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An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things models say that make you go "WTF?"

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MeekoRaccoon said:
PlayboyMegan said:
It's fascinating to me that someone can find a girl who drinks alcohol attractive but not a girl who smokes weed. In my experience, I am much more clear headed while high than drunk. Drinking makes me sloppy and emotional and it's a lot more unhealthy. I actually feel like I'm even more clear headed while high than sober sometimes. I'm curious to know the logic for people who feel that way.
Also I would speculate that someone who touts the merits of hookahs aren't exactly neutral on the subject.

Meeko: FWIW the way in which you convey your opinions is equivalent to chewing sand. Well done.


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noob101 said:
About a few weeks ago, there was this black chick on Chaturbate who was sucking off a white dude. In the profile, they said that they were trying to raise 500 dollars before a given day because "Oregon" had taken her dog away, and they wanted to get it back. I don't know whether it was true or not, but if it was true, then it was pretty sad. :( I hope that the dog's okay.
Why did you feel it necessary to mention skin color? Like what does that even have to do with anything?

Back to the herb talk, I think must smokers know at least a few people with an irrational hatred for it. Whether it be the girl in high school that was turned down by a stoner and forever holds a grudge or some dude that lost his girlfriend to a stoner, some people just hate it. Hilarious when these people try to bring up health while they eat fast food everyday and are scared to death of exercise. If I had a nickel for every time some dude with a beer gut tried telling me how unhealthy it was, well, I wouldn't have THAT many nickels but it can be entertaining to see how far some will go to try to justify their hatred for it.
katza_ said:
MeekoRaccoon said:
PlayboyMegan said:
It's fascinating to me that someone can find a girl who drinks alcohol attractive but not a girl who smokes weed. In my experience, I am much more clear headed while high than drunk. Drinking makes me sloppy and emotional and it's a lot more unhealthy. I actually feel like I'm even more clear headed while high than sober sometimes. I'm curious to know the logic for people who feel that way.
Also I would speculate that someone who touts the merits of hookahs aren't exactly neutral on the subject.

Meeko: FWIW the way in which you convey your opinions is equivalent to chewing sand. Well done.
*puffs on hookah*

Megan, you lookin' noice, girl. :cool:
Nordling said:
MeekoRaccoon said:
PlayboyMegan said:
It's fascinating to me that someone can find a girl who drinks alcohol attractive but not a girl who smokes weed. In my experience, I am much more clear headed while high than drunk. Drinking makes me sloppy and emotional and it's a lot more unhealthy. I actually feel like I'm even more clear headed while high than sober sometimes. I'm curious to know the logic for people who feel that way.

There are no long-term effects with moderate alcohol use. Smoking marijuana has had proven deleterious effects on the hippocampus.

FWIW, I feel the same about real smoking. All I can see is someone's blackened and tarred lungs under that chest. Yuck.
The studies I've seen about damage to the hippocampus has to do with underage people and unborn fetuses, not on adults. The same can be said about alcohol.

I hate to kick what is very much so feeling like a dead horse, but also many have heard "scientific studies" of marijuana that simply aren't all true. Problem is, it's mainly only stoners that know the history. Honestly I would doubt any study that didn't happen recently. Back in the day, there were TONS of made up reasons to keep it illegal. I figure most all of us have seen Reefer Madness. Heck I've made a number of people who said they would never touch it simply due to that ridiculous movie. To me (even before I was ever near weed) it was a ridiculous film, but yeah some people actually think it's this deadly thing out to get everyone. o_O

I don't know anything about the damage to the hippocampus. I think if you really don't want to damage anything...than fine. Don't drink, don't smoke (anything) etc. That's really the only guaranteed way to not harm yourself. However if you really want the lesser of the evils, then yeah pot would likely be the best choice.
PunkInDrublic said:
Back to the herb talk, I think must smokers know at least a few people with an irrational hatred for it. Whether it be the girl in high school that was turned down by a stoner and forever holds a grudge or some dude that lost his girlfriend to a stoner, some people just hate it. Hilarious when these people try to bring up health while they eat fast food everyday and are scared to death of exercise. If I had a nickel for every time some dude with a beer gut tried telling me how unhealthy it was, well, I wouldn't have THAT many nickels but it can be entertaining to see how far some will go to try to justify their hatred for it.
It's not hatred, merely being extremely turned off by people with a lack of intelligence, as evidenced by the pot-smokers in this thread.
MeekoRaccoon said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Back to the herb talk, I think must smokers know at least a few people with an irrational hatred for it. Whether it be the girl in high school that was turned down by a stoner and forever holds a grudge or some dude that lost his girlfriend to a stoner, some people just hate it. Hilarious when these people try to bring up health while they eat fast food everyday and are scared to death of exercise. If I had a nickel for every time some dude with a beer gut tried telling me how unhealthy it was, well, I wouldn't have THAT many nickels but it can be entertaining to see how far some will go to try to justify their hatred for it.
It's not hatred, merely being extremely turned off by people with a lack of intelligence, as evidenced by the pot-smokers in this thread.

I personally have a medical condition that actually could be helped by it. I have fibromylgia. Doctors can't cure that. I don't want to get addicted to anything, so instead of taking a quick hit every once in a while; I have to work out a lot, eat a very regimented diet, and get a certain amount of sunlight a day. It would make my life a ton easier if I did. If someone were using pain pills as prescribed by a doctor, it would maybe seem different. Please stop acting so rude just because you had a bad experience.

Edit: If this goes on, can we at least move it to a different thread? :/
MeekoRaccoon said:
It's not hatred, merely being extremely turned off by people with a lack of intelligence, as evidenced by the pot-smokers in this thread.
haha knew that would get to you, some people are too easy man. Pot smokers are dumb! Compelling argument but you might want to chill out with all that irrational hatred. Seems really unhealthy.
Are we really having a ""why do you think they call it dope?"/"marijuana is worse for you than alcohol, tobacco, salt, sugar, prescription drugs, etc." argument in 2015? If you're not a fan of weed, then cool, but let's not pretend that marijuana is inherently bad or people who smoke it are dumb. It's embarrassing, yo.
MeekoRaccoon said:
It's not hatred, merely being extremely turned off by people with a lack of intelligence, as evidenced by the pot-smokers in this thread.

At first, I thought you were merely picky in the models you watched (AKA, the way you spent your free time). And that's fine. It's perfectly okay to prefer one type of person or activity over another. But the more you write, the more you're showing yourself as a judgemental, rude megalomaniac.

If you do not wish to partake in certain activities (or watch/converse with those who do), then don't. But don't act like you're better than them because of it. This is edging the line toward religion and politics in a very dangerous way.

Edit: just saw Ann's suggestion for a new thread on the topic. I think it would be a useful thread if people used it to help understand the opposing side better, instead of just covering their ears and singing about how they're right and everyone else is wrong. I doubt it would end up that way, if this thread is any indicator.
I_Am_Iris said:
MeekoRaccoon said:
It's not hatred, merely being extremely turned off by people with a lack of intelligence, as evidenced by the pot-smokers in this thread.

At first, I thought you were merely picky in the models you watched (AKA, the way you spent your free time). And that's fine. It's perfectly okay to prefer one type of person or activity over another. But the more you write, the more you're showing yourself as a judgemental, rude megalomaniac.

If you do not wish to partake in certain activities (or watch/converse with those who do), then don't. But don't act like you're better than them because of it. This is edging the line toward religion and politics in a very dangerous way.

Edit: just saw Ann's suggestion for a new thread on the topic. I think it would be a useful thread if people used it to help understand the opposing side better, instead of just covering their ears and singing about how they're right and everyone else is wrong. I doubt it would end up that way, if this thread is any indicator.

There was one from a while back, here - ... hilit=weed
mynameisbob84 said:
I_Am_Iris said:
MeekoRaccoon said:
It's not hatred, merely being extremely turned off by people with a lack of intelligence, as evidenced by the pot-smokers in this thread.

Edit: just saw Ann's suggestion for a new thread on the topic. I think it would be a useful thread if...

There was one from a while back, here - ... hilit=weed

I was thinking about that thread too. But mostly because I thought it would be hilarious if Jupiter551 were still on the forum. He and Meeko would have so much to talk about. :lol:
I_Am_Iris said:
If you do not wish to partake in certain activities (or watch/converse with those who do), then don't. But don't act like you're better than them because of it. This is edging the line toward religion and politics in a very dangerous way.
See, this is the problem with modern society. No one is willing to be blunt and say "this is right" and "that is wrong". Everything is defined by moral equivalence. If you want to put your face close to something that is burning and inhale to alter your mental state, there is obviously something wrong with you.

The other thread that was linked has to do with the legal discussion, which honestly I don't care about. What I do care about is the characterof the people offering to spend time with members, and it's becoming abundantly clear that there are only two models here with characters that worth more than a damn here. Names omitted. :)
MeekoRaccoon said:
I_Am_Iris said:
If you do not wish to partake in certain activities (or watch/converse with those who do), then don't. But don't act like you're better than them because of it. This is edging the line toward religion and politics in a very dangerous way.
See, this is the problem with modern society. No one is willing to be blunt and say "this is right" and "that is wrong". Everything is defined by moral equivalence. If you want to put your face close to something that is burning and inhale to alter your mental state, there is obviously something wrong with you.

The other thread that was linked has to do with the legal discussion, which honestly I don't care about. What I do care about is the characterof the people offering to spend time with members, and it's becoming abundantly clear that there are only two models here with characters that worth more than a damn here. Names omitted. :)

I know that I am one of those people because you and I are super close but I'm agreeing with everyone else. You know my feelings on this topic and I'm going to say it again - YOU are being rude. Stop it. If character is what you value in a camgirl, then that means its fair for ME to value character in a member and right now, you're not acting like a member I want to be around. You're being unnecessarily rude, judgemental and its not cute. You're entitled to your beliefs, turn ons, opinions, whatever but IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. You're being no different than the assholes that come into my chatroom just to announce that they think I'm fat, ugly, a whore. It makes them a dick, and you prancing in here to announce that you find x,y,z to be unattractive, unintelligent and lacking character makes you a dick too. I love you to death Meeko, you know I do. But even though you've omitted my name, you've now brought me into this thread. I love you, but please stop acting high and mighty, because we ALL do things that others might deem unattractive, unintelligent and lacking in character - yourself included.
MeekoRaccoon said:
I_Am_Iris said:
If you do not wish to partake in certain activities (or watch/converse with those who do), then don't. But don't act like you're better than them because of it. This is edging the line toward religion and politics in a very dangerous way.
See, this is the problem with modern society. No one is willing to be blunt and say "this is right" and "that is wrong". Everything is defined by moral equivalence. If you want to put your face close to something that is burning and inhale to alter your mental state, there is obviously something wrong with you.

You're right, there IS something wrong with me. It's called chronic back pain. Any medications strong enough to actually relieve it (hydrocodone, cyclobenzaprine) render me incapable of functioning because they knock me out and I end up napping in the middle of my shift at work. I experience something similar with alcohol: if I have a shot of liquor, a glass of wine, or a beer, it relieves my pain, but it makes me too sleepy to be useful. If I smoke just a teeny bit of weed, on the other hand, it relieves my pain and I don't fall asleep when I'm trying to work. However, I can't afford to use weed to relieve pain with any regularity - I can usually spare some money for it about once every three months, IF I'm lucky - so I just live my life in agony.

Also, you want people to be blunt? I'll be blunt. You are being a rude asshole here,for very little reason. Oh, some scientific studies back your opinion? How many of those were backed by big pharma, so they could keep marijuana illegal and sick people hooked on more expensive prescription drugs? How many of them are backed by the lumber industry, to keep hemp illegal so that it doesn't become a cheaper, more eco-friendly source of paper? There are so many scientific studies out there that were paid for by someone with an angle, and were poorly conducted so that they'd have the desired outcome instead of an honest result. Fuck, there's one single study "proving" that vaccinations cause autism, when they fucking don't. It's genetic. It's more "prevalent" now because doctors are more familiar with the symptoms and stopped falsely believing that only white males could have it.
MeekoRaccoon said:
See, this is the problem with modern society. No one is willing to be blunt and say "this is right" and "that is wrong". Everything is defined by moral equivalence. If you want to put your face close to something that is burning and inhale to alter your mental state, there is obviously something wrong with you.

Morals are a slippery subject. Outside of the big ones everyone can agree on, murder, rape, arson, and so on, morals change from one person to the next. They also change over time.

Sex before marriage is considered not a big deal today by over 60% of the population. Yet before the 1960's that number hovered around 20% of people. And even today it depends on what part of the world you live in. Certain countries that can still get you arrested. Being homosexual can get you the death penalty in some of them.

As for the 'alter your mental state' part. Let's go biblical. Remember three wise men offering gold, frankincense, and myrrh? Myrrh is specifically mentioned later at the time of Christ's crucifixion for its mind altering properties. Nothing immoral related to it anywhere in the bible.

If you're just judging the moral character of someone based on them using something that is bad for them, we are all guilty. Studies abound showing the negative effects of television viewing. Watching even a few hours a day has been shown to lower IQ, and have long term effects on health. Obesity, heart disease, verbal competence, aggression, shortened attention span...many factors attributable to TV.

Judging solely on your criteria of right and wrong it's obvious to anyone TV's are wrong. Yet I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess you own one.

To an Amish person you're immoral for owning a TV.

Basically it all boils down to a simple fact you may not have realized. Your sense of right and wrong differs from everyone else. Much of what we think is wrong, a thousand of our neighbors couldn't care less about. And some of the things we think are right have millions of people in the world willing to stone us to death, set our bodies on fire and hang them from bridges for the world to see because they think it's wrong. It's a personal thing we each come up with based on our own life experiences.

Personally I wouldn't touch the stuff and think people who do are definitely not making the best decision about that. Yet at the same time I've argued for its complete legalization for decades. I tend to think having a war on drugs where millions of people rot in jail and have their lives destroyed for smoking something is way more immoral.
MeekoRaccoon said:
I_Am_Iris said:
If you do not wish to partake in certain activities (or watch/converse with those who do), then don't. But don't act like you're better than them because of it. This is edging the line toward religion and politics in a very dangerous way.
See, this is the problem with modern society. No one is willing to be blunt and say "this is right" and "that is wrong". Everything is defined by moral equivalence. If you want to put your face close to something that is burning and inhale to alter your mental state, there is obviously something wrong with you.

The other thread that was linked has to do with the legal discussion, which honestly I don't care about. What I do care about is the characterof the people offering to spend time with members, and it's becoming abundantly clear that there are only two models here with characters that worth more than a damn here. Names omitted. :)

You know what's ironic? If you would just smoke a little, you would be wayyyy less tightly wound. I mean it, dude, light one up before you pop an aneurysm.
MeekoRaccoon said:
I_Am_Iris said:
If you do not wish to partake in certain activities (or watch/converse with those who do), then don't. But don't act like you're better than them because of it. This is edging the line toward religion and politics in a very dangerous way.
See, this is the problem with modern society. No one is willing to be blunt and say "this is right" and "that is wrong". Everything is defined by moral equivalence. If you want to put your face close to something that is burning and inhale to alter your mental state, there is obviously something wrong with you.

The other thread that was linked has to do with the legal discussion, which honestly I don't care about. What I do care about is the characterof the people offering to spend time with members, and it's becoming abundantly clear that there are only two models here with characters that worth more than a damn here. Names omitted. :)
Humans do a lot of stupid things for a thrill or to have a good experience. i get that you may think smoking anything is the stupidest ever, but maybe you're being a bit pushy here, where you're surrounded by people who do things that make them feel good that may be taboo. maybe?
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SarahLove said:
...where you're surrounded by people who do things that make them feel good that may be taboo. maybe?

Yeah, it may be taboo to cover my body in peanut butter and beat myself with a toilet brush, but it makes me feel good. Or is that an overshare?
Guys. MFC is not real life. If someone wants to find a camgirl unattractive for smoking pot or drinking tea or shaving their pits, it's fine. They're on the internet paying for the luxury of being shallow. Maybe, if Meeko met a woman who was perfect in every way but she smoked a little herb, he'd find room in his heart for her anyway. But, he's talking about a porn site. You can click the next room for pretty much any reason and end up with someone just as beautiful in a different way. Camgirls are plentiful and diverse. Dudes aren't meant to fall in love, and we aren't meant to believe that we charm every person who comes our way.
JickyJuly said:
Guys. MFC is not real life. If someone wants to find a camgirl unattractive for smoking pot or drinking tea or shaving their pits, it's fine. They're on the internet paying for the luxury of being shallow. Maybe, if Meeko met a woman who was perfect in every way but she smoked a little herb, he'd find room in his heart for her anyway. But, he's talking about a porn site. You can click the next room for pretty much any reason and end up with someone just as beautiful in a different way. Camgirls are plentiful and diverse. Dudes aren't meant to fall in love, and we aren't meant to believe that we charm every person who comes our way.
Agree, he's perfectly within his rights to pick and choose who he wants to gawk at for any reason, but I think what enrages a lot of folks on here is his "moralizing," his judgmental way of asserting his opinion.
Nordling said:
JickyJuly said:
Guys. MFC is not real life. If someone wants to find a camgirl unattractive for smoking pot or drinking tea or shaving their pits, it's fine. They're on the internet paying for the luxury of being shallow. Maybe, if Meeko met a woman who was perfect in every way but she smoked a little herb, he'd find room in his heart for her anyway. But, he's talking about a porn site. You can click the next room for pretty much any reason and end up with someone just as beautiful in a different way. Camgirls are plentiful and diverse. Dudes aren't meant to fall in love, and we aren't meant to believe that we charm every person who comes our way.
Agree, he's perfectly within his rights to pick and choose who he wants to gawk at for any reason, but I think what enrages a lot of folks on here is his "moralizing," his judgmental way of asserting his opinion.
Oh yeah. He's definitely escalated his right to shallow judgment into twat territory. Hehehe. I'm not defending that. Just his initial assertion. This was my clumsy way of saying that while he might weed out women who smoke, they're equally lucky to be weeded out. The revolving door turns both ways. I'm out of puns. I need more beer. Meet me in the beer cave, Nord!
JickyJuly said:
Nordling said:
JickyJuly said:
Guys. MFC is not real life. If someone wants to find a camgirl unattractive for smoking pot or drinking tea or shaving their pits, it's fine. They're on the internet paying for the luxury of being shallow. Maybe, if Meeko met a woman who was perfect in every way but she smoked a little herb, he'd find room in his heart for her anyway. But, he's talking about a porn site. You can click the next room for pretty much any reason and end up with someone just as beautiful in a different way. Camgirls are plentiful and diverse. Dudes aren't meant to fall in love, and we aren't meant to believe that we charm every person who comes our way.
Agree, he's perfectly within his rights to pick and choose who he wants to gawk at for any reason, but I think what enrages a lot of folks on here is his "moralizing," his judgmental way of asserting his opinion.
Oh yeah. He's definitely escalated his right to shallow judgment into twat territory. Hehehe. I'm not defending that. Just his initial assertion. This was my clumsy way of saying that while he might weed out women who smoke, they're equally lucky to be weeded out. The revolving door turns both ways. I'm out of puns. I need more beer. Meet me in the beer cave, Nord!
Heh, I was about to agree with you until you started name-calling. :) Everyone here has different things to offer. But if you like someone and later find out that they are a white supremacist and love to read Mein Kampf, don't tell me that you wouldn't judge them and that your estimation of them wouldn't go down. Of course it would. We all have things that raise or lower other peoples' opinions. Once you decide to publicize one or more of these, you will attract a percentage of the audience, and simultaneously push away the other part of the audience. Not acknowledging this is insanity.
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MeekoRaccoon said:
Heh, I was about to agree with you until you started name-calling. :) Everyone here has different things to offer. But if you like someone and later find out that they are a white supremacist and love to read Mein Kampf, don't tell me that you wouldn't judge them and that your estimation of them wouldn't go down. Of course it would. We all have things that raise or lower other peoples' opinions. Once you decide to publicize one or more of these, you will attract a percentage of the audience, and simultaneously push away the other part of the audience. Not acknowledging this is insanity.

MeekoRaccoon said:
Heh, I was about to agree with you until you started name-calling. :) Everyone here has different things to offer. But if you like someone and later find out that they are a white supremacist and love to read Mein Kampf, don't tell me that you wouldn't judge them and that your estimation of them wouldn't go down. Of course it would. We all have things that raise or lower other peoples' opinions. Once you decide to publicize one or more of these, you will attract a percentage of the audience, and simultaneously push away the other part of the audience. Not acknowledging this is insanity.
Been acknowledged by multiple people. Best part about this post is that you tried calling others stupid before throwing up this nonsense. Pretty hilarious.
PunkInDrublic said:
MeekoRaccoon said:
Heh, I was about to agree with you until you started name-calling. :) Everyone here has different things to offer. But if you like someone and later find out that they are a white supremacist and love to read Mein Kampf, don't tell me that you wouldn't judge them and that your estimation of them wouldn't go down. Of course it would. We all have things that raise or lower other peoples' opinions. Once you decide to publicize one or more of these, you will attract a percentage of the audience, and simultaneously push away the other part of the audience. Not acknowledging this is insanity.
Been acknowledged by multiple people. Best part about this post is that you tried calling others stupid before throwing up this nonsense. Pretty hilarious.
The only people I am calling stupid are the ones who decide to inhale a foreign substance. That's stupid.

Well, pro-choicers too.
MeekoRaccoon said:
The only people I am calling stupid are the ones who decide to inhale a foreign substance. That's stupid.

Well, pro-choicers too.

A weed argument wasn't enough, so you decided to start an abortion flame war too?


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