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Mar 8, 2010
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Thought it might be good of, instead of trying to list troll names, we have a list of troll types. What are the types of members a girl will need to be aware of and have a plan to deal with.

I'll start:

-Insult guy (he comes in a gives an obvious insult, then disappears before you can do anything about it)

My advise: do nothing. pointing out or talking back is useless, cause the member is already gone, and almost always makes you look bad.

Secondary advise: turn it into a joke, get the other members laughing. This one is harder, which is why I only advise you to do that if you know what you're doing.

-veiled insult guy He says something that's definitely an insult, but looks like it could be a compliment, then leaves.

My advise: same as before

-Request guy This guy will make a request, and get tens or even hundreds of his friends to come in and make it with him, until your chatroom is flooded with "tits bb!"

My tactic: when he initially shows up, I usually point him to the price list on my profile, or the preview pics. When his friends start shouting for it I go on a banning spree. Unless it's basics, then basics get muted.

General advise: the troll usually wants to get the model mad or upset, or wants to get a free show. The best thing to do is to not give them the satisfaction of you falling on your face by trying to retort. Unless you're really good at trolling back, the less interaction with them the better.

Your turn! What trolls do you see frequenting model rooms?
The true troll: This type of troll knows what they're doing. They seem to be nice and a favorite to all, but yet, he causes everyone to fight. It's a rare and nearly extinct species, but if you notice it happening you may as well keep your mouth shut and let people suffer the consequences. If you don't let them suffer, you're just feeding the troll after all.
The Tipping Troll - Will tip along with insults, making it hard for the model to take action without losing tokens. Do you take the tokens as an idiot tax, or say screw the money and ban the foo'?
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skiphop90 said:
The Tipping Troll - Will tip along with insults, making it hard for the model to take action without losing tokens. Do you take the tokens as an idiot tax, or say screw the money and ban the foo'?
Put him on ignore (if the model is using the web broadcaster, since the ignore function works correctly there) and his tips will all show up with no tip notes in your token stats, and none of his chat will show up at all in the chat room.
The Bawsky Troll - Very specific type of troll and my personal favorite. Says things that are kinda offensive but not overly. Hardly ever crosses the line into really offensive but when he does a little tsk tsk from a model will bring him back to the kinda line. Rarely tips but does on occasion. Will point out in chat the "whining fagots", as he calls them. Likes certain men's cocks to be stuffed in his ass. Has an obsession with cam feeds, both horrible and great looking. And the most surprising fact about this troll type is: he is married.
Neudiin said:
The Bawsky Troll - Very specific type of troll and my personal favorite. Says things that are kinda offensive but not overly. Hardly ever crosses the line into really offensive but when he does a little tsk tsk from a model will bring him back to the kinda line. Rarely tips but does on occasion. Will point out in chat the "whining fagots", as he calls them. Likes certain men's cocks to be stuffed in his ass. Has an obsession with cam feeds, both horrible and great looking. And the most surprising fact about this troll type is: he is married.
To add on to this one: The Bawksy Troll actually has an underlying or hidden point and truth to many of his comments. Sometimes that offends people the most, because the truth hurts. ;)
ViruSphere said:
The Tipping Request Troll - This troll will frequent his favourite models' rooms, constantly remind other premiums to tip for requests, yet rarely or never tips himself.
To add to this species, when seeing a rather large tip being laid down, he promptly informs the model that she should do a really good show since that other guy just tipped you lots.
KarmelKiss said:
ViruSphere said:
The Tipping Request Troll - This troll will frequent his favourite models' rooms, constantly remind other premiums to tip for requests, yet rarely or never tips himself.
To add to this species, when seeing a rather large tip being laid down, he promptly informs the model that she should do a really good show since that other guy just tipped you lots.
"You should definitely do a cum show for that LOL"

Note the LOL at the end is supposed to make it ok.
AmberCutie said:
KarmelKiss said:
ViruSphere said:
The Tipping Request Troll - This troll will frequent his favourite models' rooms, constantly remind other premiums to tip for requests, yet rarely or never tips himself.
To add to this species, when seeing a rather large tip being laid down, he promptly informs the model that she should do a really good show since that other guy just tipped you lots.
"You should definitely do a cum show for that LOL"

Note the LOL at the end is supposed to make it ok.

I usually think of this type as The Pickpocket Troll... great at emptying the pockets of others who tip... but one who rarely empties his own. :naughty:
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PlayboyMegan said:
Faux-Millionaire Troll-The troll that claims he has sooooo much money and will tip you $10,000tkns if you just do a cum show FIRST. You click on his name to see that he has 20points and 0tkns.


Schlmoe knows faux.
WickedTouch said:
I usually think of this type as The Pickpocket Troll... great at emptying the pockets of others who tip... but one who rarely empties his own. :naughty:
Lol I like that, the Pickpocket Troll.
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I get the silent troll: the troll who lurks and lurks in your room with out saying a word or a small tip.

Cocky troll:I have so much money and I just bought this awesome kick ass game and I am going to brag about it while I don't tip you all night long.

Mocking bird troll: a troll who repeats everything you say worded with sarcasm and trys to make it insulting.

The your so fat troll: I got one of these that told me that I was so fat I would need a map to wipe my own ass lol.
sxycherrypie said:
I get the silent troll: the troll who lurks and lurks in your room with out saying a word or a small tip.

Not a troll. A troll is someone who disrupts your room specifically looking for either the right button to press or a free show. if he never says anything he's not a troll. He's a freeloader. ^_^

Your other three are awesome additions to the collection though!

EvaLee said:
The Anon Pickpocket Troll .. all your anon tips are belong to me. :dance:

The DramaLlama troll: they come in, take a seat, get comfy. Maybe even tip a little. Then they consistently start fights with other members. Or try to tell you that other members said 'x' and get you to ban them.

The Spam Troll: Enter your room and tell the room to visit 'X' model cos she's doing a much more interesting show. Making themselves and the other model (who im sure in many cases is unaware) look like crap in the process.
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Miss_Lollipop said:
The DramaLlama troll: they come in, take a seat, get comfy. Maybe even tip a little. Then they consistently start fights with other members. Or try to tell you that other members said 'x' and get you to ban them.

I laughed when I saw this! All I could think of was that song in Animal House, Shama Lama Ding Dong. Maybe I'll write some new lyrics and make it this troll's theme song.

Miss_Lollipop said:
The Spam Troll: Enter your room and tell the room to visit 'X' model cos she's doing a much more interesting show. Making themselves and the other model (who im sure in many cases is unaware) look like crap in the process.

The Spam Troll has a few relatives who have been mentioned in "Model" & "Member" Pet Peeve threads: the "Emote Talkers", who I think should be promoted to troll status. Used to be, that this troll would only "speak" in emotes. Sometimes inappropriate or off-base, they were easy to ignore. The current protocol has them sending out multiple giant, flashing emotes that take up 3-4 lines that take up the entire screen width. I've seen it so bad that the model asks someone to type in chat to get them off the screen. And then there's the "cock emoters" who only send out giant squirty cocks, because everyone wants to see that when we're watching a naked lady. For the last one, the "erector-set" cock emote has recently become popular.
PlayboyMegan said:
Millionaire Troll-The troll that claims he has sooooo much money and will tip you $10,000tkns if you just do a cum show FIRST. You click on his name to see that he has 20points and 0tkns.

According to the models I know, there are approximately 1 billion of these kind of trolls on MFC.
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LadyLuna said:
sxycherrypie said:
I get the silent troll: the troll who lurks and lurks in your room with out saying a word or a small tip.

Not a troll. A troll is someone who disrupts your room specifically looking for either the right button to press or a free show. if he never says anything he's not a troll. He's a freeloader. ^_^

Your other three are awesome additions to the collection though!

EvaLee said:
The Anon Pickpocket Troll .. all your anon tips are belong to me. :dance:

YEa the silent troll wasn't the best but thank you luna.
Related to the spam troll is The netflix spam troll... I have yet to uncover the purpose, but I guess that's the point.
The PM Troll: There are two types. Type a will ask to be on your pm list over and over and not understand why he has to pay for it. Hell, he may even argue the point! Type b has PM privledges...and abuses them.
The Black Knight Troll: First they seem like a good guy and even tips quite a bit! Caring, into you, etc. Then things start to change gradually. Soon, he is complaining about you not being on long enough. Sure, this is fine, but it starts to become aggressive ("I get REALLY annoyed having to wait FOUR HOURS to see you"). He tries to help out when the tip count is low and even complains when he tips, "Sure, I'll carry the room again". Then he starts to dictate what is going on all under the guise of being helpful ("Wear one of your fetish outfits" "Let's start a countdown for a hitachi show *tips randomly, in large amounts, despite no show being planned AT ALL*", "Your glasses look strange. We'll wait while you go change into your contacts", etc). However, the moment you're unable to please this troll you're suddenly the worst camgirl ever and they've put all their heart, soul, and song into you for nothing.
The Penis Troll: No matter what, his dick is out, he wants to talk about it, and fuck...why don't you just look at it? His penis is the sole conversing point. End of story. His penis, that is.
The Model Troll: She will come into your room and maybe be friendly, but all of a sudden she's claiming command of your room talking about herself, how awesome she is, and though not all model trolls will end on a sour note some do. "This show is boring, I might come back." Thankfully these trolls usually have low camscores and not a whole ton of followers. These trolls are also generally looked down upon in the community as the 'trash' of the webcamming world. Thankfully, there is a cure for these trolls as many models will rally by your side (Thanks guys :) ).
Rosemary said:
The Black Knight Troll: First they seem like a good guy and even tips quite a bit! Caring, into you, etc. Then things start to change gradually. Soon, he is complaining about you not being on long enough. Sure, this is fine, but it starts to become aggressive ("I get REALLY annoyed having to wait FOUR HOURS to see you"). He tries to help out when the tip count is low and even complains when he tips, "Sure, I'll carry the room again". Then he starts to dictate what is going on all under the guise of being helpful ("Wear one of your fetish outfits" "Let's start a countdown for a hitachi show *tips randomly, in large amounts, despite no show being planned AT ALL*", "Your glasses look strange. We'll wait while you go change into your contacts", etc). However, the moment you're unable to please this troll you're suddenly the worst camgirl ever and they've put all their heart, soul, and song into you for nothing.


I know exactly the type of troll you're talking about. It starts with an R and ends with an E and he can go fuck himself!!!!
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I can do better Troll: You should do this and you will make more more money, etc even takes the time to write me a whole email insulting me and saying I am too agressive just because I ask my room to talk lol Do a cum show and people will tip, you shouldnt ask for that much for top off and so fourth...
Rosemary said:
The Black Knight Troll: First they seem like a good guy and even tips quite a bit! Caring, into you, etc. Then things start to change gradually. Soon, he is complaining about you not being on long enough. Sure, this is fine, but it starts to become aggressive ("I get REALLY annoyed having to wait FOUR HOURS to see you"). He tries to help out when the tip count is low and even complains when he tips, "Sure, I'll carry the room again". Then he starts to dictate what is going on all under the guise of being helpful ("Wear one of your fetish outfits" "Let's start a countdown for a hitachi show *tips randomly, in large amounts, despite no show being planned AT ALL*", "Your glasses look strange. We'll wait while you go change into your contacts", etc). However, the moment you're unable to please this troll you're suddenly the worst camgirl ever and they've put all their heart, soul, and song into you for nothing.

I've never seen this kind of troll at work but sounds like one of the most destructive types, and a psycho to boot.

Rosemary said:
The Penis Troll: No matter what, his dick is out, he wants to talk about it, and fuck...why don't you just look at it? His penis is the sole conversing point. End of story. His penis, that is.
His reasoning (if you can call an instinctual reptilian intelligence reasoning) is that he has a penis, and you don't. Therefore you should pay homage to his.

I think these two examples highlight the need for a further distinction in classifying troll subspecies, the Greater Troll species, and their more common cousins the Lesser Trolls. The 'Black Knight' is a good example of an apex troll-predator - he'll hunt alone and is capable of incapacitating a weakened or new model, the less intelligent Penis Troll is much more common, and thus tends to overwhelm targets by force of numbers.
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The Religion Troll: Regardless of his or her actual religious beliefs, comes in spouting ridiculousness about how you're going to hell for being naked in front of strangers. Sometimes throws in family moral comments too, like "I'm sure your daddy is proud that his little girl is being such a slut".

on that note

The Family Troll: Makes comments immediately upon entering the room to the likeness of "You're in trouble young lady I'm going to tell your mother and Uncle Harry." Or simply "Hey, Sis, I didn't realize you were on here! Does mom know?"

The "Hey, I know you!" Troll will claim to know the model in the real world but won't disclose how. They might use information from the model's profile to make their claim more believable. Their agenda is known only to them.

The "OMG, MOM! What are you doing on cam??" Troll only really has that one slice of witticism in their witticism locker but they like to share it with every model they encounter, especially with those over the age of 25 (you know, MILFS?).

The "I've tipped you therefore you are officially my bitch" Troll likes to think that once they've tipped a model, that model must yield to their every sexual whim.

The "Turn my cam on, bb?" Troll likes to have the cam viewed and won't be happy until their desires are fulfilled.
My favorite thing about this thread so far is seeing how many people have very loose definitions of a troll. A troll isn't necessarily just someone who annoys you. There's a specific intent behind the comments and actions an actual troll makes. On a camsite, you're going to get guys obsessed with showing you their dick on cam, and those who feel controlling after they've tipped a certain amount, but that doesn't make them a troll. It just makes them an non-ideal member for most of us (unless we like that sorta thing.)
ROFLROFLROFL Lolli :h::h::h:
@Jup: YES. Very destructive. Had it not been for Miss Lolli I probably would have gone crazy with my Black Knight. I have horrible guilt issues where I feel like I owe the world my blood and soul, so Black Knights make for the perfect Villain in my world.

Oh, and how about the Whatever Troll/Mindreader Troll. No matter what you do, they have no opinions. They don't tell you want they want, how they want it, or anything! But when they get it, they'll either leave because it wasn't what they had in mind OR tell you what you did wrong.

...This thread is fun :dance:

I defend my dick-troll, good lady! I say they know they're stealing attention, trying to get off from you looking, trying to engage in more than just a 'look', and they're all trying to do on the sly so they don't have to do what everyone else does when they want a model to give a little extra attention to their dicks.
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