AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

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Leon_Omega said:
LilyMarie said:
01:34:12 AM JonIndiana: say "ich bin ein echter Deutscher'

Despite my not being German, I'm pretty sure I can say this without much trouble.

I sense a leak in this guy's foolproof plan...
It would have been awkward for Lily, since she's eine echte Deutsche.
Sevrin said:
Leon_Omega said:
LilyMarie said:
01:34:12 AM JonIndiana: say "ich bin ein echter Deutscher'

Despite my not being German, I'm pretty sure I can say this without much trouble.

I sense a leak in this guy's foolproof plan...
It would have been awkward for Lily, since she's eine echte Deutsche.
Oh, but I can be ein echter Deutscher if that's what you're into, bb... ;) *grabs strap-on*
CandeeBoxXx said:
"Are you Jewish or Greek?" I reply No Sugar, Why do you ask? Cause Your nose is Huge!! Wow!! My mind is Blown!! You are the weakest link!! BYE!!

I love a lady with a distinguished profile.
Freakydeaky4: you suck! you mADe me smile when I was drinking and spilt purple shake on my white sheets!
Freakydeaky4: send me a few tokens for the laundry mat please lol

:lol: :lol:
I don't usually get angry on cam, but somebody asking me to go buy an animal and kill it for their pleasure made me actually shout (and want to vomit). I banned so hard I almost broke the sound barrier. :angry4:


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katza_ said:
I don't usually get angry on cam, but somebody asking me to go buy an animal and kill it for their pleasure made me actually shout (and want to vomit). I banned so hard I almost broke the sound barrier. :angry4:

Wow how absolutely disgusting. I would report his ass right quick to the site.
katza_ said:
I don't usually get angry on cam, but somebody asking me to go buy an animal and kill it for their pleasure made me actually shout (and want to vomit). I banned so hard I almost broke the sound barrier. :angry4:

Holy fuck... Just when you think you can't possibly be more disenchanted with humanity, ta-da, a new low emerges... :sad-roulette:
katza_ said:
I don't usually get angry on cam, but somebody asking me to go buy an animal and kill it for their pleasure made me actually shout (and want to vomit). I banned so hard I almost broke the sound barrier. :angry4:

That is officially the weirdest thing ive ever heard of on MFC. I really hope he was just trolling and not genuinely turned on by disected animals, that has all kinds of serial killer vibes going with it.
fandango said:
katza_ said:
I don't usually get angry on cam, but somebody asking me to go buy an animal and kill it for their pleasure made me actually shout (and want to vomit). I banned so hard I almost broke the sound barrier. :angry4:

That is officially the weirdest thing ive ever heard of on MFC. I really hope he was just trolling and not genuinely turned on by disected animals, that has all kinds of serial killer vibes going with it.

He posted that in several rooms, so I think he was trolling. I've run into him in a couple of rooms and he seems crazy every time.
ComicOzzie said:
Trolls gotta troll...

SlapDat_Ass: you could be a baby milk sensation.. all over internets
SlapDat_Ass: like you could have even own logo and line of breast milk
SlapDat_Ass: that only you produce!!


Its the frog guy!!! I'm glad he's just a troll, this makes me feel better.
Ive had this basic member in my room a few times that always asks me to paint my nipples. I ended up banning him for spamming the chat with "paint nipples bb??" but it did give me a good laugh :lol: gotta give him points for originality
katza_ said:
I don't usually get angry on cam, but somebody asking me to go buy an animal and kill it for their pleasure made me actually shout (and want to vomit). I banned so hard I almost broke the sound barrier. :angry4:

That same exact guy came in my room a few days ago i think he may just be trying to get a rise out of models i try not to let the stupid questions get to me just ban and move on.
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TinyT1212 said:
katza_ said:
I don't usually get angry on cam, but somebody asking me to go buy an animal and kill it for their pleasure made me actually shout (and want to vomit). I banned so hard I almost broke the sound barrier. :angry4:

That same exact guy came in my room a few days ago i think he may just be trying to get a rise out of models i try not to let the stupid questions get to me just ban and move on.

There are actually people who are truly into seeing live animals crushed or eaten. They're fucked up.
More of a thing done rather than said.

I'm really open about the fact that I am on the east coast of the US. And sometimes I am on MFC until four or five in the morning, it's super late, by the time I log off, I am exhausted and I pass out immediately. I really wish that if someone wants a private, that they'd ask earlier because at that point I really really can't. And I feel bad because usually it's someone who's hung out for a while that night, has tipped, and I'd otherwise really like to. My profile indicates that I'll usually accept them at any time too. >.<
LuthienBlythe said:
And sometimes I am on MFC until four or five in the morning, it's super late, by the time I log off, I am exhausted and I pass out immediately. I really wish that if someone wants a private, that they'd ask earlier because at that point I really really can't.

It's probably a buildup of hormones taking place. After hours it finally accumulates up to a point where they realize they just have to see you naked, lotioning up the boobs and masturbating. Earlier on in the night their desire to not spend the money, or hopes a show will happen in public without paying for private, still hasn't overridden that hormone fueled need. It's a fine balance. :lol:
LuthienBlythe said:
More of a thing done rather than said.

I'm really open about the fact that I am on the east coast of the US. And sometimes I am on MFC until four or five in the morning, it's super late, by the time I log off, I am exhausted and I pass out immediately. I really wish that if someone wants a private, that they'd ask earlier because at that point I really really can't. And I feel bad because usually it's someone who's hung out for a while that night, has tipped, and I'd otherwise really like to. My profile indicates that I'll usually accept them at any time too. >.<

I've had this happen quite a few times, and its usually my regs that request it. I would always love to go private with my regs because I trust them and my privates are usually reg exlusive, but when its the end of a long shift and they know I'm exhausted it's just like... waaaai. I want to go private with them, and if I can find the strength and energy then I say yes, but it would be so much more beneficial for them to NOT catch me at the end of a shift when I'm exhausted, y'know? :p
katza_ said:
I've had this happen quite a few times, and its usually my regs that request it. I would always love to go private with my regs because I trust them and my privates are usually reg exlusive, but when its the end of a long shift and they know I'm exhausted it's just like... waaaai. I want to go private with them, and if I can find the strength and energy then I say yes, but it would be so much more beneficial for them to NOT catch me at the end of a shift when I'm exhausted, y'know? :p

My previous post was light-hearted humor about this. But the truth is I've done this same thing. Many times in rooms where i've waited until the end of her shift it's because she's made it known in the past she doesn't want to do privates while there's counts going on for any topics. Also I know that if you go private the room count plummets fast. And there's been many posts on here about how hard it is to reestablish that room count and flow after coming back from private.

So it may be that people don't want to potentially take you away from other people tipping, finishing the count, or just ruin your chance of getting new tippers from the room count you have going at the time. So they just wait till it's over. Or maybe you haven't gotten tipped much for the night and are going to log off anyway. In their mind you've gotten all the tips you're going to get, it disrupts nothing, and still will give you more tokens than you would have gotten. And as a bonus the room count won't matter cause you were logging off.

Just a guy's perspective on it.

The best way I've found to counter that is be sure to put it right in your topic that Privates are ON/Welcome! Or something like that. Let them know for sure you're open to going private at any time, even during other counts.
JerryBoBerry said:
katza_ said:
I've had this happen quite a few times, and its usually my regs that request it. I would always love to go private with my regs because I trust them and my privates are usually reg exlusive, but when its the end of a long shift and they know I'm exhausted it's just like... waaaai. I want to go private with them, and if I can find the strength and energy then I say yes, but it would be so much more beneficial for them to NOT catch me at the end of a shift when I'm exhausted, y'know? :p

My previous post was light-hearted humor about this. But the truth is I've done this same thing. Many times in rooms where i've waited until the end of her shift it's because she's made it known in the past she doesn't want to do privates while there's counts going on for any topics. Also I know that if you go private the room count plummets fast. And there's been many posts on here about how hard it is to reestablish that room count and flow after coming back from private.

So it may be that people don't want to potentially take you away from other people tipping, finishing the count, or just ruin your chance of getting new tippers from the room count you have going at the time. So they just wait till it's over. Or maybe you haven't gotten tipped much for the night and are going to log off anyway. In their mind you've gotten all the tips you're going to get, it disrupts nothing, and still will give you more tokens than you would have gotten. And as a bonus the room count won't matter cause you were logging off.

Just a guy's perspective on it.

The best way I've found to counter that is be sure to put it right in your topic that Privates are ON/Welcome! Or something like that. Let them know for sure you're open to going private at any time, even during other counts.

I agree with all above posts! I don't mind going private after a shift, that's the best time to do them for all your above reasons, but sometimes a little heads up that members might want to go private later is really nice. Even an hour before or something, just like a "hey would you wanna do a private after your shift?" a little in advance, I usually conserve some energy and/or log off early :tongue:
what a charmer amirite


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