My account ist Ladymelisende, support ticket number 18919539. I have been banned the 2nd time within a week and have no reply from support since over 3 days now. I understand they blocked me the first time because I had played to rough BDSM games and they banned me for 3 days for it. Now I was not playing any rough games at all, I was only wearing a collar, cuffs and vacuum suckers for the nipples instead of clamps and telling the guys I couldn´t do the stuff we played the week before anymore because it´s not tolerated by chaturbate.
Then a troll entered my room (kingmaster and a few numbers after which I do not remember), the guy had taken a screenshot of me, turned it into a gif and claimed he supposedly found it on google. He was trying to harass me and when I did not react he started spewing insults, so I kicked him out of my room. A few minutes after that I was suddenly banned. I suspect he reported me out of spite, he has done that with someone else I know on CB. Is it allowed according to your terms to take screenshots of cam models and turn them into gifs to be posted?
I did not play anything rough after I got banned the first time, I still had a few black spots from last week, but they were almost a week old and I do not find it fair in case I was banned because of those because in essence I got banned twice for the same thing on the same day. I´ve also been told after a 3rd ban it´s permanent. Is this true? If yes, I find it very important to clarify that the 2nd ban which is still ongoing is really unjustified.
Technical support needed 3 days to give me a response the first time and now it´s even longer that I do not hear back from them and am banned. I am loosing a quarter of the month for broadcasing here because support does not react.
My account ist Ladymelisende, support ticket number 18919539. I have been banned the 2nd time within a week and have no reply from support since over 3 days now. I understand they blocked me the first time because I had played to rough BDSM games and they banned me for 3 days for it. Now I was not playing any rough games at all, I was only wearing a collar, cuffs and vacuum suckers for the nipples instead of clamps and telling the guys I couldn´t do the stuff we played the week before anymore because it´s not tolerated by chaturbate.
Then a troll entered my room (kingmaster and a few numbers after which I do not remember), the guy had taken a screenshot of me, turned it into a gif and claimed he supposedly found it on google. He was trying to harass me and when I did not react he started spewing insults, so I kicked him out of my room. A few minutes after that I was suddenly banned. I suspect he reported me out of spite, he has done that with someone else I know on CB. Is it allowed according to your terms to take screenshots of cam models and turn them into gifs to be posted?
I did not play anything rough after I got banned the first time, I still had a few black spots from last week, but they were almost a week old and I do not find it fair in case I was banned because of those because in essence I got banned twice for the same thing on the same day. I´ve also been told after a 3rd ban it´s permanent. Is this true? If yes, I find it very important to clarify that the 2nd ban which is still ongoing is really unjustified.
Technical support needed 3 days to give me a response the first time and now it´s even longer that I do not hear back from them and am banned. I am loosing a quarter of the month for broadcasing here because support does not react.