AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about camming?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Raise your rates!!! Dont charge low because whatever reason you can come up with. Double it. May notice you'll be doing less work for more pay.

Especially raise your rates if your holes hate you.
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Raise your rates!!! Dont charge low because whatever reason you can come up with. Double it. May notice you'll be doing less work for more pay.

Especially raise your rates if your holes hate you.
Basically this, although it wasnt about cam, just business advice in general: "Cheap prices attract cheap customers and cheap customer have the highest expectation of what their $ should get them"
Basically this, although it wasnt about cam, just business advice in general: "Cheap prices attract cheap customers and cheap customer have the highest expectation of what their $ should get them"

Damn yess! That matches so well with what I've observed so far
Fake it always fake it and NEVER shove a toy in any hole! Fake that shit! Fake everything
gonna second the fuck out of this.
anything that can be faked *should* be faked!
use angles that hide that a toy isn't actually going in, but still look good.
using fingers? use a combo of bending/folding your fingers and exaggerating other body movements to give the impression to a viewer that your fingers are going in (or going in deeper than they really are)
fake things, exaggerate things, and lie.

some of the other best advice is from an unexpected source, who didn't know he was giving me advice: steve burns talking about his time as steve on blue's clues!
steve burns gave this talk for the moth (go watch it, it's great), and in it, he talks about how on blue's clues he was basically reaching out, through the screen, to try and make a connection with each child individually, as if he really were their friend, an coax them into responding to him when he'd ask things like "do you see a clue?" that honestly inspires how i interact with the audience as a singular entity a bunch. it was already something i was kinda doing, but hearing him talk about it just kinda made it more obvious to me, and i've tried to play it up more ever since. i basically try to do the same thin. i reach out with my voice and my acting, and i try to cultivate a "friendship" with every viewer at once, and try to say things to the audience that lots of individual viewers could believe was directed right at them. so i guess what i'm saying is that horny men are basically hyperactive toddlers and need to be handled as such, lmao.

oh also, another good advice: don't give anything away for free is, like, the most common camming advice ever. i have an addendum, though: figure out what things you can do "for free" that will end up paying you better. like how casinos give "free drinks" that encourage people to gamble more, making the casino more money. or how bars put out salty nuts to munch on so that people buy more drinks, because they're thirsty. example: i used to start my streams fully clothed and strip throughout the stream, but i figured out that just /starting/ naked ended up making me more money, and faster, because it drives engagement and catches fans' attention. (that would not necessarily work for everybody, that's just what works for me, with my audience, and with my niche).
anything that can be faked *should* be faked!
use angles that hide that a toy isn't actually going in, but still look good.
using fingers? use a combo of bending/folding your fingers and exaggerating other body movements to give the impression to a viewer that your fingers are going in (or going in deeper than they really are)
fake things, exaggerate things, and lie.
I'm gonna warn any newcomers reading this to take it lightly. Because it depends the kind of performer you want to be.

I'd go the opposite and say be as genuine as possible, enjoy the sexual acts that actually please you and lean into that with extra "passionate acting". So it's real, just played up in order to make the viewers really feel something.

i reach out with my voice and my acting, and i try to cultivate a "friendship" with every viewer at once, and try to say things to the audience that lots of individual viewers could believe was directed right at them. so i guess what i'm saying is that horny men are basically hyperactive toddlers and need to be handled as such, lmao.
oh also, another good advice: don't give anything away for free is, like, the most common camming advice ever. i have an addendum, though: figure out what things you can do "for free" that will end up paying you better. like how casinos give "free drinks" that encourage people to gamble more, making the casino more money. or how bars put out salty nuts to munch on so that people buy more drinks, because they're thirsty. example: i used to start my streams fully clothed and strip throughout the stream, but i figured out that just /starting/ naked ended up making me more money, and faster, because it drives engagement and catches fans' attention. (that would not necessarily work for everybody, that's just what works for me, with my audience, and with my niche).
This is great advice though. Starting naked won't work for most, though, you really have to have a personality to drive it home. (Glad you mentioned that it works for you/your audience.)

Welcome to ACF, Ellie!
I'd go the opposite and say be as genuine as possible, enjoy the sexual acts that actually please you and lean into that with extra "passionate acting". So it's real, just played up in order to make the viewers really feel something.
i feel like i might've left the wrong impression of me, here!~ i also like to try and be as genuine as i can be, in my stuff (helps with the steve thing that i said), /but/, when things get really physically taxing (long and very active sessions), figuring out what you can get away with faking or playing up is *so* nice, for me (kind of like finding a pace that you can sustain for a marathon!~)

thanks for the welcome, amber!!~ made my account forever ago but got intimidated and never used it xp
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