AmberCutie's Forum
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Things models say that make you go "WTF?"

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whoo-boy, you've got a chip on your shoulder!

I mentioned SJWs because people here are behaving like the women showcased on places like the TumblrInAction subreddit -- completely hysterical reactions on snippets taken out of context. I have no opinion on GamerGate.
Dude, even on TiA your misogynistic crap would have been downvoted to hell. Nothing that has been said here has anything to do with SJW behaviour.
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I guess this is one way to remind you of your banking PIN. Or, you know, nuclear launch codes.
Oh, that could be smart. If this is MFC with search as you type, then when someone type dancer she would have her own line.

Then, why different numbers for each? ... I don't know
This one made me lol in a wtf kinda way.

Model puts camera between legs and starts rubbing herself vigorously.

Member: What's she doing with her hand?
Me: I think it's called 'fapping.'
Member: But there's white stuff coming out.
(I'm momentarily speechless)

The model leans over, doesn't say a word, and bans me.

Well, like, Batman's the world's greatest detective. And your deduction was some pretty great detective work. So I made a deduction of my own. I'm not Batman though, so my deduction might be off :p
it wasnt detective work .. it was something i knew . i ve seen models with the numbers after the tag and when i went to write mine i saw why they had time and i was like " ahhhha so thats why " and when i saw the pic here i knew imediatly the answer :D
it wasnt detective work .. it was something i knew . i ve seen models with the numbers after the tag and when i went to write mine i saw why they had time and i was like " ahhhha so thats why " and when i saw the pic here i knew imediatly the answer :D

Ah, I see!

Still though... if you had a "detective" tag, I for one, would not dispute it :p
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Ah, I see!

Still though... if you had a "detective" tag, I for one, would not dispute it :p
but yea sometimes im pretty good at being detective and figure things out :p Call me Kriss Holmes hahaha
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I think it's just human nature that we all want to believe we're special little snowflakes. Most of us aren't though. Nothing wrong with that, just makes me chuckle when so many people show how 'unique' they are by saying the exact same thing as everyone else.
I think it's just human nature that we all want to believe we're special little snowflakes. Most of us aren't though. Nothing wrong with that, just makes me chuckle when so many people show how 'unique' they are by saying the exact same thing as everyone else.

Just because you are unique, it doesn't make you special.
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I think it's just human nature that we all want to believe we're special little snowflakes. Most of us aren't though. Nothing wrong with that, just makes me chuckle when so many people show how 'unique' they are by saying the exact same thing as everyone else.
Wait, are you saying most people on Earth have exactly the same DNA and everything? :haha:
We all ARE special little snowflakes. I'm sorry if you think you are not, but believe me, you are too! Whoever made you think you're not unique is a dick!
Wait, are you saying most people on Earth have exactly the same DNA and everything? :haha:

Humans actually share something like 99.9 percent of their DNA.

We all ARE special little snowflakes. I'm sorry if you think you are not, but believe me, you are too! Whoever made you think you're not unique is a dick!

If you prefer to think that there aren't a million other people just like you out of the 7+ billion people on the planet, more power to ya.
As you said, only 99.9% is shared. Everything else is completely different. :)
I KNOW we are all different and unique. I think WTF-ing because some people decide this is a good reason for somebody to get to know them is a bit off.
But of course everybody is free to WTF at whatever they want. :)
The thing is the percent that is different from another isnt actually different. Say your difference is blue eyes, well so do a lot of people. Red hair? Less common but a ton of people have it still. Like a small local band? So do others. Prefer to dip your pizza in ranch dressing? Yeah thats not that uncommon. So in the real world no one is different unless you have a disability or disease or things similar to that and even then you are not the only one then probably.
Now you can say hey i'm the only red haired blue eyes who liked that band that puts ranch on her pizza so i'm different and unique. In a sense yes you are but those pieces of you are not.
I finally tried it in high school, after seeing tons of people do it... Pure magic.

But if you got extra ranch for pizza-dipping purposes, they charged you, so I had to dip my pizza in my salad. (I was on the free/reduced lunch program and wasn't about to pay 50¢ for ranch when my lunch was 30¢)
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