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The Official MMA/Wrestling Thread

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I'm hoping there'll be a video of this soon but at the Miami Heat game yesterday a YES!YES!YES!YES! chant broke out. That's one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time and I hope it spreads like wildfire.
You'd hope so but Vince is already trying to squash it. The replays for RAW have the "YES!" and "Daniel Bryan" chants edited out and *SPOILERS* on Smackdown they only have Bryan appear backstage briefly to rip on the crowd for chanting for him and claim it offends him *END SPOILERS*.
That company just doesn't like it when wrestlers get over by themselves (Punk being the exception to the rule) so I fully expect Bryan to be buried from here on out until people stop cheering for him :(
Well squashing him had the opposite effect than they had expected, and with RAW being live what are they going to do? Mute the crowd?
Anybody going to watch Over The Limit? I know we got Punk vs Bryan a few times for free on tv as champion vs champion, but we are going to have it for the WWE Championship on PPV with no commercial interuption
Still afraid of another teaser, like Jericho interrupting them the first time with Brock or AJ or someone else seeing to it not being a clean finish and being disappointed.
Bryan/Punk has sold the show for me. I can't see it not being awesome.
Cena/Big Johnny and Sheamus/Del Rio do nothing for me (though the latter might be quite good).
I don't know what they're gonna do with the rest of the card. Ryder/Kane? Orton/Henry? Cody/Big Show (again)?
Not I. Build up has been crap, every major wrestler excluding three matches are crammed into some stupid tag team match. Punk gets to carry the Undertaker only to lose much like he did with the Rock at the Royal Rumble and the other two matches i really don't care about the outcome.
It's my way of protesting the "Once in a life time" crap. I think there will be some good matches but what 70 dollars at most for a few big moments and the rest feeling like any other pay per view. They should be going all out because this is the ONE and it doesn't come off that way at all.
$70 is excessive when two of the three big matches are rematches. It's only £17.95 over here (about $30) which isn't so bad.

I think next year's will be the one where they go all out and try to make it the biggest one ever (Cena/Undertaker, Rock/Brock, Punk/Austin, HHH/Michaels maybe).
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