I think Audri and abercrombie should meet at a Starbucks and talk things over.
A happy meal seems more fitting than coffee at Starbucks. I'm sure some will think that to be cruel but it is much more cruel I believe to expect adults to tolerate or even really understand whatever it is that is going on here. Sorry for being so direct but what caused such a strong disconnect from reality? I get that we all grow up at different times but holy shit, talk about ridiculous. Like why is a girl that is consistently rude and obnoxious trying to preach to others? Man was it not shocking to be made aware that hissy fits are as common for her as the holier than thou act. What is with the clique of the same few immature girls that rush to the post ratings to offer support for and to enable such embarrassing behavior? They show up even at the smallest of disagreements. Those internet points might make them feel good but at what cost? They look like absolute clowns to every adult outside of the fantasy land that they spend so much time trying to maintain. Why is behavior one would expect to see from freshman in high school so common here?
Is it simply the same few that only post with the really transparent mindset of everything being us versus them that are to blame? Are the handful of men here partly to blame with all the coddling and delicate treatment? I assume most men just immediately leave completely bewildered by the place while a few become conditioned to just quietly accept the childish behavior. Do they have zero standards and just happy to be interacting with the opposite sex? Am I just not aware of an arrangement where guys are paying certain girls to make fools of themselves? Do the women not speak out because they know they look good in comparison? I can't even imagine how painful it must be for the women here to stay quiet every time a crybaby colleague decides to have a whine. Leading by example isn't working but I'm thankful that the owner and I think two other women here have seemingly chosen to do so.
I just can't understand what caused it to reach this point. It had to have been relatively normal here at least at the beginning. What could cause such a massive difference between the girls here and those in other communities? The bizarre lack of dudes here makes sense now but I'm still left with so many questions. I don't expect you to have all the answers or even feel like sharing your thoughts on the matter. I apologize if being an adult here has hurt some feelings. Mostly fascinated because I haven't seen anything like it before.