Smart Pills.
(My uncle, Uncle drunken, used to take me on nature walks from the time I was very young. He showed me some smart pills on the first such walk, and told me whenever I saw them I should grab a handful and eat them. About 5 walks later, I told uncle drunken that the smart pills sure looked a lot like dear shit. Hi looked at me with that big half toothed smile and exclaimed, "Well, see boy you're getting smarter already!"
(My uncle, Uncle drunken, used to take me on nature walks from the time I was very young. He showed me some smart pills on the first such walk, and told me whenever I saw them I should grab a handful and eat them. About 5 walks later, I told uncle drunken that the smart pills sure looked a lot like dear shit. Hi looked at me with that big half toothed smile and exclaimed, "Well, see boy you're getting smarter already!"