AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

The Real Stalking Thread.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.

Have you been stalked, to any degree? *Cam related* Check 1 option that best applies.

  • Yes. I have had someone who should not know me show up at my home or work location.

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Yes. I've been Cyber stalked. Personal information has been found by a persistent person, strictly r

    Votes: 14 18.9%
  • Yes. I've had addictive people stalk me through digital means (overly persistent texting, calls and

    Votes: 11 14.9%
  • Yes. I've been on cam in public and had someone recognize my location and show up.

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Yes. But it has been by other means not mentioned.

    Votes: 7 9.5%
  • No. I have never been stalked due to cam related work.

    Votes: 38 51.4%

  • Total voters
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I'd probably equate models' online privacy with home security (in this very specific instance). If a friend of mine took the time to sneak into my house when I was out simply to illustrate to me that my home security was not up to par, I'd be pretty pissed. On the one hand, they might have only done it to point out to me that if they could do it, anyone could; and they might not have stolen anything; but I'd still have a hard time trusting them in the future. Even if I subsequently upgraded my home security as a direct result of their actions, and ultimately benefitted from it, I'd feel uneasy about the whole thing, ya know? What if they stumbled across my penis pump, or my stamp collection, or my library of "How To Get Laid... Tonight" self-help books... that... totally doesn't exist :?

I don't think it makes a member an asshole if they're genuinely trying to help out a model and they feel the best way to do that, is to "stalk" them online so they can report back on the things they easily found, in the hopes that the model does something to prevent potentially dangerous members from discovering the same things. I can see the logic there, and can see how it might ultimately benefit the model.

But just as you'd be more than a little freaked out if a friend broke into your house (with good intentions), I don't see many models taking kindly to someone scouring the internet for their personal information. They have no way of determining which members are doing it with their best interests at heart, and which members are doing it because they're genuinely stalking them. It also assumes that the model isn't already doing everything they can to preserve their own privacy. I'd rather not force a model I actually enjoy talking to/perving on to second guess whether I'm an unhinged psychopath desperately trying to pick up the virtual scent of her panties so I can track her down and steal her shoes so I can melt them down and fashion them into a rudimentary kayak, or whether I merely assumed that she needed me to invade her privacy so that we might come up with a plan of ensuring that other - potentially mental - people, don't do the same thing in the future :twocents-02cents:

Addendum: Holy needlessly long sentences, Batman :?
This is an interesting discussion to observe. I think it really comes down to issues of power and control. When you say to a model "I found where you live," even if you say your intentions are good, what you're really doing--whether you mean to or not--is asserting control over her. You have her info and can do anything you want with it. Just because you say you're a nice guy and you aren't going to abuse her info means nothing because she doesn't know you. What if she inadvertently pisses you off and you decide you'll use that info to have a personal chat with her, or blab it to the room? She doesn't know that you won't do that, even if you know that you never would. You have taken a measure of control away from her, even if you think you're helping her, and I think that's why models react the way they do when you try to "help."

If you're constantly thinking about your safety and somebody exploits a hole in your security and violates it, how comforting is their assurance that they mean you no harm really going to be?
mynameisbob84 said:
I don't think it makes a member an asshole if they're genuinely trying to help out a model and they feel the best way to do that, is to "stalk" them online so they can report back on the things they easily found, in the hopes that the model does something to prevent potentially dangerous members from discovering the same things. I can see the logic there, and can see how it might ultimately benefit the model.

So let's go with this - You're a nice fellow, and you think, "I sure do like this model and hope she stays safe online. I want to help her out."

Option A is to go behind her back and look up whatever you can about her, and if you find anything, come back and say "hey guess what I did!" and then get upset when she gets upset at you, because she will.

Option B is to say, "hello my lady friend, I quite like you a lot, and I am computer savvy. If you are agreeable to it, I will help you out with your privacy by trying to see if there is any easily found information about you on the Internet." And then if the lady agrees, you go and do it, and she actually ends up happy with you instead of wanting to avoid you, and she is so grateful that she shows you her breasts for only a single token.

I think we could all guess that I would be very upset with a fellow who tried to ferret out information about me. I would absolutely not give him the benefit of the doubt or say, "you were just trying to help me, so what you did was okay." I realize also that I probably have a stronger stance on this than most models :thumbleft:

But, I am totally not against working with someone to help me find security problems. If someone asked to team up with me to find my risk areas, I would be much more agreeable to it.

So perhaps, if you want to look up information on a lady, maybe you should ask her first? Then if she says "yes" you can go wild, and if she says "no" you can either A) respect her boundaries and not, or B) find information on her anyway and just never feel obligated to tell her about it. Sounds like a win-win for everyone.
Evvie said:
Option A is to go behind her back and look up whatever you can about her, and if you find anything, come back and say "hey guess what I did!" and then get upset when she gets upset at you, because she will.

Option B is to say, "hello my lady friend, I quite like you a lot, and I am computer savvy. If you are agreeable to it, I will help you out with your privacy by trying to see if there is any easily found information about you on the Internet." And then if the lady agrees, you go and do it, and she actually ends up happy with you instead of wanting to avoid you, and she is so grateful that she shows you her breasts for only a single token.

Unless this is a trick question, I'mma go Option B, yo :thumbleft:
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yossarian said:
This is an interesting discussion to observe. I think it really comes down to issues of power and control. When you say to a model "I found where you live," even if you say your intentions are good, what you're really doing--whether you mean to or not--is asserting control over her. You have her info and can do anything you want with it. Just because you say you're a nice guy and you aren't going to abuse her info means nothing because she doesn't know you. What if she inadvertently pisses you off and you decide you'll use that info to have a personal chat with her, or blab it to the room? She doesn't know that you won't do that, even if you know that you never would. You have taken a measure of control away from her, even if you think you're helping her, and I think that's why models react the way they do when you try to "help."

I can understand that, however, the dilemma comes in when you do find out some information do you NOT say anything if you've come to think of the model as a friend in some sort of manner?

There are many times when I've come across information that model just puts out there that is easy to deduce. It really only requires someone with personal history with an area she's talking about or even just a certain level of intelligence.

For example, one model tried to do some fundraising through some site I had not heard of. She just created the account and asked people to donate to it for some reason. (I'm being vague on purpose here) Luckily I was in the room when she first gave out the website and there weren't many other people in her room yet. As soon as I clicked on the link the fundraising site had her real name on the page. She thought it wouldn't be, got in a hurry right before getting on cam and didn't do a last minute check. I pm'd her immediately and told her to delete the page quick before others go and see it. Should I have ignored that and not told her? She understood there was no trying to assert control over her and it was truly just trying to help her maintain her privacy so she was happy I had told her. Oh and this was a model who's been in the top 20 a couple times in the past year. So there's some experience with how mfc works behind her.

The truth is models are only human too. After being on cam for hours and chatting about pretty much everything just to keep conversation going, there will eventually be some private information given out. Whether it's as benign as talking about your favorite restaurant or posting a picture with gps coordinates embedded, it's likely something will be done that clicks with some member. There are many incidences where the information really did not take any research whatsoever to obtain. In the more serious cases are members suppose to just remain silent and not bring it to her attention so it stays out there for many others to find?
JerryBoBerry said:
For example, one model tried to do some fundraising through some site I had not heard of. She just created the account and asked people to donate to it for some reason. (I'm being vague on purpose here) Luckily I was in the room when she first gave out the website and there weren't many other people in her room yet. As soon as I clicked on the link the fundraising site had her real name on the page. She thought it wouldn't be, got in a hurry right before getting on cam and didn't do a last minute check. I pm'd her immediately and told her to delete the page quick before others go and see it. Should I have ignored that and not told her? She understood there was no trying to assert control over her and it was truly just trying to help her maintain her privacy so she was happy I had told her. Oh and this was a model who's been in the top 20 a couple times in the past year. So there's some experience with how mfc works behind her.

That's not stalking though. That's just alerting the model to the fact that she's linked a site containing her real name. Had you noted her name, found her on Facebook, added one of her Facebook friends, and tricked them into giving up personal information about her that you had no right knowing, and then told her these things, then it's stalking.
I feel there is a really big difference between, "she's just linked to a website with her legal name all over it" and "why, I bet I can find her location based on how many hours she has traveled since she posted a picture with the edge of an interstate sign in it".

Once you intentionally decide to go a'searching for that stuff, that takes you in to a different realm altogether.

I would hope models see a difference between the people who deliberately dig up information and those people which see obvious red flags and alert her about it. Many times, though, that distinction is hard to make. Models place a huge premium on their privacy. Having chinks in that wall shown to you just plain hurts. It is surprising and induces some amount of paranoia and it encourages immediate defensiveness. Whether or not a member caught a red flag of mine or went looking for one, it would make me feel upset to learn about it. That's just how I am and that is how many women are.

I am recalling a past conversation where I said members should not intentionally dig up personal information on models. A fellow then said in return to me that if that was my attitude, he would make sure to never alert me of any flaws in my online privacy, no matter how obvious they were. That was not the point I was trying to make then or the point I am trying to make now. There is a difference between hunting for information and happening to see a big mistake. Some people (not necessarily anyone on this thread) seem to take it extremely personally when it comes up that maybe they shouldn't dig up info on models. Many people also act as if we totally rely on random acts of "kindness" from strangers to uphold our online security. And some people do seem to believe that if a model doesn't want a personal invasion of privacy, she does not want to be told that she just shared a link with her legal name.

There are two entirely different things here, is the point I am trying to make. Seeing a model with location tracking on twitter or something like that, and telling her "hey maybe turn that off", is not the same as deliberate searching for her private information. Just because people shouldn't do one doesn't mean they shouldn't do the other.

In the more serious cases are members suppose to just remain silent and not bring it to her attention so it stays out there for many others to find?

If a model, through mistake or stupidity, reveals personal information - it would almost definitely be the cool thing to inform her of it. Hopefully the lady, even if upset at first, would realize that you were doing her a favor. If I started chatting about personal details of my life which should not be shared, I would hope that a guy would be all, "hey, shut up." That is not an act of assholery or an act of stalking, by any definition. The lady revealed personal information, and she doesn't realize she did it, and the nice thing to do is to inform her of it. And if she really doesn't want to be told about red flags in her chatroom or Twitter or whatever, well then, she doesn't.

The thing I have my panties in a twist about is when the member instead takes it upon himself to go searching for those things the model did not publicly share, to go above and beyond, and to take information from a variety of mediums or time periods and compile it together to find additional secret information. THAT is an act of assholery.
JerryBoBerry said:
For example, one model tried to do some fundraising through some site I had not heard of. She just created the account and asked people to donate to it for some reason. (I'm being vague on purpose here) Luckily I was in the room when she first gave out the website and there weren't many other people in her room yet. As soon as I clicked on the link the fundraising site had her real name on the page. She thought it wouldn't be, got in a hurry right before getting on cam and didn't do a last minute check. I pm'd her immediately and told her to delete the page quick before others go and see it. Should I have ignored that and not told her? She understood there was no trying to assert control over her and it was truly just trying to help her maintain her privacy so she was happy I had told her. Oh and this was a model who's been in the top 20 a couple times in the past year. So there's some experience with how mfc works behind her.

I think of this as a bit different - I was actually in the same position, I mentioned a link to someone, he looked at it and bam - there's my real name and city! Thankfully I had told him via private message on Tumblr, and when he saw it, he said "sorry if this is invasive and maybe it's a fake name, but there's a first and last name posted on your link that isn't Gen, just a heads up if you wanna check it out". I was like WHOOPS HEHE MY BAD and changed it, he promised to keep it a secret forever, and we're still friends to this day. Maybe he searched me on Facebook or something, but he wouldn't have found much and if he did, he's never have used that info as far as I know.

I guess to me, in both situations, the girl (me or the model you're talking about) sent the link willingly and was glad to have the heads up. I don't think that was overstepping or stalking at all. But it'd be different if I mentioned something offhand, without offering up all the info, and a guy then went on a furious search to find out where I was, what school I went to, what my sister's name is, etc. and came back being like "LOOK, SECURITY!".

Also frankly if I wanted someone's help to secure my privacy, I'd ask for it or get a friend to do it or do it myself. I think to do so without asking is invasive.

I think maybe a good analogy would be a hacker intentionally hacking into a company's computer system (without them asking him to) just to show them the flaws in their security. I've actually heard of this happening. The guy is expecting a gold star or something, and is surprised that the FBI pays him a visit. Good intentions or not, it's still a crime.

Similarly, even if your intentions are good, going out of your way to research a model's personal life is stalker behavior. The only difference is your intention, and since she doesn't know you or your intentions, that's no comfort to her.
Stalking to me is black and white when it comes to cam girls. If you actively go seek information out then you are stalking. If you actively research information that a model has said then you are stalking. If the model wanted you to know something then she herself would say it to you. There is no excuse to go looking for information. It doesn't matter if your intention is good or not because you are taking away someones privacy away by choosing to go looking.

(Sorry if it seems cold hearted but I did my BA Criminology and Criminal Justice dissertation on stalking and I saw first hand how stalking truly devastated the lives of people)
I am going to be such a butt head here b/c I only have a few mins to be on line now, but will return to answer to more. @Evvie, yes had to do more than read her address off her profile, but not much. And I used the word "actively" as one of those add-jitive things to try to express the difference in going out and looking, and following what walks across your path.

And :thumbleft: @Amber, the only way I can imagine not doing close to the exact same thing, (with the exception of telling the Model what I had done) in the future is if I am just way burned out, or in a funk or like that. But I think the idea of just politely suggesting, "that maybe this is something to think about,,, or not, just throwing it out there", is the way to go. I wont lie now and tell you, that unless I am too tired, or in a funk, I will prolly do the stalk, just cuz I am creepy that way, but no need creep out the Model. :-D
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camstory said:
I am going to be such a butt head here b/c I only have a few mins to be on line now, but will return to answer to more. @Evvie, yes had to do more than read her address off her profile, but not much. And I used the word "actively" as one of those add-jitive things to try to express the difference in going out and looking, and following what walks across your path.

And :thumbleft: @Amber, the only way I can imagine not doing close to the exact same thing, (with the exception of telling the Model what I had done) in the future is if I am just way burned out, or in a funk or like that. But I think the idea of just politely suggesting, "that maybe this is something to think about,,, or not, just throwing it out there", is the way to go. I wont lie now and tell you, that unless I am too tired, or in a funk, I will prolly do the stalk, just cuz I am creepy that way, but no need creep out the Model. :-D

"I won't stop doing what I do because I am creepy".

- camstory 2013
Don't stalk models. Don't research them. Don't follow whatever trail you think might be there. Just don't. Just be cool, man.

Take this advice from Punk and stop all that nonsense, Camstory.

PunkInDrublic said:
Throbbin_One said:
Heck, your members want to know everything about you.
Speak for yourself Stan. Some of us just want to chill and watch a woman be sexy.
camstory said:
unless I am too tired, or in a funk, I will prolly do the stalk, just cuz I am creepy that way
My paraphrase was NOT inaccurate, just shorter. As we all know, camstory likes to use too many words to state something simple.
AmberCutie said:
camstory said:
unless I am too tired, or in a funk, I will prolly do the stalk, just cuz I am creepy that way
My paraphrase was NOT inaccurate, just shorter. As we all know, camstory likes to use too many words to state something simple.

isnt that why we love him?
southsamurai said:
AmberCutie said:
camstory said:
unless I am too tired, or in a funk, I will prolly do the stalk, just cuz I am creepy that way
My paraphrase was NOT inaccurate, just shorter. As we all know, camstory likes to use too many words to state something simple.
isnt that why we love him?
yep, he is maybe a creep, but he is our creep ( to paraphrase a Dutch politician )
Well since this topic is going this way, I would like to get a cam girl's opinion on this.

A model I know is usually absent minded about her security (she doesn't mean to be, she just messes up a fair amount with her real name). Now I was going through my twitter feed and came across a very dangerous looking tweet of hers (was looking for a conversation that was a long time ago between me and someone else in regards to a bet). After seeing the dangerous tweet, I simply highlighted it and clicked was regarding a charity...first link I saw a facebook group which had one of the model's friend's real profile. Upon finding the group page I closed the tab, didn't really see any personal information or anything.

So my question would be did I go to far already? I honestly thought it was a bad tweet, but didn't expect just searching the text would lead me to a facebook page of her friend

How would be the best way of bringing it up to the model? I am not sure what she thinks of me, I have alerted her when she has said stuff outloud in public, but this seems a bit different...and she probably thinks I am a bit creepy since I made a dumb comment or two in the past (Turns out the town name wasn't actually a condom...I regret asking her why she was wearing a shirt of a condom company).

I like the model and don't want it to get weird, I enjoy knowing what she tells me and not searching.
Greggory said:
Well since this topic is going this way, I would like to get a cam girl's opinion on this.

A model I know is usually absent minded about her security (she doesn't mean to be, she just messes up a fair amount with her real name). Now I was going through my twitter feed and came across a very dangerous looking tweet of hers (was looking for a conversation that was a long time ago between me and someone else in regards to a bet). After seeing the dangerous tweet, I simply highlighted it and clicked was regarding a charity...first link I saw a facebook group which had one of the model's friend's real profile. Upon finding the group page I closed the tab, didn't really see any personal information or anything.

So my question would be did I go to far already? I honestly thought it was a bad tweet, but didn't expect just searching the text would lead me to a facebook page of her friend

How would be the best way of bringing it up to the model? I am not sure what she thinks of me, I have alerted her when she has said stuff outloud in public, but this seems a bit different...and she probably thinks I am a bit creepy since I made a dumb comment or two in the past (Turns out the town name wasn't actually a condom...I regret asking her why she was wearing a shirt of a condom company).

I like the model and don't want it to get weird, I enjoy knowing what she tells me and not searching.

I would reply to the tweet on twitter and tell her to take it down. Don't tell her what you found, just let her know what could be found. If she is to stubborn to take it down or worry about her safety in the first place then she may just ahve to learn the hard way.
Annvious said:
Greggory said:
Well since this topic is going this way, I would like to get a cam girl's opinion on this.

A model I know is usually absent minded about her security (she doesn't mean to be, she just messes up a fair amount with her real name). Now I was going through my twitter feed and came across a very dangerous looking tweet of hers (was looking for a conversation that was a long time ago between me and someone else in regards to a bet). After seeing the dangerous tweet, I simply highlighted it and clicked was regarding a charity...first link I saw a facebook group which had one of the model's friend's real profile. Upon finding the group page I closed the tab, didn't really see any personal information or anything.

So my question would be did I go to far already? I honestly thought it was a bad tweet, but didn't expect just searching the text would lead me to a facebook page of her friend

How would be the best way of bringing it up to the model? I am not sure what she thinks of me, I have alerted her when she has said stuff outloud in public, but this seems a bit different...and she probably thinks I am a bit creepy since I made a dumb comment or two in the past (Turns out the town name wasn't actually a condom...I regret asking her why she was wearing a shirt of a condom company).

I like the model and don't want it to get weird, I enjoy knowing what she tells me and not searching.

I would reply to the tweet on twitter and tell her to take it down. Don't tell her what you found, just let her know what could be found. If she is to stubborn to take it down or worry about her safety in the first place then she may just ahve to learn the hard way.
I would not do it publicly as that could potentially cause other problems. Message privately with a link to the tweet and simply explain the situation as you did here.

"Hey, I was looking for x and saw this tweet. Not realizing what it was, I clicked the link and it took me here." Or something along those lines.
Annvious said:
Greggory said:
Well since this topic is going this way, I would like to get a cam girl's opinion on this.

A model I know is usually absent minded about her security (she doesn't mean to be, she just messes up a fair amount with her real name). Now I was going through my twitter feed and came across a very dangerous looking tweet of hers (was looking for a conversation that was a long time ago between me and someone else in regards to a bet). After seeing the dangerous tweet, I simply highlighted it and clicked was regarding a charity...first link I saw a facebook group which had one of the model's friend's real profile. Upon finding the group page I closed the tab, didn't really see any personal information or anything.

So my question would be did I go to far already? I honestly thought it was a bad tweet, but didn't expect just searching the text would lead me to a facebook page of her friend

How would be the best way of bringing it up to the model? I am not sure what she thinks of me, I have alerted her when she has said stuff outloud in public, but this seems a bit different...and she probably thinks I am a bit creepy since I made a dumb comment or two in the past (Turns out the town name wasn't actually a condom...I regret asking her why she was wearing a shirt of a condom company).

I like the model and don't want it to get weird, I enjoy knowing what she tells me and not searching.

I would reply to the tweet on twitter and tell her to take it down. Don't tell her what you found, just let her know what could be found. If she is to stubborn to take it down or worry about her safety in the first place then she may just ahve to learn the hard way.
I think a private DM would be the best way to handle it instead of a public tweet! Which may be what Ann meant. You seem like a fairly responsible dude who understands how things could turn out if you drew public attention to it.

I agree that you do not need to necessarily say, "look what I found with this info." That would probably just make the situation more upsetting for her, and she does not need to know what you found to understand that the tweet is a security risk.
Evvie said:
Annvious said:
Greggory said:
Well since this topic is going this way, I would like to get a cam girl's opinion on this.

A model I know is usually absent minded about her security (she doesn't mean to be, she just messes up a fair amount with her real name). Now I was going through my twitter feed and came across a very dangerous looking tweet of hers (was looking for a conversation that was a long time ago between me and someone else in regards to a bet). After seeing the dangerous tweet, I simply highlighted it and clicked was regarding a charity...first link I saw a facebook group which had one of the model's friend's real profile. Upon finding the group page I closed the tab, didn't really see any personal information or anything.

So my question would be did I go to far already? I honestly thought it was a bad tweet, but didn't expect just searching the text would lead me to a facebook page of her friend

How would be the best way of bringing it up to the model? I am not sure what she thinks of me, I have alerted her when she has said stuff outloud in public, but this seems a bit different...and she probably thinks I am a bit creepy since I made a dumb comment or two in the past (Turns out the town name wasn't actually a condom...I regret asking her why she was wearing a shirt of a condom company).

I like the model and don't want it to get weird, I enjoy knowing what she tells me and not searching.

I would reply to the tweet on twitter and tell her to take it down. Don't tell her what you found, just let her know what could be found. If she is to stubborn to take it down or worry about her safety in the first place then she may just ahve to learn the hard way.
I think a private DM would be the best way to handle it instead of a public tweet! Which may be what Ann meant. You seem like a fairly responsible dude who understands how things could turn out if you drew public attention to it.

I agree that you do not need to necessarily say, "look what I found with this info." That would probably just make the situation more upsetting for her, and she does not need to know what you found to understand that the tweet is a security risk.

Yes, DM is was what I meant. Thank you for clarifying that!
AllisonWilder said:
Don't stalk models. Don't research them. Don't follow whatever trail you think might be there. Just don't. Just be cool, man.

Take this advice from Punk and stop all that nonsense, Camstory.

PunkInDrublic said:
Throbbin_One said:
Heck, your members want to know everything about you.
Speak for yourself Stan. Some of us just want to chill and watch a woman be sexy.
Have not had any time online since my last post, but I guess what I thought was pretty obvious, was not obvious at all. As far as really wanting to know any Model info, - that is not Model info. :lol: I have for one reason or another come to know 4 models full name, (I mistakenly told someone 5 yesterday in a quick PM, but it is only 4.) And I have not Googled one. So whoever it was that was sure a member would google any info they had, may be right some of the time but not everybody has a burning desire to know about a Models life away from her work. what a model does when not broadcasting, I feel is not only rude to comment/ask about, but why would you care even if it were not rude. The constant questions about BF's, husbands, and friends and family, - do they know, do they care, Fucking Christ, STFU. Unless the BF cams and you want to get showtime info to visit him from the Model, (even that is some sort of rude IMO), then the words BF, or husband, or sister, or any other non work related reference should never be uttered, even, "so hows he/she doing?"

See it is the same reason I did not want record of any phone #, or reply email address, and the reason I have never cared to google any model info, and the reason I have never opened a GF's diary/journal, which is something almost everybody finds hard to believe, especially the girls I have told. I am a firm believer that ignorance in such things is bliss, - if you go looking for shit - don't complain when you find it. In the story I told, I got drawn in by the puzzle not the desire to know anything about the Model. I had adopted the idea that models got along fine before in was around to save them, before my last post.

As far as where the Model lives, I am 90% sure she has posted about a move since, and I don't remember the street name anyway, (B/C I never cared) which my room mate tells me there was no mention of any street in the CL ad, only an area of the city. (She helped me hang the stuffed effigy of the Model on my trophy wall.) I showed her my most resent post here, and told her it must have not been picked up as a troll post b/c it is not expected from me. She asked why I would do that? I told her, "they were exposing large red buttons that said "push", and I had to see if they worked." She said it was my tendency to avoid conflict, and my passive/aggressive answer to that. We started to debate that, but before it turned into an argument I swerved around it. She turned to go, and I asked, "Are those your sister's pants?" She said, "No why?"
"Oh I'm sorry, I like them fine." I said, "it's just that they're so tight."

As for my last post here.

mynameisbob84 said:
I'd probably equate models' online privacy with home security (in this very specific instance). If a friend of mine took the time to sneak into my house when I was out simply to illustrate to me that my home security was not up to par, I'd be pretty pissed.

It's funny you say this, because if someone did this to me I don't think I'd ever speak to them again. However good a friend they were before, entering someone's personal space is unforgivable whatever your intentions. (unless there were extreme circumstances)
Not only this, but no one, no one (sane) would break into a friends house just to show that someone "could" break in and steal stuff. The reason being? It's completely insane! Yes, someone could break into my house, but it's my choice to have my own security, no one has done it to me before in my entire life, even though they could easily. I've survived for 22 years, I will probably survive longer. The only thing a "friend" breaking in would achieve would be turning possible future trauma of someone entering your home without permission (that probably wouldn't even happen) a very sudden reality. If someone broke into my house, they would have an ulterior motive. Whether or not they denied it to themselves.

One thing I don't get is this:
Yes, there are stalkers in the world, there are also rapists, murderers and all sorts of nasty people out there. Yes a stalker could potentially harm me, but jesus, if you see a girl wearing a short skirt out on her own do you start following her, grab hold of her and go "hey, I'm not actually a rapist, but I thought I'd show you how easy it'd be to rape you so you're not so stupid next time!"? I fucking hope not. This is the cyber version of that.
Why do you really care that there's a really really slim chance that a girl you do not know might get stalked by someone? Fact is, you don't care. You want to find this info about her. Maybe not for the info itself, but for the fun of finding it.
Girls get into dangerous situations all the time. You know what's a dangerous situation? You finding out her info!

Now this may be a giant shock to every member around, but I don't share where I live, not because I'm worried about being raped or stalked, but because I actually don't want people off Mfc knowing that info!
It's the same reason I don't tell people certain personal details of my life, it's not because anything terrible will happen if they know, it's because I don't want them knowing because it's personal. So whatever someone's "intentions" are when they try and find out my personal info, they are doing the thing I don't want them to do.

In future situations when you realise a girl has said this, send her a message saying "I'm not going to actually look it up, but I noticed a lead, I realise where you are now, you said you live two hours away and you also announced to the room about the craigslist ad. I don't know if you can find anything but you might want to research yourself and see if anything comes up in case another member does this."

If she listens to you she does, if she doesn't, why do you really care?! She's lived enough time without you looking up her info and "helping" her. There are plenty of women in the world who are perfectly fine without you.
Greggory said:
So my question would be did I go to far already? I honestly thought it was a bad tweet, but didn't expect just searching the text would lead me to a facebook page of her friend

Greggory I think what you did was fine, you clicked on something thinking it looked dodgy and as soon as you realised you were somewhere you weren't supposed to be you closed the page before you breached the person's privacy. Think of it like walking into a room with a changing woman you don't know, either you can go "Oops I'm so sorry!" look away as you immediately close the door, or you can stand in the door staring, maybe walk a little further into the room, possibly try and touch the woman before eventually leaving. One is a mistake and the other is fucking creepy!! Obviously no one wants to be walked in on naked, but it happens. I would mention it to her in private, apologise for it, make it very clear you didn't see anything and weren't looking for it.
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Agree, Isabella. :) What had me scratching my head recently is a model on Streamate I talk to...several times I've noticed guys coming in her room and asking location questions... "what city are you from" and kindred. Her answer? "I only give that information in Exclusive."

I don't understand. Does she think that only trustworthy souls will take her Exclusive?
Nordling said:
Agree, Isabella. :) What had me scratching my head recently is a model on Streamate I talk to...several times I've noticed guys coming in her room and asking location questions... "what city are you from" and kindred. Her answer? "I only give that information in Exclusive."

I don't understand. Does she think that only trustworthy souls will take her Exclusive?

I made up a totally random address and postcode in public chat the other day because this member was offering to make videos with me and was asking where I live etc. He even looked the postcode up and stuff, I still don't know whether he realised I was taking the piss or not, I mean everyone else in the room realised, but he really didn't seem to get it... I really hope he was just playing along because my god I cannot understand how someone could type with so little braincells...
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