AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Thank you's and such.

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Jun 25, 2013
We often focus on the bad things that happen in a day, and when you get in to that habit, it can really change the way you cam. I want to start a thank you thread. (although I'm sure it may already exist)

Basically, my first year on MFC wasn't great. Looking back, I think it was just me. I was never mean to my members, but my thoughts were not that good. I always focused on how much better everyone else did. Needless to say, my first year wasn't the best.
I've recently changed my attitude towards MFC and I'm more successful than ever! It's fantastic and whenever I have a good day, I just want to say thank you over and over again.

Models: Princess Zoe. I don't know if she uses this site, but my god she's been a huge help. Right around the time I made my new account and came back to MFC she was in my room, rallying the troops, and sending little tips to get things started, and pm'ing me with great advice! She was a huge confidence boost!

Members: I almost want to refrain from saying their names b/cuz idk. I know if they are in other rooms too, some of you camgirls are sorta freaks about that, ill be honest. I don't want t get anyone in trouble. But my God, you know who you are. You have all been so helpful and wonderful! I got my highest tip ever yesterday! 3500 tkns. Modest to some girls, but amazing for me! I also beat my record of tokens in a day yesterday.
I've had members get me new cameras when mine broke, and an espresso machine for when I run for the top 100. Even nice little e-mails that mean the world. I mean, COME ON! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!

So go ahead, and let's talk about the good days. Or the bad days, that had one shining moment that made you go "awwwwww". Somethng idk. Something someone said....anything. Let's focus on the positive, and say thanks and all that mushy stuff.

That day Kittykulting when your room was visited was probably the most single epic evening i have spent on MFC, was brilliant to see your reaction and nice to be able to do something for no personal motivation!
sweetiebatman said:
That day Kittykulting when your room was visited was probably the most single epic evening i have spent on MFC, was brilliant to see your reaction and nice to be able to do something for no personal motivation!
haha I was in the room that night too!

Kitty posted the video of that on Youtube, it was kind of a bummer when she changed the status of it to private. I use to watch that every now and then.
I want to say thanks to any model, every model, and member too, that has ever posted here. This is a veritable garden of info for the would-be camgirl. Especially to Amber, but also to Evvie and MissLollipop. Evvie's is a face I have grown to trust for great advice, everything that girl types is gold to me. Some of her help articles changed the way I cam, and my entire experience with camming. Lolli (my nick name for her) is a freaking inspiration. She makes me feel sexy just to be a woman. Idk how, but... Such open and real voyeurism is very BODY FREEING. When I feel self conscious, I look to Lolli as an inspiration to just feel excellent being a woman. Breasts, necks, legs, boobs, and everything in between... women are lovely. There are many girls here who are examples of great business sense no matter how you apply it. Hard ass workers. No pun intended. :twocents-02cents:

Thanks everybody!
Can I just say a general thank you to ACF, Amber and all of the other models here? I couldn't even begin to write individual thank yous to all the models that have either directly helped me by answering questions, by being my friends, by just being awesome in general or indirectly helped me just by posting and reminding me that I'm not alone.

So, thanks for nothing in particular and everything all in one. You're all pretty awesome. :)
JerryBoBerry said:
sweetiebatman said:
That day Kittykulting when your room was visited was probably the most single epic evening i have spent on MFC, was brilliant to see your reaction and nice to be able to do something for no personal motivation!
haha I was in the room that night too!

Kitty posted the video of that on Youtube, it was kind of a bummer when she changed the status of it to private. I use to watch that every now and then.


KittyWilde said:
JerryBoBerry said:
sweetiebatman said:
That day Kittykulting when your room was visited was probably the most single epic evening i have spent on MFC, was brilliant to see your reaction and nice to be able to do something for no personal motivation!
haha I was in the room that night too!

Kitty posted the video of that on Youtube, it was kind of a bummer when she changed the status of it to private. I use to watch that every now and then.


Just so you guys know, I really have quit smoking. I messed up a few times, but now it's been about 8 months since my last cig. :D
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AmeliaArcana said:
That video is the cutest thing I've ever seen and it made actual happy tears come out! AHHH!
Yeah, I had to turn it off or I would have started happy bawling. That was AMAZING to watch. :)
SexyStephXS said:
AmeliaArcana said:
That video is the cutest thing I've ever seen and it made actual happy tears come out! AHHH!
Yeah, I had to turn it off or I would have started happy bawling. That was AMAZING to watch. :)

Her kittycult moved me and my son back out to the midwest where i could be with my family. one of the greatest gifts anyone has ever given me. I already had the apartment set up, but i didn't have the money to get there until this.
MandyMetal said:
SexyStephXS said:
AmeliaArcana said:
That video is the cutest thing I've ever seen and it made actual happy tears come out! AHHH!
Yeah, I had to turn it off or I would have started happy bawling. That was AMAZING to watch. :)

Her kittycult moved me and my son back out to the midwest where i could be with my family. one of the greatest gifts anyone has ever given me. I already had the apartment set up, but i didn't have the money to get there until this.

Wow. That is a difference-maker. Good on her and good on her fans. And good for you, too!
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MandyMetal said:
KittyWilde said:
JerryBoBerry said:
sweetiebatman said:
That day Kittykulting when your room was visited was probably the most single epic evening i have spent on MFC, was brilliant to see your reaction and nice to be able to do something for no personal motivation!
haha I was in the room that night too!

Kitty posted the video of that on Youtube, it was kind of a bummer when she changed the status of it to private. I use to watch that every now and then.


Just so you guys know, I really have quit smoking. I messed up a few times, but now it's been about 8 months since my last cig. :D

Messing up a few times, if not more, is normal when quitting smoking. Glad you were able to finally quit. :thumbleft:
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This is the coolest thing I have read all week! Thanks for the kudos, Mandy.
A member tweeted for me to go check my mail, and I thought I was going to get yelled at (talk about thinking positive...) and instead I opened a link to this post!

I'm glad you found some encouragement in that but I think it is important to note that I really didn't have to go out of my way to offer some company! I thought you were cute with your blue wig so I clicked on your room!

I hope that more models can see that it is really easy to go share experiences with other girls, even if you aren't a pro. I've only been here a few months and I am blown away to think that something I said helped you.

Thanks so much for reminding me to focus on the good and not the scary or un-controllable parts of my job!!
Thank yous:

ScarletRaven - befriended me, taught me, supported me and promoted me like she was madly in love with me. My camscore went through the roof because of shows with her, and I am so blessed to have found a friend like her :)

AmberCutie - for making this forum. i seriously can't imagine anything like this existing without her hard work.. and its transformed my life and the way I cam.

its really crazy to me to read that Inspire anything because most mornings I wake up feeling like I'm a million miles behind everyone else and trying desperately to catch up and be the confident/happy/efficient/kickazzzz person I want to be!
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Miss_Lollipop said:
...most mornings I wake up feeling like I'm a million miles behind everyone else and trying desperately to catch up and be the confident/happy/efficient/kickazzzz person I want to be!

That's the secret to life, we all feel that way.
awwwwww this is such a lovely thread!!!!

I've been feeling particularly thankful of regulars lately. Just thinking of all the conversations we've had, how much they've been there for me and how lucky I am that they're still around! For me a lot of regulars I've been really close to for a few months and then they ebb away, meet other models, do other things, I kind of started expecting that to happen always, but amazingly the cool people I've become friends with are still around!

I am very thankful of the girls on this forum, without you girls I would be lost. Knowing I have ACF to come to and actually talk to other people about my job is amazing. Camming gets lonely, no one in real life truly understands it, yet there's always so much to talk about! When I met Arrietty I think we could have talked for several weeks straight about it if we didn't need sleep. It was incredible actually getting to talk about it all with someone who understands all the little jokes and annoyances. Having the girls here stops what would otherwise be quite a lonely job, not lonely anymore.

I'm also thankful to the non model members of this forum, you may all have different opinions, and some of you may seem completely bonkers, but you're all a pretty cool crowd and I really enjoy reading your posts and getting to know you all. It's always been entertaining! :p

And I am super thankful to everyone who contributed recently to the best and most unexpected night in my camming career! It was just amazing not only having several of my favourite long time regulars suddenly tip me loads that night, but also a brand new regular beat my highest tip at the beginning of the night with a 7575 tip! It is a night I will never forget. I know there are some models who make that many tokens fairly regularly in an evening, but for me it rocked my world and I was walking on air for over a week after!
That video tho :love5:

This is now my most successful month on MFC and I just want to thank all the awesome members who helped me achieve this little mile stone. You guys know who you are! I love you guys! I love you guys for supporting me when I felt I'd never feel any sort of accomplishment and for being so kind to me. Thank you:h:

Of course I have to thank the ladies of this forum. I'd be completely lost without you girls and I'm positive I would have given up without your support. I can always count on this forum to cheer me up and inspire me. So thank you ladies and thank you Amber! I love you guys :love2:
Isabella_deL said:
And I am super thankful to everyone who contributed recently to the best and most unexpected night in my camming career! It was just amazing not only having several of my favourite long time regulars suddenly tip me loads that night, but also a brand new regular beat my highest tip at the beginning of the night with a 7575 tip! It is a night I will never forget. I know there are some models who make that many tokens fairly regularly in an evening, but for me it rocked my world and I was walking on air for over a week after!

That is way awesome! Days like that always make the slower days a little easier. I'm always blown away by the amount of respect, and support a lot of members are willing to share. Being a camgirl is a lot like being a musician. We bare our most intimate parts, and are open to so much rejection every day. It means a lot to have good days. It really makes the bad gigs easy to brush off.
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