A little bit late, I know but sorry that you had to deal with that on your birthday

I made the observation that birthday streams attracts more incels and assholes than regular streaming days. Don’t know if you seen my post in this thread (13th september), but I had a similar shitty birthday stream with many insults and demands.
I even had one guy giving me a downvote with a „happy birthday“ message on chaturbate, just because it was my birthday and he saw that I only had 15 upvotes but a 100% satisfaction rate.
And yeah it hurts more when you see that a guy who demands things, has an account with a fortune of tokens and you put effort into decorating your room for such idiots.
I had „happy birthday“ for 5 tokens on my tip menu and nobody tipped even this small amount.
I will never stream on my b-day again, because it’s not worth it in my opinion.I don’t want to give them the power to hurt / disrespect me on this day.
Maybe it helps that you know that you’re not alone with this.
( and I wanted to thank everyone for the kind messages and birthday wishes)