Tea + milk and a fuckload of sugar
hahhahaha you're the first person I have seen to say this and admit it.
Like, everyone else I talk to, ESPECIALLY women (online or real life) they act like they never put milk OR sugar in their drink.
I love TEA (hey, I am British after all
I used to drink about 10 cups of 600ml PER DAY, and in each cup, I would have 6 spoons of sugar, which is about 30g, which of course is very bad.
When I decided to try and eat better, I looked for alternative ways and experimented with the sweetener granules, and sweetener tablets (I tried all different ones), but then I finally settled on using a "half and half" (50% sugar mixed with 50% sweetener). this by itself is MUCH healthier, but I use 1 spoon of this then 4 or 5 sweetener tablets. It's absolutely spot on and perfect
I personally NEED my tea, especially waking up, no one is ever allowed to talk to me unless it's a partner naked saying "good morning" lol.
I can't drink coffee in the morning when I first wake up, I don;'t know why but it gives me a headache - I did google it once and it's not uncommon, which I was happy about learning.
But what I do really love is a Mocha, this I will drink all day and every day.