I'm going to go a little off the loop here... I agree how like top 100 and so on, can be kinda far out there for a lot of us...
however, I find for myself using the ranking system, within your own range and goals, to be a bit more motivational than the cam score stress. I know and understand all the importance of trying to raise your cam score, and do try to work towards that...
however, for myself, I know I've had times where I've worried about it too much, and actually have made less money than usual while trying to raise it or protect-it which in my mind, is a bit ridiculous.
But if my ranking is steadily improving on a monthly basis, for the most part, my income is increasing even if the cam score is only slightly creeping up, ever so slowly...
Right now I find it's easier -say when taking a day or two off, and your rank drops, but you've been hitting your overall goals- to shoot for where you were the last time you were logged on, to maintain your goals.
While it's important to work on cam score this can take your mind of the cam score worries and keep from overly obsessing about it.
I think with the kind of money floating around MFC there's definitely no shame in shooting for higher ranks.