for the money back.
And to everyone - it is hard! not only the idea we might lose our money for our honest work, but also there is this fear in the air to fight because we are part of the adult industry. Many people keep it as a secret in their personal lives and just open up online, wether you're a cam model, a porn star or a high class escort, our job is not well accepted in our society so it is really tough and frustrating! I actually quit my career few years ago because I decided to pursuit something else, but this side will always be with me throughout my life, and it gave me so much freedom and a feeling of power in a positive way. It opened my eyes, it gave me a lot of free time and money to enjoy my life in my 20's... now that I'm almost 30 years old, I decided I wanna change paths not because of fear, but because I stopped getting the 'high' of the job, got tired of it, my personality changed and I started having other interests in my personal life such as more financial stability, monogamous intimacy, etc.. but I can say I was happy, proud and lucky I could put my youth, rebellion and artistic side out there and the adult business made it possible. I've been keeping a part of my earned money with First Choice thinking it was safe for the last few years, so it breaks my heart with regret, but then in the end of life - that's just money they're taking away from me, don't let it affect your mind!
Ultimately with the banks it's all about control. Where it gets more interesting is that the Rothschilds family are reputed to won or control virtually every central bank in the world, including the USA, UK, China, Japan, Russia, etc., etc., and of course Belize!
With that kind of power sitting over the central banks, the average person out there has little or no possibility of ever having a say in what happens, and any legal process will literally take years of waiting and a truckload of legal fees to see any kind of result. When did you last hear of anyone suing a bank and winning their case? Plus I suspect any lawyer sitting in Belize is unlikely going to try and take on the Central Bank, it's a small country and likely has a very tight knit legal and financial circle.
My strictly personal opinion in this Choice Bank matter is that the very wealthy and institutional investors, with their army of well-paid lawyers, will have gotten to the table first, and individual investors/depositors will be the little dogs waiting for scraps to be thrown down to them. I'm not a pessimistic person, but I am realistic, and I'm viewing this payout in the same way I do the lottery: there is a chance, albeit a small one, that I will get all or at least a good part of my money back, and as long as there is a chance at all I will keep hoping and trying for it.
I really like your idea about submitting an objection form the day before the deadline, even in the absence of any final decision being communicated by Cedric Flowers. It's worth a shot and I'll definitely be doing it. After all, what I have got to lose by doing so? Probably less than by not doing so.
I agree, I was thinking the same... and I am not decided, maybe if we didn'thave the notification we can do later the objection, obviously because we haven't received it, why should we object if they don't tell us they reject our claim? I don't know , but I was thinking about that too
what do u wanna to say by this words?that in any case we should do this form even if not got 2nd email?Pay attention!!! The objection form it's not related to whether we received an email that we were told was approved or was denied, but refers to the fact that if we, the parties involved, have any objection to the Shedule Of Proposed Actions.
Look what they are saying on their FAQ :
7. How long will the liquidation process take? When will I be given my funds?
. File a Schedule of Proposed Actions to be taken for the winding-up of Choice Bank Limited with the Central Bank of Belize and commence partial distribution (by 28 February 2019)
. Deadline to make objection to Schedule of proposed actions to the Central Bank of Belize (by 20 March 2019)
We need to inspect the Shedule of Proposed action !!!
how much Choice owe u if not secret?i ve got an email that my claim is accepted in full.
what older lady told u?It s a missinformation from the girl answering the phones. There is no list with amounts and percentages for each claimant. The percentage will be revealed at the end. The proposed actions contains only general information about the liquidation process. Ask for the older lady on the phone.After 10198262 calls seems that the young lady lied again.
what do u wanna to say by this words?that in any case we should do this form even if not got 2nd email?
I really doubt that anyone will receive an email with the exact amount you are receiving until after March 20th. This is after the date the objections can be reviewed. Once they address all of the legitimate objections we should start receiving our emails with our final amount to be sent. Just need to be patient a few more weeks. After April 1st the checks and wire transfers will begin.
I really doubt that anyone will receive an email with the exact amount you are receiving until after March 20th. This is after the date the objections can be reviewed. Once they address all of the legitimate objections we should start receiving our emails with our final amount to be sent. Just need to be patient a few more weeks. After April 1st the checks and wire transfers will begin.
I think so too... for now they will evaluate the forms they get till 20 March from the ones that got denied and after that they get to the final decision about the procentage they will give us and inform the rest. At least that’s what makes sense in my head.
I agree. They can't calculate the percentage we'll receive, and can't start the actions before reviewing the objections to the proposed schedule of actions.
BUT, we don't know what that schedule is, unless someone goes to the office in Belize and tells us. It would be interesting to know what the proposed actions and schedule are, because then we would know if we need to object or not. The schedule probably has important dates listed like deadline when money should be transferred, etc. Maybe it also has a deadline saying "cardholders are to notify us of their bank details for wire transfer before X date", I'm just stipulating here with a stupid example, but if such a date exist, we'll never know and miss the deadline.
I don't understand why the schedule is not posted onlineI guess there's nothing else to do than to wait a few more weeks.
We received emails saying our claims are allowed in full, and most of us have not received further emails. I guess now we wait to receive update on how much we will receive, and when/how we will receive money.
Maybe u can call the Central Bank and tell them nobody answers in choice bank, That uu are calling the phone that appears on their websitte and nobody answersHi everyone.Tell me plz on what number you called to Liquidator? I just tried 5 times on this one 501-223-6850 and heard nothing else but 3 people talking and no reaction on me.Thank u
I was thinking about calling CB,bcoz its just stupidMaybe u can call the Central Bank and tell them nobody answers in choice bank, That uu are calling the phone that appears on their websitte and nobody answers
No, all depositors including prepaid card holders are going to get 53% of your valid claim on this payout.So we should be on the category of prepaid cardholder and the amount reserved for us to be paid this distribution is 266,564 $ from 16,223,333 $, right? And then on second distribution they will give us what is left?
I assume we should expect less than 53% for now... Hope anyone has better understanding of this.
They say they plan to pay all if your result is full claim allowed if they have enough money to do so after all lawsuits and objections have been resolved.There are some sentance in faq when they say: all depositors have to be paid in full of claim they now plan to pay us in full at the end?! Too good to be true....