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Tuna sandwich love

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Oct 13, 2011
Eastside Shambhala
Twitter Username
How do you do 'em? How do you like 'em?

Solid white albacore? Chunk light? Packed in water? Packed in oil?

What kind of bread? Toasted?

Mayo? Relish? Pickled beets? Onion? Cheese? Lettuce? Stuff potato chips in them?

What do you like with your tuna sandwich as a side?

Do you like a tuna melt?

Extra point question: Do you like tuna casserole? What is your favorite recipe?

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Chunk light, in water. (I know the albacore is better quality, but I like the texture of the flakier stuff).

Preferably on toasted sourdough, but not too picky about bread so long as it isn't something sweet.

Mix-ins: mayo (no miracle whip BS), dill pickle relish (again no sweet relish BS), red or white onion, mustard, pepper. Maybe a touch of lemon if I went light on mayo to pretend I'm eating healthy.

Side of potato chips.

I don't prefer tuna melts because I like my tuna cold, and I while I love cheese on almost anything, it isn't the perfect mix with tuna.

I don't have any of my own recipes for tuna noodle casserole but my mom made them frequently when I was a kid.
First off, i feel this is a trap. The correct answer still is, and always shall be, NACHOS!

That aside, regular cheap tuna packed in water is fine. Mix it with mayo, salt and pepper, and pickle relish. I use a honey wheat bread most often, or whatever type of bread I happened to have baked that week. But the relish I'm particular about. Most relish is that finely chopped overcooked mush. Yuck. Stumbled across this one day. Bigger pieces, and they're still crunchy. It's way better than normal cheap relish.

Then, I like both cold sandwiches with that, and also hot cheese tuna melts.

Tuna casseroles I can't stand. Mom use to make them often growing up cause they are cheap. The noodles around the edges always turned out crunchy. And there was always mustard powder used in it. Hate the smell of it even today.
White albacore in water, mayo, onions, curry powder, salt, pepper, Havarti, on white bread. Toaster oven/oven. Curry tuna melt, done.
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I usually prefer a bowl of tuna and a spoon but sometimes I like it on a sammich!

Chunk light preferably in water. Like Amber I like it on some sourdough (I like everything on sourdough mmm). Unlike Amber though tuna is the ONE thing I like miracle whip on. Normally I am so so soooo anti-MW but for some reason I really love it with tuna. Nothing else on it. On the side usually a pickle or nothing at all. Oh and if I have a tuna sandwich, for some reason I reaaaaaally like a glass of root beer with it. Not entirely sure why!
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Flaked tuna in water. Mayo (I'm also anti Miracle Whip!), chopped celery, salt and pepper. Also sometimes pickles and mustard if I'm feeling fancy. Sometimes sub the mayo for half an avocado. Toasted or not, doesn't matter, and I like white bread or sourdough.

Tuna melts are delicious, I love them.

Never thought about it but root beer sounds like a good accompaniment! @LexiSloan

Sometimes when I really need comfort food, I mix a can of tuna with cooked noodles, a can of cream of whatever soup, and cheese. Bake for a while then top with more cheese + crushed salt and vinegar chips and broil for a few. Enjoy your trash dinner.
Chunk light or albacore packed in water (whichever I have handy) mixed with Mayo. White bread or hoagie bun. Sometimes toasted. If I don't want a sandwich I'll just use potato (or corn) chips and use the tuna as a dip.
Not real big on tuna melts.
I love tuna casserole. I use chunk light for that with cream of mushroom soup. Sometimes I use noodles in it and sometimes I crush potato chips and mix in it instead (if I want a crunchier texture).
Remember, when making Tuna Noodle Casserole, the noodles, tuna, and cream of <whatever soup you want> are your blank canvas. Use cream of celery? Sure, why not. Add big slices of mushroom. Celery. Peas. Onion. Sliced black olive. Bread crumb topping. If you want a more intense tuna flavor, use the oil packed.

Change up the type of noodles. Try different spices. How about Old Bay? Use soy sauce and sesame oil. Add a touch of ginger. Maybe a little chili powder too. Have fun and play around. Experiment.
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Chuck light in water. I mix in just mayo and salt/pepper(LOTS of pepper). Usually just on white bread, toasted or not, depends on my mood.

Usually with salt and vinegar chips.

If I don't want a sandwich, I eat it with ritz crackers.

I do like tuna melts, I haven't had one in years though!

I'm hungry.
white bread lately (frugal!)
lite tuna (more protein by weight), smoked flavor is pretty mild
good thick cuts of cheese
little salt

we have some great sweet chilli chips here (Delicio, or Red Rock from Australia), great for added flavor, usually I have 'em on their own though :p

sometimes melted, usually just cold. ...after maybe 10 years of eating tuna I only had my first 'tuna melt' this year--it's like an apple pie, 'we have them, but they have no cultural significance'.

never been a huge fan of the sloppy mayo aesthetic. I don't even know how much it's a taste thing. I got really sick of canned chicken in a mayo style last year. prefer chunky styles
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