LilyMarie said:emptiedglass said:On the topic of models becoming more 'realistic' via 3D or holograms, and practically sitting in the members' living rooms...
What kind of psychological consequences do you guys think this might have on members? As we know there are a few members who develop an unhealthy attachment to models, try finding out their personal info, or get jealous when 'real' guys are involved in 'their' model's life.
Do you think this could get worse if cam feeds become more realistic-looking? Do you think the stronger bond members will feel to models might be dangerous?
It reminds me of Star Trek Voyager/TNG with Reginald Barclay being addicted to the holodeck.
People, lonely people especially, can and will get attached to holographic projections. Real 'live' feed or simulated, it wouldnt matter because they can find someone or something that will pander to what they're looking for.
Like dustinxxxizzle said, if they're that way already, technology wont really be a barrier to doing the same thing.
Technology in general makes the most money from communication. So anything that "improves" communication will be adopted for the porn industry pretty damn quickly.