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Tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs on Cam

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I use/want to see

  • Alcohol

    Votes: 55 69.6%
  • Cigarettes

    Votes: 31 39.2%
  • Other Tobacco

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • Weed

    Votes: 23 29.1%
  • Caffeine

    Votes: 58 73.4%
  • Hardcore Drugs

    Votes: 6 7.6%

  • Total voters
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Inactive Cam Model
Mar 8, 2010
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The models silly screen caps thread made me curious.

Models: Do you/don't you use drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weed, (and yes, caffeine counts as a drug :p ) on camera? Why or why not?

Members: Do you want to see such things? What do/don't you like about it?

Remember, keep it nice (as the description for the area states).

My thoughts:

-I don't much care for weed, so I don't really use it at all. However, I think it should be legalized completely, because it's not even as dangerous as alcohol. But then again, I also think that everyone should be able to take a test for "I can do ___ while driving." Because a small percentage of the population is capable of driving drunk. And a small percentage of the population drives BETTER when they have something else going on- because their brain is actually wired to have multiple things going on.

-I wish tobacco didn't exist, but have no problem with those who use.
-I need my caffeine.
-Getting drunk is tricky. I'm likely to go into depression the next day if I'm not careful. But playing around with it is fun sometimes.
-I wish all other drugs would disappear from the face of the earth (except those with medical value).

I am very very much against hardcore drugs. I think people who use them made a very idiotic choice. Why the hell use something that fucks with your ability to think? A person's mind is their most important asset, and most of the hardcore drugs fuck it up for good. I mean, e puts holes in your brain. How much more fucked up can you get?
I mean, e puts holes in your brain. How much more fucked up can you get?

I'm not suggesting that ecstasy is healthy, but that's actually not true. ... myths8.htm

I mentioned this in another thread but will repeat myself for those who didn't see it...I smoke marijuana but not on cam. It makes me feel self conscious and unsexy when I'm high on cam. I occasionally have a drink on cam but have never been drunk. I feel like I have sooo much going on in my head when I'm camming, I need to be totally clear headed for it.

In my personal life I smoke daily and drink maybe once a week or so. I stay away from hard drugs because of my anxiety - I really have no desire to feel like shit mentally and physically, and I know that's what would end up happening.
I am prescribed medicinal marijuana.. I use it on cam. Why? Because I use it in real life and it's not illegal for me. Its a part of my life that I would prefer my members to know about. If they don't like that I smoke weed, i'd honestly love to send them to one of my friends rooms..... because I actually have members who tip me to smoke on cam! I've done 2000 til a "smoke show" like 5 times before and somehow that worked out. Some guys REALLY like to watch a girl smoke weed. I bond over it with a lot of members.. I do my best to make smoking look less offensive. I smoke joints or blunts rather than from the bong or I will take the hit off cam and blow the smoke on cam. But there are exceptions to that.... I think the most offensive part of me smoking on cam would be my coughing. Hopefully.

I don't drink though. I turn into an idiot, I throw up. I break things. Alcohol is horrible to my body. Its fun to see some people drunk though

Other drugs - No need to be done on cam. Maybe Acid or Mushrooms would be fun to do on cam but I think that's the extent of it. Just because it would be fun to do. Maybe ecstasy would be nice because I'd be a lovey dovey fool who could talk for days about anything, who knows. They could like that. Doesn't mean i'd do it either lol, I'm just musing now.

Whatever with tobacco and caffeine.
I don't usually do any drugs on cam. Occasionally I'll have a Smirnoff or something, but that's about it.
I don't drink coffee. Ick.

I'm so not a party girl -- it's crazy rare that I get drunk anyway. On my 'wild' (off-cam) nights I might share a joint with 7 of my closest friends :p, but seriously, that's about it.

Wow, I'm boring.
EllaXoXo said:
You have no option for "none of the above" for us lame girls :lol:


At first I didn't, cause I figured we all use caffeine... then I realized maybe I should but it was too late to add x.x

Feel free to brag about being drug free!

I realized about three options I wanted to add... "none" "painkillers" "medicinal use only"

grr... x.x
I use herb daily(hourly) and painkillers maybe every other day. No hard drugs anymore and rarely ever drink.

No desire to see others do it though, just seems trashy when a model is too fucked up and passin out on cam or being all loud and annoying
I drink Mt. Dew most days on cam.
On Saturday nights I usually have 1-3 hard ciders while hanging out with my room. I get tipsy, but not trashed.
Pot makes me super paranoid, so I'd NEVER smoke on cam (I almost never smoke in real life either.)
If a model is smoking (cigarettes) or drinking it's ok with me. I'm not going to tip for her to have a drink or shot or puff on a coffin nail.
Any form of drugs is a no go for me to the point that if I see 420 in model name I won't even bother having a "peek".
That being said, each to their own.

Pepperoni, cheese and pastry are all habit forming drugs. :)

And I would love to see a beautiful woman scarf a slice while the grease is running down her chest.

That's hot. :)

Booze and smokes are cool too, as long as one doesn't get sloppy about it. :)
Nordling said:

Pepperoni, cheese and pastry are all habit forming drugs. :)

And I would love to see a beautiful woman scarf a slice while the grease is running down her chest.

That's hot. :)

Booze and smokes are cool too, as long as one doesn't get sloppy about it. :)

ooo, that sounds like a fun one to do!
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I drink on cam often I dont get crazy though and if I do feel myself getting to drunk or something I log off.
I like seeing girls some weed on cam sometimes I am not sure why :think:
EllaXoXo said:
You have no option for "none of the above" for us lame girls :lol:

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't none of the above work by not ticking any boxes and submitting a vote?

I would test it myself, but I don't want to skew the results :)
Dazza235 said:
EllaXoXo said:
You have no option for "none of the above" for us lame girls :lol:

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't none of the above work by not ticking any boxes and submitting a vote?

I would test it myself, but I don't want to skew the results :)

Nope. Polls work by selecting an option. Not selecting one is not voting.
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Guilty of caffeine abuse and an enjoyment of alchy-hall on camera. Makes me more motivated to get up and move around, be goofy and helps with the nervousness for me. I only indulge in the liquor in the second half of my show(usually), after my break. A couple shots and some Weird Al and I start boogying :p
Weed, cigarettes, sometimes wine. Rarely caffine. These are all things I do despite of cam model, not in a "let's see how fucked up I can get" context. I completely understand that some people do not like to see girls smoking, but I prefer to be myself on cam.

LadyLuna, thanks for making this thread!
LadyBakes said:
Weed, cigarettes, sometimes wine. Rarely caffine. These are all things I do despite of cam model, not in a "let's see how fucked up I can get" context. I completely understand that some people do not like to see girls smoking, but I prefer to be myself on cam.

LadyLuna, thanks for making this thread!

This! :)
I'm a cam lush! 2pm is wine o'clock in my room, usually by mid-afternoon happy hour I've been on for a few hours and typically, unless the stars align and ManToy is home also enjoying a bevy himself, I stop drinking when I'm offline and go back to being a highly productive person. I guess the wine helps psychologically lube me to press on to my daily goal if I'm mid-shift-ish and starting to drag my heels but I certainly don't feel like it's a requirement. The notable negative affect of my wino-ism is the tendency to get a little buzz going and find the conversation in my room so stimulating that I forget I'm supposed to be making tokens. I have *entirely too much fun* chatting and it's a very effective means of camscore suicide :)

I've had a few premiums who are reformed alcoholics suggest that my 2pm wine-o-clock announcement suggests to them I'm well on my way to having a problem. I don't feel like I have to defend myself or my habits to strangers on the internet but I do often have a pang of wanting to lay it out for them : Yes, I have a glass of wine at two PM but in the context of waking up at 6 am and going to bed at 9pm a 2-4pm happy hour doesn't seem so grossly deviant!

I smoke cigarettes but I rarely smoke on cam just because it's generally unsexy (save for the enjoyment of smoking fetishists and I prefer to charge those guys for the show). I just got sick of lighting up and having some random premium pm me a story about how a loved one died of lung cancer every time.

I smoke weed but the only time I've ever openly done that on cam was April 20th of this year and I still did it more or less off cam (they couldn't see what I was doing, just the exhale and giggle).

I find I get overwhelmed by the chat if I'm stoned. I'm very much a project-oriented stoner, I love having a little hoot and dusting the baseboards and light fixtures lol. Getting stoned before logging on is completely out of the question for me because a weird bit of paranoia sets in. I never experience that weed-induced anxiety-pang in any other scenario but if I have a hoot and think about getting online my mind starts spinning and I convince myself I'm a crappy model and nobody likes me (and then I get a handful of q-tips and a bottle of windex and start cleaning remotes and keyboards and feel much better about the world lol)
I love to drink on cam, but I tend to walk the line between tipsy and drunk, and my members know that if I get smashed I log off.

I do it because I love drinking with them, and many of my shows are just of me hanging out with them. Just hanging out with people doesn't pay the bills though, as we all know. Letting people buy me a beer or shot is fun, because personally, I'd buy a chick a beer or shot if she hung out with me. Hell, I did it a few times last night. Those ones weren't even naked!

It's fun at a bar and it's fun on cam, -and- it lets people contribute to the token pot while they let me know my chill time is "worth" something.

I'd still hang out for free, but probably less often because I'd have to be fucking my ass more to get things done. Hell, usually half of my beers are free because I want another! :lol:

Balancing social stuff, sexual, fun, etc is all what it's about, for both the model and her friends/fans... while still making tokens.

I know some guys don't like it... but eh, it's just chillin' to me.

Getting tipped while hanging out -is- important because some models don't like to be "just sex" but our time still has value, especially on sites like MFC where we can be critically hurt by hanging out too much.
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LovelyLemon said:
I find I get overwhelmed by the chat if I'm stoned. I'm very much a project-oriented stoner, I love having a little hoot and dusting the baseboards and light fixtures lol. Getting stoned before logging on is completely out of the question for me because a weird bit of paranoia sets in. I never experience that weed-induced anxiety-pang in any other scenario but if I have a hoot and think about getting online my mind starts spinning and I convince myself I'm a crappy model and nobody likes me

This is exactly how I am!! Thank you for summing it up much better than I could. Gazing into the abyss of MFC makes the panic set in when I'm stoned.
Caffeine and alcohol I have no problems with models using on cam. Both drugs are like liquid personality and (usually) make people more entertaining.

Smoking (tobacco and marijuana) grosses me out and is a bit of a turn off, but since I can't smell the smoke I can put up with it. Marijuana is the lesser of two evils since I find it smells better than tobacco smoke. Coughing after or during smoking is super gross and I would prefer if models didn't do that on cam.
AlexLady said:
I know some guys don't like it... but eh, it's just chillin' to me.

Getting tipped while hanging out -is- important because some models don't like to be "just sex" but our time still has value, especially on sites like MFC where we can be critically hurt by hanging out too much.

This this this.

Honestly, I don't care :D

If she's doing something I don't approve of, or I don't like, I leave. It's that easy ;)
She can smoke, drink coffee, and drink alcohol - all fine with me :) (I quit smoking 7 years ago, and barely drink anymore).

I have asked a girl to stop drinking once (they were tipping for shots, and the guys appeared to think it was great fun to get a girl to drink 7 or 8 shots inside 5-10 minutes... I was trying to get her to say no to drinking that quickly!) - but she didn't, so I left*.
I also left another room because a girl had been drinking but become too drunk.

So... feelings? Do what the girls want, if I disagree, I'll leave.

*I think the guys all deserve a punch in the fucking face when this happens. It's disgusting - the girls may be being stupid or naive, but the guys are being malicious twats!
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I dont smoke weed, It makes me have the spins (Weird I know) nothing against it at all, its just not for me.

sometime I drink a soda on cam.. sometime a beer, but Im not really a drinker,I just enjoy the taste of a nice crisp beer sometimes, and it always seems when I drink on cam, it draws more attention...

I dont smoke cigs anymore, wish I did for stress relief, but I dont want my kids to see that habit or have it around them.
Zoomer said:

Honestly, I don't care :D

If she's doing something I don't approve of, or I don't like, I leave. It's that easy ;)
She can smoke, drink coffee, and drink alcohol - all fine with me :) (I quit smoking 7 years ago, and barely drink anymore).

I never think of it any other way. I guess what I was after is what sorts of things *would* make you stay/leave/tip.

Zoomer said:
I have asked a girl to stop drinking once (they were tipping for shots, and the guys appeared to think it was great fun to get a girl to drink 7 or 8 shots inside 5-10 minutes... I was trying to get her to say no to drinking that quickly!) - but she didn't, so I left*...
*I think the guys all deserve a punch in the fucking face when this happens. It's disgusting - the girls may be being stupid or naive, but the guys are being malicious twats!

Totally agree with you there! I always price it high so that I don't have that happen, and inform the guys who ask about it, or who just tipped, that I will drink the shots as I feel up to it. If I go past tipsy, I messed up.

I'm actually thinking of doing a countdown- 2000 toks till I take a shot of vodka. The idea? one shot of the vodka we have is all it takes some nights to get me drunk. x.x

(when I do the 50 or 100/shot, it's something that takes a couple shots to get me drunk, and doesn't last long)
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