AmberCutie's Forum
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Things Models Do That Make You Shake Your Head / Chuckle to Yourself

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Apr 17, 2021
As the title says. We've not got a thread for those "funny/odd" things we see in rooms that are down to the performer(s). I do not intend this to be mean spirited or overly critical of models. Unless they are breaking TOS I say leave them be. But I find much of what I see when cruising the site to be amusing in a mild WTF manner that makes me laugh / smile. And I do not really have anywhere to "tell / share the story".

This thread might be useful or it will merely die a death of neglect. ;)
I'll go first:

Tonight I was cruising SC in VR as I often do, and came across a model who appeared to be running a manual game of Hangman (something which I applaud, it shows creativity and lets the room interact with the model and really see her personality). Now I say "appeared" to be running such a game, as:

  1. I could barely see the whiteboard she was using because her VR cam was positioned directly in front of her shoulders as she sat at her desk typing and interacting so al I could see was her left demurely clad shoulder and a bit of her throat, and;
  2. What I could see of the board showed that she had her camera / broadcast setup in such a way that text was back to front!! So I couldn't read what little of her her handwriting I could see anyway. :)
Neither of these are really acceptable as SC naturally provides models with the ability to see what we VR members see. (These days I believe it is/can even be live real/time). My curiosity was piqued so I checked her room in 2D and at least there everything was visible and fine. Which is good becasue up til then I thought all the other users must have just been flinging blind guesses at her as to what the hidden word was
I never saw it, but I do recall a model would make 2 puppets have sex with each other.

One of the ladies I follow has kinder eggs and on tip menu will make it look like she's laying them. Always a good laugh.
well I somewhat get why it's done, but the fake moans from vibrations, even when the toys are clearly not on xD I always found it really funny.. also when they hear the tip sound and moan, and the toy is not even near them, I will never get why it works for some guys, but it must do :p
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she had her camera / broadcast setup in such a way that text was back to front!!
Anytime I see a model broadcasting a mirrored cam I do shake my head. Sometimes it isn't obvious, but if they're wearing something with text or have anything in the room with writing on it, it looks so silly!
Anytime I see a model broadcasting a mirrored cam I do shake my head. Sometimes it isn't obvious, but if they're wearing something with text or have anything in the room with writing on it, it looks so silly!
I am so glad I'm not the only one who gets on about this. I don't understand it. Would confuse me because now my left is my right and vice versa.
Anytime I see a model broadcasting a mirrored cam I do shake my head. Sometimes it isn't obvious, but if they're wearing something with text or have anything in the room with writing on it, it looks so silly!
100% this^.
I feel like I'm being really inflexible when it bothers me, but it just does. One room I regularly visited, the model had a very large wall clock behind her and it would always freak me out that the time was mirrored.
It's also very noticeable just how subtly different facial features are if you're used to seeing the image one way, and then the cam gets flipped.
It's also very noticeable just how subtly different facial features are if you're used to seeing the image one way
honestly I think that may be the reason that some models DO use the mirrored image, since we're used to seeing our faces in the mirror sometimes it's hard to adjust to seeing the video properly since then we see ourselves from an outsiders PoV.

I got over that pretty fast as soon as I started streaming so long ago.
Whenever I see glitter shows, I hope with all of my heart they are using edible glitter and not the real thing.
honestly I think that may be the reason that some models DO use the mirrored image, since we're used to seeing our faces in the mirror sometimes it's hard to adjust to seeing the video properly since then we see ourselves from an outsiders PoV.

100%, there are many models out there that insist on flipping their camera for this very reason.
100%, there are many models out there that insist on flipping their camera for this very reason.
yeah, it makes sense. I just wish they'd realize how silly it looks to viewers and learn to adapt. It really only took me a week or so.
Whenever I see glitter shows, I hope with all of my heart they are using edible glitter and not the real thing.
? Why edible glitter?

I just used real glitter. In later years I used environmentally friendly stuff. Mix it in oil and you got glitter oil!
Anytime I see a model broadcasting a mirrored cam I do shake my head. Sometimes it isn't obvious, but if they're wearing something with text or have anything in the room with writing on it, it looks so silly!

I am so glad I'm not the only one who gets on about this. I don't understand it. Would confuse me because now my left is my right and vice versa.

I feel like I'm being really inflexible when it bothers me, but it just does.

I am a member of the "those annoyed by mirrored cams" club also. If there is text anywhere on screen (a poster, T-shirt, whatever) it really distracts me.

Quite a while ago, I was a regular in a Ukrainian model's room, she was quite fun, quite experienced and I considered her to be very capable but, depending on what room she was streaming from (she was a studio model) the large mole on her upper inner thigh would swap sides :)

It made me literally laugh out loud one day when I asked her what she was eating (I like food and am interested in what other countries eat, both packaged food and home-cooked), it looked like maybe yogurt. I was expectig her to say or type what it was but instead, she "helpfully" held the package up to the camera showing an item covered in Russian or Ukrainian print .... back-to-front! :rofl:
double post sorry.

Whenever I see glitter shows, I hope with all of my heart they are using edible glitter and not the real thing.
Whenever I see a body painting show, as a plumber, I hope with all my heart that the model is using a type of paint that dissolves completely in water. Not all water-based paint will dissolve in water once it has dried. So washing it off a body could be filling your shower / bath drain with small particles of dried paint, a bit like filling it with sand. Not good for a free-flowing drain :)

Yes, I can "man-multi-task": look at and appreciate a beautiful body and still evaluate mundane day-to-day issues ;)
? Why edible glitter?

I just used real glitter. In later years I used environmentally friendly stuff. Mix it in oil and you got glitter oil!
It's silly and tongue in cheek, but I always get mental flashes of their next gyno appointment. "Ma'am are you aware you have a glitter rainbow in your vagina?" At least the edible stuff dissolves, eventually.

The real deal is awful for water treatment plant filters.
Like prob 10 or so more years ago there was a very pop model on mfc who lived in FL n would run out side n di naked handstand n tip her to run put side n touch the neighbor mail box.
If I remember she also did naked hand stands in the street
If I saw my neighbor doing that I'd assume they were having a mental break down, or did too much acid or something, and call urgent community mental health hotline. That's definitely not on!

I think in Britain they call it "getting someone sectioned"/ basically calling mental health and letting them know someone in your area, is acting in a bizarre and concerning way.
In the past that used to be one of the criterion mental health used to evaluate (ie is some random person appearing naked in public?)
A guy that used to be my neighbor in the early 2000s got carted off for that very thing. He did too much acid and was running around outside naked, yelling weird paranoid statements. He ended up OK, but he got carted off by the cops, and got nicknamed Crazy Mike from then on. Nobody wanted to party with him after that, for understandable reasons (he also took a public crap while he was out there too).

I had actually liked him before that, and was even considering maybe dating him, but after that little incident I backed away.
(sorry for the overshare, just read that and it brought back that memory).
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I don't get to visit her because of time differences , but lady dresses up in a costume of garden peas in a pod. She sometimes wear different costumes but that's her main. She also has a friend on another account that dresses up as a giant carrot. Giver her due it made her popular and from what it sounds like attracted the type of guys who were up for having a laugh and a chat as much as those looking for naked boobs.
Like prob 10 or so more years ago there was a very pop model on mfc who lived in FL n would run out side n di naked handstand n tip her to run put side n touch the neighbor mail box.

If I saw my neighbor doing that I'd assume they were having a mental break down, or did too much acid or something, and call urgent community mental health hotline. That's definitely not on!
this must be my neighbor. we had to call the non-emergency line on her for skinny dipping in the retention pond outside of the local elementary school on christmas morning. last week she flashed her tits to new people moving in.
I don't get to visit her because of time differences , but lady dresses up in a costume of garden peas in a pod. She sometimes wear different costumes but that's her main. She also has a friend on another account that dresses up as a giant carrot. Giver her due it made her popular and from what it sounds like attracted the type of guys who were up for having a laugh and a chat as much as those looking for naked boobs.
There is a lot of laughs at confused newcomers in her room, wondering what the heck they are witnessing. But also some deep-ish chats, movie nights and the like
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There is a lot of laughs at confused newcomers in her room, wondering what the heck they are witnessing. But also some deep-ish chats, movie nights and the like
I saw her the other day! Does she ever do sexy stuff?

There’s also that other gal who dances for hours and hours. Twerks on a ladder. Dresses in costumes. I think it was a dinosaur last time. Rollerblades. She makes bank and she earns every fucking cent! Same quirky vibe
I saw her the other day! Does she ever do sexy stuff?
I am only an occasional visitor, due to time difference, but I know she does occasional ticket shows, I assume sexy stuff happens then
swimming with parasites and alligators.
Holy shit, sounds like you did her a favor calling her in. Idk how it works in every place, but here when cops get calls like that, they have to notify mental health and meet them where the incident is occurring. Since mental health are sometimes better at providing the help and follow up, that's needed.

That's so traumatic on so many levels!
Glad she never got gobbled by a gator, naked, in front of a school. Holy Hell!! Scary!!
Back in 2014, a model would get drunk and go to the Taco Bell drive thru and flash the employee tending said window. That was always cringe. Or people driving down the street flashing people.

I admit to getting a little mother hen-ish when I see anyone drinking around a body of water and they are alone or seemingly alone.
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