every year i hear this about everysite.
a site is dead when they tell you or close up shop with no word.
buT bB #StreamateIsDying2k20!!!!!

Also, #StreamateisDying2k19, #SMIsDying2k18, #SMDied2k17, #DeadOnSM2k16, #SunkShipStreamate2k15, #StreamNoMoneyMate2k01!
Audri and I laugh because no, no, NO, it is not dying, but those hashtags were actual, legitimate things (well, okay, a few were hyperbole) every single year we've worked Streamate. And yet, I've made more money every single year that I've worked there. I'm not special -- I just refuse to panic myself into quitting when I could fucking grind the same as ever and ignore the nonsense that's never once come to fruition.
But the market is over saturated. But the customers are leaving. But the money is all dried up. But gone are the days of turning on your potato cam and having millions thrown at you. But the glitches never end. But the site is failing. But you're special and I'm not and it's not fairrrrr. But but but.
I've heard every last bit of this nonsense before, for every site I've worked on, ever, for years. Not once has it ever been true.
I've survived Streamate converting to wide screen, converting to 720p, converting to 1080p, The SMB encoder, and now SMConnect to deal with the HTML5 conversion. There was an End Of Dayzzzz party for every one of those, with exactly the same fear mongering and rhetoric, every time. Now, I choose to laugh. Call it flippant or insensitive, but it's the truth. The ship hasn't sunk yet, and I doubt it's going to anytime in the foreseeable future for those who a) show up, b) work, and c) repeat.
This applies to everyone, on every site. Head's up queens, or the crown will slip. And we wouldn't want that.
Also, for the love of god, stop listening to hearsay if you can help it. I've met models who will fear monger solely because they want other folks to quit and lessen the competition or some shit. There's no good to come from sitting in a quagmire of bullshit. Absolutely none. The world's oldest profession is such for a reason.