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Things models say that make you go "WTF?"

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This is more of a "things models DO" than say...

When a model goes around to popular/top MFC girls' profiles and makes comments on their wall in a super attention hungry way. It's incredibly obvious they are just doing it for attention and exposure. Riding coattails... Only making comments on girls' pages (this goes beyond just MFC profiles, any site that has a comments area) to be seen... It's just... ugly.

It's almost as bad as the girls who camp out on their model accounts in popular girls' chatrooms while they're on cam.

AmberCutie said:
This is more of a "things models DO" than say...

When a model goes around to popular/top MFC girls' profiles and makes comments on their wall in a super attention hungry way. It's incredibly obvious they are just doing it for attention and exposure. Riding coattails... Only making comments on girls' pages (this goes beyond just MFC profiles, any site that has a comments area) to be seen... It's just... ugly.

It's almost as bad as the girls who camp out on their model accounts in popular girls' chatrooms while they're on cam.


I see this on twitter ALL THE TIME. People sucking up super hard to the popular/pretty ladies. Idolization like that to me is bizarre.
I was scanning page two the other day and found a duplicate account for a page one model. Same person, almost exact same username and the profile was pretty much cut and paste from the old one. I verified that it wasn't a name change.
Fay_Galore said:
Just came across a 18 year old model with her age in her topic too and she's been on MFC for three years. :lol:

Reminds me of a model i used to chat with, I was in private chat with her and she says(types) "I'm not as old as you think I am." Profile says she's 18, so I was like "oh crap oh crap oh crap time to leave this room and never come back" turns out she was 22, and just had her profile wrong. She is Russian and i know uses translation software so the way it was translated threw me...
I received these messages in the room of a model I had never visited before...

You are now SherylAnn's room helper.
SherylAnn no longer has a room helper.
You are no longer SherylAnn's room helper

model: who will be my first tip ?
jimmygreaes: are you ok?
model: :)
model: yeah just watching a film
jimmygreaes: what one?
model: h.t is at zero, first person to tip becomes room helper
model: so get on it
model: :p
model: hmmm
model: you all gonna be zombies again tonight
model: or actually talk and keep me company?
model: fucing hell
model: like getting blood from a stone with you lot
model: seriouslyyy?

LilyMarie said:
model: who will be my first tip ?
jimmygreaes: are you ok?
model: :)
model: yeah just watching a film
jimmygreaes: what one?
model: h.t is at zero, first person to tip becomes room helper
model: so get on it
model: :p
model: hmmm
model: you all gonna be zombies again tonight
model: or actually talk and keep me company?
model: fucing hell
model: like getting blood from a stone with you lot
model: seriouslyyy?


What? Nobody wanted to pay her to watch a movie? For shame!
mynameisbob84 said:
mynameisbob84 said:
I need her
I need children with her
I love you so much

Not even a "hello"... :?

EDIT: There's more! :-D

God I bet you smell so fucking good
I'd do anything to procreate with you
Going to assume you posted this in the wrong thread.
Would be even more creepy if a model said those things. :shock:
PlayboyMegan said:
mynameisbob84 said:
mynameisbob84 said:
I need her
I need children with her
I love you so much

Not even a "hello"... :?

EDIT: There's more! :-D

God I bet you smell so fucking good
I'd do anything to procreate with you
Going to assume you posted this in the wrong thread.
Would be even more creepy if a model said those things. :shock:

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe :shifty:
This has probably been said before, and I'm sure applies to a lot of models. When a member asks the model what id consider acceptable questions, like "do you have toys" or "do you like anal" and the model goes off with something like "yea lets fuck YOUR ass" or something like that. More importantly, it seems like 90% of the time this happens, there is no info on her profile about not using toys or liking anal.

Maybe it's just because I'm looking at it for the opposite side, but I think thats a pretty easy way to scare people off...
a cool dude who was in my room for the first time tipped 50 tkns, i said thank you! of course but then another model on CB typed into PUBLIC chat "oh (members name) you were in my room too forever, and you didnt tip at all! SHAME on you!!" :? i banned her super fast but omfg some girls are super fucking rude

*edited* to make it less wordy
I went into the room of a model who is new to me, the music was pretty good and she was selling her playlist so I tipped for it.

I was expecting a written out list or maybe youtube links or something along those lines, what she sent were actual ripped music files. I had a convo with her about how maybe this was not a good thing to be doing, I referenced the 1st song which was by Katy Perry. She replied, "who cares she's super rich anyway", in a somewhat bitchy tone.

The thing is yes I realize Katy Perry is very wealthy, I don't care about that, I do care that if I buy her track from iTunes or something that she receives her portion of it. Much like with my fav model Skye_evans, when she tells me I can have a new video for 15 bucks, she will be getting the 300 tokens from me for it. I'm not buying it from the lounge resellers or the pm guys. I work hard for the money that I have and in turn when I spend it I would like other's to be compensated for what they do as well. Her attitude really put me off and I will not be returning to that room.
mickerd said:
I went into the room of a model who is new to me, the music was pretty good and she was selling her playlist so I tipped for it.

I was expecting a written out list or maybe youtube links or something along those lines, what she sent were actual ripped music files. I had a convo with her about how maybe this was not a good thing to be doing, I referenced the 1st song which was by Katy Perry. She replied, "who cares she's super rich anyway", in a somewhat bitchy tone.

The thing is yes I realize Katy Perry is very wealthy, I don't care about that, I do care that if I buy her track from iTunes or something that she receives her portion of it. Much like with my fav model Skye_evans, when she tells me I can have a new video for 15 bucks, she will be getting the 300 tokens from me for it. I'm not buying it from the lounge resellers or the pm guys. I work hard for the money that I have and in turn when I spend it I would like other's to be compensated for what they do as well. Her attitude really put me off and I will not be returning to that room.

Not just that, selling other people's intellectual property without their consent is highly illegal. It could, if brought to the attention of the artist, get you slapped with a copyright claim.

Just sharing the files is difficult to prosecute, but if you made a profit from it, it becomes a lot easier.

Also, with how easy it is to buy music for a decent price these days, there's no longer the excuse of overpriced CDs to hide behind. This isn't Sherwood Forest (or should that be Sharewood Forest? :p)
Maybe this won't seem like a WTF to the rest of you, but I just went into a models room and she was already talking to someone else about a tv show I'm not caught up on and dropped a gigantic spoiler(presumably from this weeks episode) Not that she cant talk about whatever she wants in her own room, it just rubbed me the wrong way
Spoilers have always been a bit of a weird territory for me. I dabble in being a movie critic at times and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to give my opinion on something without spoiling anything. I'll admit that you shouldn't spoil big events, especially if it's a long-awaited reveal, but if I'm actively trying not to spoil anything, I only seem to be able to give the most generic of reviews.

That said, I also have no remorse regarding spoiling anything but current content (I.E. stuff that came out this year). If you're that keen on not having something spoiled, you should take the time to watch it. If I was talking about Keyser Soze and someone yelled at me for spoiling his identity, then I'll gladly point out that if the Usual Suspects was a person, it would be allowed to make porn of itself my now. If you wanted to see the movie, they've had 19 years to do so.

I do, however, have a problem with the covers on the new DVD releases of Planet of the Apes. These have the iconic shot of Heston kneeling next to the Statue of Liberty on the front.
Johndoe91 said:
Maybe this won't seem like a WTF to the rest of you, but I just went into a models room and she was already talking to someone else about a tv show I'm not caught up on and dropped a gigantic spoiler(presumably from this weeks episode) Not that she cant talk about whatever she wants in her own room, it just rubbed me the wrong way

I have unfollowed three models on Twitter for posting Walking Dead spoilers, I anticipate there will be more this year :lol:

Seriously though seems like a relatively easy to avoid situation that can alienate members pretty quickly. I am a nice girl but spoilers make me hulk out! Especially within just a few hours or days of the release. It's no fun.
I've tried to avoid posting in this thread as much as possible but once in a while I have to.

Just now there weren't too many models on my friends list online, so I was browsing webcam previews on the homepage. I saw one that looked like she was cute and she was doing hula hoop. I went in to maybe chat for a bit and see what she was like. Cute girl, trim, fit, athletic build. From the way she was speaking I'd guess midwest upbringing. Standard girl next door type. I thought she might have promise for adding to the friends list.

Not even two minutes in, literally, no exaggeration, I get a PM from her saying I should tip.
All I could think was, why the fuck do you think I should tip you? I've never met you, I haven't been in your room long enough to even hear one song playing. You've done nothing in that time. Seriously, why would she think 'I should tip her?'

Biggest turn off from a model I've experienced since the last one tried to blame her failing cam career on me not telling her my credit cart got hit for fraud 8 months ago. I didn't understand either one of them.

She went from highly likely to visit again to Hide and Ignore status in less than 120 seconds. I think that's a record now.
JerryBoBerry said:
I've tried to avoid posting in this thread as much as possible but once in a while I have to.

Just now there weren't too many models on my friends list online, so I was browsing webcam previews on the homepage. I saw one that looked like she was cute and she was doing hula hoop. I went in to maybe chat for a bit and see what she was like. Cute girl, trim, fit, athletic build. From the way she was speaking I'd guess midwest upbringing. Standard girl next door type. I thought she might have promise for adding to the friends list.

Not even two minutes in, literally, no exaggeration, I get a PM from her saying I should tip.
All I could think was, why the fuck do you think I should tip you? I've never met you, I haven't been in your room long enough to even hear one song playing. You've done nothing in that time. Seriously, why would she think 'I should tip her?'

Biggest turn off from a model I've experienced since the last one tried to blame her failing cam career on me not telling her my credit cart got hit for fraud 8 months ago. I didn't understand either one of them.

She went from highly likely to visit again to Hide and Ignore status in less than 120 seconds. I think that's a record now.

After thinking about it for a few minutes I guess I should be grateful to her. Revealing that attitude toward things right away meant I didn't have to waste too much time on getting to know her before finding out about that side of her. Cheaper on the tokens too.
So there's this model who i frequent on, and she's pregnant (2-3months) not REALLY showing, but it's noticable because she was thin as a rail before. She told me she as pregnant probably a month or so ago, in public chat. She and i usually have a fairly jokey type conversation, sometimes i hint about the baby/belly but never flat out say it in public. Tonight i made a comment about how she's always on her stomach anymore like she's hiding something, again in a joking matter. She went private a short while later and when she came back she went off on me about how i how i scared off customers,like they wouldn't have noticed when they went private and saw her in a different position. And how she only made a fraction of what she usually does. I was in her room for like 20 minutes of her 5 hour shift, so that couldn't have been all me.

I admit, i probably shouldn't have said anything, but since I was told in public i assumed it wasn't state secret or anything, but I don't think her biting my head off about it was the right way for her to handle it either. I doubt I'll be visiting her much anymore

Also maybe this wasn't the right thread, but it's here now, so meh.
This is more of a thing models do versus say. And it might be a little cruel, so if your sensitive I would stop reading and move along. I'm a lurker of profiles. I look at profiles before I even step in the room. Why? Because there all so creative and different. But the first things I notice are cam score, profile pictures, age, and weight. A lot of cam girls put way higher expectations on there profile then in there room. They will have a picture that makes them look like a goddess and then you go into there room and they hardly even look like there photo. Very misleading. Another thing is weight, a lot of models tend to lie about there weight. They claim they are 130lbs. Yeah maybe your ass is. But lets get real your more like 150-170. Don't lie about your weight its misleading. It's just if your trying to attract members, be more honest with yourself. Don't make yourself look like your a perfect 10 and then have members walk into the room to a 5. That's not going to get you very far, your going to have a lot of members walking out because they expected more then what they got.
I've honestly tried to disable having a weight displayed, because why does it matter what that number is when you can SEE what I LOOK LIKE? It's obvious if I'm big or small or medium, is a number even necessary?
SaffronBurke said:
I've honestly tried to disable having a weight displayed, because why does it matter what that number is when you can SEE what I LOOK LIKE? It's obvious if I'm big or small or medium, is a number even necessary?
Just enter 0 lbs. It won't display. That's what I do. I was always honest about my weight, but it fluctuates so frequently that I hated updating it every other month.
KudosKids said:
This is more of a thing models do versus say. And it might be a little cruel, so if your sensitive I would stop reading and move along. I'm a lurker of profiles. I look at profiles before I even step in the room. Why? Because there all so creative and different. But the first things I notice are cam score, profile pictures, age, and weight. A lot of cam girls put way higher expectations on there profile then in there room. They will have a picture that makes them look like a goddess and then you go into there room and they hardly even look like there photo. Very misleading. Another thing is weight, a lot of models tend to lie about there weight. They claim they are 130lbs. Yeah maybe your ass is. But lets get real your more like 150-170. Don't lie about your weight its misleading. It's just if your trying to attract members, be more honest with yourself. Don't make yourself look like your a perfect 10 and then have members walk into the room to a 5. That's not going to get you very far, your going to have a lot of members walking out because they expected more then what they got.

I wouldn't assume someone is lying about their weight just because it's different than you may expect. I weigh 105 lbs and people often don't believes me because of my bodytype. You have to take into account height, muscle mass, proportions, etc. You may also have unrealistic expectations about what a weight should look like. Unless you're a doctor or a fitness trainer, you probably aren't going to be very accurate guessing peoples' weights on appearance.

Both of these women are 140 lbs:
NataliaGrey said:
KudosKids said:
This is more of a thing models do versus say. And it might be a little cruel, so if your sensitive I would stop reading and move along. I'm a lurker of profiles. I look at profiles before I even step in the room. Why? Because there all so creative and different. But the first things I notice are cam score, profile pictures, age, and weight. A lot of cam girls put way higher expectations on there profile then in there room. They will have a picture that makes them look like a goddess and then you go into there room and they hardly even look like there photo. Very misleading. Another thing is weight, a lot of models tend to lie about there weight. They claim they are 130lbs. Yeah maybe your ass is. But lets get real your more like 150-170. Don't lie about your weight its misleading. It's just if your trying to attract members, be more honest with yourself. Don't make yourself look like your a perfect 10 and then have members walk into the room to a 5. That's not going to get you very far, your going to have a lot of members walking out because they expected more then what they got.

I wouldn't assume someone is lying about their weight just because it's different than you may expect. I weigh 105 lbs and people often don't believes me because of my bodytype. You have to take into account height, muscle mass, proportions, etc. You may also have unrealistic expectations about what a weight should look like. Unless you're a doctor or a fitness trainer, you probably aren't going to be very accurate guessing peoples' weights on appearance.

Both of these women are 140 lbs:

Thanks for pointing that out, Natalie. :thumbleft:


Isn't it crazy that we live in a world where people have different opinions? A girl that you see as a "5" might be a 10 in another's eyes and holy shit... what a horrible thing that a woman has confidence in herself. How dare her value herself! BURN THE WITCH!
AedanRayne said:
Isn't it crazy that we live in a world where people have different opinions? A girl that you see as a "5" might be a 10 in another's eyes and holy shit... what a horrible thing that a woman has confidence in herself. How dare her value herself! BURN THE WITCH!
Then again, it's not like anyone takes people seriously who 'rate' other people's appearances with numbers :lol: That's something a teenage boy would do.
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