That guy I’d mentioned in a different thread - who spent so much money on me on Friday night - was definitely…”different.” He said he wanted to rap for me on Skype, and he tipped A LOT for a Skype session. So I logged off of MFC for him. In the Skype chat he asked me to name some songs for him to put on. He was drunk as hell, and he didn’t necessarily rap for me, but we were jamming to a bunch of songs. That part of the session was fun.
A few times during the session he’d casually blurt out that he’s ugly and hates himself. He said he wants to put on something that’ll make him cry, and asked me for suggestions. Um…okay. So I suggested he put on that sad scene from My Girl where Vada is crying at the sight of Thomas J. in the coffin.

He said no. I suggested something else, and he shot down that idea too. And he put on a clip of some lady who’d brought her cute puppies onto the stage on America’s Got Talent. Lol.
He had the hiccups, and he kept shouting “UGH! WHY CAN’T I STOP THESE HICCUPS?!” He was annoyed about it, and kept doing these gestures with his mouth to try to stop his hiccups. Then another hiccup would come out, and he’d shout “UGH!!!” He sent me another $50…and then another $50 a short while after, and asked if I could just stay online with him forever. I thanked him, and told him I’ll stay on a while longer, but not ALL NIGHT LONG.
When I decided to wrap up the session (I’d been on with him for like 2 hours 20 minutes, I think), he was trying to guilt trip me with “Yeah, it’s because you hate me.”

Huh? I told him no, we were on this call for a long time, it’s time to wrap it up, and I will not be guilt tripped into staying on longer when I’m exhausted after a long day. I reminded him that I had added him to my MFC friends list earlier, and that I’ll talk to him another time. And I told him to have a good night.