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The replies to this tweet=wow (Beyonce/Ronda Rousey/Feminism stuff)

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You are not the lazy journalist in this scenario. You are the person who stepped in to say I shouldn't post X if I'm not interested, and I was explaining why I was interested.

It's not a "mistake". It's an observation that might not be useful to assemble an opinion on a social or political issue (like feminism) based on the bad judgement shown in a series of carefully-selected tweets. I intentionally didn't phrase it in terms of a "mistake" or even as a fixed fact.

I'm not sure it counts as a "derailment" to question the validity of the information which informs an opinion. Quite the opposite: it's directly relevant and might be of interest not just to you personally, but to anyone interested in putting together opinions on any issues. The reason I posted is because I keep seeing things like this, and I thought people who are not me might find it interesting. Other posters seem to agree.

If what you're saying is that you personally find my opinion uninteresting, and that therefore I shouldn't have posted it, then that's fair enough. I've only been posting for a while and I haven't put together enough of a picture of you personally to determine whether any of my posts will interest you enough to merit inclusion in a discussion.

Maybe I completely misread this whole thing. Is this one of those whimsical threads like a horoscope where it's implicitly understood that no one's supposed to take it seriously? If that's true then I owe you an apology (which I promise you will publicly receive from me) and I won't post on this thread again.

But, ultimately, it's your board. If you tell me not to post on this thread (or any of them!) again, I won't. You don't need a reason.
You are so extremely confusing, yes this is me asking you, please don't post in this thread. /salute
Also just to note:
Other posters seem to agree.
I don't see anyone, anywhere, agreeing that your opinion on this thread is valid. The rest of us were just trying to have a discussion.
Maybe I completely misread this whole thing. Is this one of those whimsical threads like a horoscope where it's implicitly understood that no one's supposed to take it seriously? If that's true then I owe you an apology (which I promise you will publicly receive from me) and I won't post on this thread again.

But, ultimately, it's your board. If you tell me not to post on this thread (or any of them!) again, I won't. You don't need a reason.

OMG. You're punkindrublic aren't you!?! I was wondering if you'd make a new account. Howdy there. :hi:
I will need to come back after I check everything out more throughly... But I'll say this, I love RR... But the comments she's made about Floyd not being able to read, that shit is not cute. Everyone keeps talking shit on him with that, && I think it's pretty fucked up, not funny at all. I think it sucks. EVERYONE should be taught how to read, it's a basic thing that we all NEED. I don't know if he was never really taught, or is too embarassed to seek extra teaching/help, etc... But I've also heard interviews, HE CAN READ. He's just slower at it, && stumbles a lot. Also, I'm sure it was made ever worse, by the pressure put on him TO READ SOMETHING ALOUD, because of all the people talking shit/fucking with him about it.

If all the things that RR have said about it are true, that def takes her down quite a few notches in my book.
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I really enjoyed this Youtube video and share her views on the topic. There are many different ways to be a woman and it is our right to chose who we want to be. I believe this should be at the heart of feminism.

The double standard was also very interesting about how, as a society, we recognize much of a woman's worth based on how fuckable she is. Then, when women rely on this heavily in their lives, it's a bad thing and she should respect herself more, realize there's an expiration date to it and find some another skill set and/or purpose to have. It's especially interesting because, as cam models, much of our income is based on men viewing us in this way and we make our living on it. It all circles back around to our right to chose what we want to do and who we want to be as a woman. No one should ever be able to tell you what you can/can't do (as long as you're not breaking the law, haha). ^_^
I don't know if this helps the conversation much , but watched an interview with Ronda Rousey today. Asked about men and women competing in the ring, since martial arts is more technique based that strength, she suggested that it was a bad idea. Reason being an arena full of people applauding a man hitting a woman was not a good idea.
In some ways not very feminist, in other ways very much so.
Beyonce fans, the beehive, think Beyoncé is god. They call her Beeyus sometimes. If you say one thing about her they do not like, they will attack you. Beyoncé is a feminist yet her husband lyrics is full of misogyny. I like Beyoncé but I am not fond of her hard fans.

I do not see how a woman wanting to focus on her family and being a stay at home mom is unfeminist. I personally would be bored if I did not have job so I would never be a stay at home mom. Just because people have different aspirations from ourselves does not mean we have the right to criticize them.

If you do not have kids and you just stay home all day without working while your husband is at work then I understand Rhonda is coming from. Laziness is a very bad trait to have.
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