I know there is no official thing to this, but, I would like to be able to hide models on a bigger scale than I already do as I would like a more compact view of bookmarked models, friends and models I might have a tip connection with in the future (it might take a while, but sometimes it takes a while for me to get the courage to talk and tip in rooms). I know it sounds mean to want to hide models, but, there are waaaaaayyyyyyyy toooo many models and for a while I would take some time and tried 'hiding' models I knew I would never tip (for whatever reason) and after a while it seemed I reached a limit and I had to go in to 'personal options' and then go to 'hidden models' and then go to 'sort by most recently logged in' and then delete the page of all the models from a few months ago.
I did think it was infinite when I initially started hiding models but some kept popping up. So, I could get the MFC start page down to maybe 100 models after I figured it all out. Haven't done it in a while after getting it down to 100 and right now it it is at 629 models online with me hiding 6,237 models. I don't know, I guess some models that might not be at the top of the page interest me as a tipper.
I think finding models you might connect with is hard, especially after they lose the 'new' tag which I never really have the foresight to keep up with. One of my favorites I found ended up in the lower end of the board after not really knowing the site and i was lucky to find her.
Also, hiding them is tough as you have to point and click a couple of times with the mouse (hit the 'menu' and then click the 'hide model'. That can take some time as there are so many models. I think most guys don't even think about it and just view the top of the page. It would be nice if hiding models was easier (as bad as it sounds)...maybe like a hover over a avatar and hit a keyword?
Again, I sound really horrible and I know that, but, dammmmmmnnnnnn there are so many models on MFC.
It doesn't sound bad at all. I don't like seeing all the models shown on my screen either. So, here's what I do:
Model friends: Those I visit, chat with, or interact with on a fairly regular basis. This is about ten models I've gotten to know over the years.
Bookmarks: These are models I've chatted with a handful of times, or not much anymore just because of various reasons. Also, if it is one I am unsure of, I'll add her to this list temprarily.
On the filter page, I only have it show "Friends/Bookmarks". This way, it's only those that I have interacted with in some fashion. At most, I've only ever had 5-6 on simultaneously. usually, it's only 1-2. If no models I know are on (very rare), I may set it back to "All Models" and browse a little to see if a model catches my eye that might seem interesting.
Also, I have my PM settings to only allow from friends, bookmarks. This keeps the unwanted PM's from models I don't know, don't want to talk to, or from other members from bothering me. So, if I go into a new model's room, I'll add her to the bookmark group so she can PM me if she decides. Some models have PM'd me after I greet/tip them, so I turn it on. If nothing comes of it, and I decide to not come back. I exit room and remove her from the bookmark list.
Kind of a bit of management and may sound confusing. But, it's actually pretty easy to do.
Though, I'd like the ability to be online in "invisible mode" or if I block a user(s) they not be able to see me at all.