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Token purchase payment Reverted + Account Suspended

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Feb 20, 2024
Hi @Charlie_SC,

Yesterday I tried to purchase Tokens using a virtual card. At first the purchase succeed but after a while, on the virtual card statement, the same payment was flagged as “Reverted” even if I didn’t claim a refund or anything similar. At the same time, my SC account has been suspended for “Suspicious Activity”.
I also got the confirmation from paymentico stating a “refund confirmation” which again, I never claimed. I then created a new user account on SC and changed the token payment method (with a physical card). This time everything went well; I was able to buy and use tokens, without SC suspending my account or receiving back the payment in “reverted form” from paymentico.
Now, the point seems clear, the virtual card has some unknown limitation, however, my concern remains regarding the blocked account and the “suspicious activity” stated in SC mail. Will I be in trouble for this?
Hey @emiliano
This is an interesting observation and I would really like to review it further so please check my PM.
You're not going to get in trouble. Suspicious activity is a common term used these days and just means that something needs to be checked or verified.
It's usually resolved very quickly once you communicate with the party requesting the info.
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